The Supporting Characters in the Game Have Become Obsessed

Chapter 33 – The Chairman’s Departure (1)

Chapter 33 – The Chairman’s Departure (1)

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

Chapter 33 – The Chairman’s Departure (1)

Middle Zone.

Among the areas belonging to the business district.

If you were to select the most famous and busiest area among them.

Without a doubt, the name of ‘Center Plaza’, the central business district, would stand out.

With the headquarters of various companies.

And with many franchises in various industries, such as cafes, restaurants, and accommodations.

It was only natural.

And now.

I sat inside the tallest building in the very center of Center Plaza.

Turning slightly, beyond the transparent glass wall, the entire city’s ecosystem looked pristine.

Even the giant hologram of a dragon, which usually seemed to be in the sky, now floated very low, as if submerged in water.

Though the difference in height was only a matter of meters, it looked so different.

This was the headquarters building of Black Monolith Corporation.

The 152nd floor of what was known as ‘Monolith Tower’.

Considering that the total number of floors in the building is 153, it was practically the top floor.

From the outside, it resembled a giant obsidian tower without reflected light.

But inside, it was very different from the impression outside.

Even in corridors, elevators, or restrooms.

Luxury decorations were commonplace.

‘Genuine’ plants in every corner added life to the space.

Even the air inside was so clear that I didn’t feel any discomfort despite removing my mask.

152nd floor, and where I was sitting now was the interior of the conference room, the last stage before meeting the Chairman.

The space itself felt like another world.

I moved my trembling hand with tension.

I lifted the tea placed on the round table made of natural wood.

A sip.

I tasted the flavor lingering in my mouth.

It was exquisite, with a rich and subtle sweetness.

Though I didn’t know the name, it definitely wasn’t an ordinary green tea.

My stomach happened to be empty; I filled it with luxurious snacks and tea.

It was advantageous to eat now.

It would probably be at a very high price.

If there was magic in cyberpunk, this was magic.

The words ‘natural’ or ‘genuine’ attached to food or items would multiply the price several times.

Just because of being nervous.

If I missed this opportunity, I wouldn’t be a true citizen of Neon City.


While letting out a short breath.

…Maybe I should have found another way.

I regretted contacting them for no reason.

After all, even if I did nothing.

People around me would still be tracking Smile John at this time.

I acted impulsively without even realizing it.

I regretted it belatedly.

I should have just stayed home and played games.

Wouldn’t it be okay to bring snacks home?

While I was pondering.

The automatic door with elegant patterns opens wide.

A man with neatly combed black hair.

He had a cheerful, youthful impression.

But this was a cyberpunk world without blood or tears.

A place where you couldn’t guess the original age just by appearance.

Recalling my memory.

He was older than me.

I roughly remembered someone about twice my age.

The secretary-general of Black Monolith Corporation.

If he’s a corporate leader, then he’s a true leader.

Just─what was it?

I couldn’t recall his name.

He approached me.

“I’ve seen you a few times before. It was nice to meet you. I’m Justin Borg; I’m the executive secretary to the Chairman.”


That was his name.

I stood up and accepted the handshake he offered.

“I’m pleased to meet you too. I’m Lee Siwoon.”

“Of course, I remember, Mr. Shun Lee.”


I didn’t pay much attention.

In this world, it was rare to find someone who pronounced correctly on the first try.

Even though we had met several times.

It couldn’t be helped that he couldn’t pronounce it.

Or maybe it was because the translation module he was using was sensitive.


[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

His name was Justin Borg.

He was also one of the characters who appeared in the game.

In the position of ‘Secretary-General,’ directly serving under the Chairman.

So, he was someone who could wield power beyond the given authority.

Perhaps even more influential than the CEOs of most subsidiaries.

“It would have been fine if you had contacted me, even if you had not contacted the Chairman directly.”

“…Oh, I was so distracted that I didn’t pay attention to that part. I apologize for this.”

“No, there’s nothing for Shun to apologize for.”

He replied with a smile, but the truth is, this person objectively dislikes me.

No, it’s not just me.

It’s accurate to say that he dislikes everyone living in the lower or middle layers.

It’s easier to think that it’s because of the ingrained sense of authority.

Since he lives in the Upper Zone, I understood.

Because most people living in the Upper Zone live with the same mindset as this secretary general.

They’re essentially nobles living in the cyberpunk world.

But still, this is somewhat of a public position.

And the secretary-general of Mega Corp. isn’t foolish enough to blatantly show such disdain.

Even though I’m just an ordinary mercenary.

At the moment, I was a guest of the Chairman.

He couldn’t openly show his dislike for me.

By the way, I became aware of this fact through a sub-quest in the game.

It was a quest that uncovered hidden privacy.

It was a memorable experience in many ways.

So, even after ten years, I still remember it.

Well, anyway.

Even if I know his true nature.

I haven’t been harmed by him in any practical way.

He has never openly shown hostility toward me.

The reason I can smile and converse with him now is because of that.

There’s no need to build walls unnecessarily.

In short, we can just consider ourselves acquaintances who know each other’s faces.

The secretary-general asked me casually,

“By the way, are you still doing mercenary work these days?”

“Ah, I’ve been taking a break recently, but the guys I used to work with are still at it.”

Before I knew it, the contents of the tea I had finished drinking were refilled.

It seems that the secretary-general’s hand moves quickly when he’s in his seat.

“Haha, the offer we extended before is still valid. We wanted to recruit you for our corporate security department. We also mentioned that you could contract with private mercenaries, not just the security department.”

I replied while sipping on the expensive (probably) tea.

“Thank you for the offer, but some of the guys I associate with still don’t like being affiliated with any organization.”

“No pressure. We just wanted to let you know that the offer still stands.”

He was truly professional.

How many people can hide their emotions like this?

Someone who can scout while smiling in front of someone they dislike.

Certainly, this is what it takes to be a secretary general.

His mechanical pupils displayed a circular shape. It was a sign that information was being conveyed through the visual interface.

“Hmm, it seems the Chairman has finished all his morning tasks. He says it’s okay for you to come up.”

“…Ah, then I should go quickly.”

I was about to have another sip of tea, but when I came to my senses, the tea I hadn’t drunk was already in his hand.

Well, I should go immediately if the Chairman calls.

I briefly checked my condition.

Well, there shouldn’t be any problems, right?

Of course, I had already taken off my mask.

And I was dressed in a neat suit.

It was a luxury suite that Catherine bought me when we went to a concert.

Even if I’m going out, my face isn’t so thick that I’ll wear a bulky coat to meet the Chairman.

But still, I should be careful.

I moved towards the large circular elevator in the center of the room.

It was the only elevator that could go to the Chairman’s office, making only a single round trip.

Before long, the elevator doors closed.

From the vibrations I felt, it seemed like it was starting to ascend at a very slow speed.

[I recommend taking deep breaths, your heart rate has reached 150 beats per minute.]

I took a light breath as per the suggestion.

If you don’t get tense here, you’re not human.

Although I may not have replaced my heart with cyberware, I still had a healthy heart.

Since this elevator directly led to where the Chairman was, there were no surveillance cameras.

“Of course, I’m nervous.”

Thanks to that, I replied comfortably to Eve.

Then, through my visual interface, small screens popped up.

Small, elongated letters appeared beside them.

It seemed to be a news article when I looked at the content.

Different people of various genders and appearances were depicted.

[Results from searching for information on the NetSpace. It confirms that there are multiple individuals holding the position of Chairman of Black Monolith Corporation, I confirm.]

“There are indeed multiple individuals.”

In fact, it has been widely observed that different people are active.

[However, there has been an announcement from the company that there is only one Chairman of Black Monolith Corporation, I am skeptical.]

“It is indeed one person.”


My answer to that was simple.

Soon, the elevator doors opened.

It seemed like it was indeed true that the entire floor was used as an office.

The panoramic view of a very spacious room unfolded before my eyes.

All the walls were made of glass.

At a glance, it was a scene where you could see the entire Neon City.

And in the center of that, there was a massive office desk.

A man was sitting at it, flipping through papers.

His neatly combed white hair suited him well.

There were several scars on his face, and smoke was emanating from the cigarette in his mouth.

A middle-aged man, the Chairman, glanced at me.

While casually discarding the half-smoked cigarette somewhere.

In the cyberpunk world.

It’s not easy for anyone to casually discard an unburnt, hand-rolled cigarette made from natural tobacco.

“Ah, it’s been a while.”

“…Yes, it has. Chairman.”

He nodded once.

I walked slowly towards him.

The number one in the hierarchy, from Mega Corp.

The person at the pinnacle of the company boasts nearly a million employees.

The age known to the public easily exceeds three digits.

It was an age that was scientifically considered impossible, even in this world.

There was a reason for that.

“Today, it’s that body of yours.”

“Well, I’ve been sticking with it lately. It’s convenient for work, and I can smoke to my heart’s content.”


Whole-body replacement technology.

It was possible to change bodies as needed, thanks to the wealth and technology he possessed.

By the way, this person.

When I first saw him, he was a woman.

He was also one of the most famous gender-fluid individuals in this cyberpunk world.

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

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