The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 375 Levi Versus Caprio!

Chapter 375 Levi Versus Caprio!

"Argh, this is more boring than I thought. Anyway, it'll be the easiest one hundred and fifty gold ingots," muttered Jackshaw, and dashed at his opponent.

With his fist covered with a light white electric-based energy, he punched. Casually, Prince Zokaka hit back.

There was a vast air resistance in between their fists as they met. Bang! To everyone's surprise, it blasted Jackshaw away, trailing a mixture of thin red mist in the air, and rolling on the dusty ground, eating dirt.

What was more shocking than that was the reaction from the crowd! This was quite reasonable, considering his former reputation.

"How is this even possible!" Staggering, Jaguar Jackshaw stood up gradually and said, "You're the infamous Trash Prince." His eyes filled with surprise.

"You're correct," Zokaka responded. "Still, it's pitiful that you can't even last a move."

"Fight me again. I'll be careful this time." Jaguar moved toward the arena with a strong will to fight.

"Nah! I still have a lot more to fight. And from the way, you are not worth it." Prince Zokaka said proudly, then he walked down and stood beside Damien. "Master, what did you think?"

"Just play as you wish," Damien spoke in his mechanical tone. "You're right, he's just a weakling."

Then, the clamor from the crowd began raining praises in his name for the first time. Even some started arguing about his former reputation as just a political blunder. Some blamed the inner palace politics because of his mother's former status, being the queen's maid.

Like that, the challenge battle continued and the challengers on the ground became thinner and thinner, as most of them were defeated by the twelve princes, showing to the crowd the prowess of the Mountain Smashing Kingdom and rarely tied. The most prominent among the challengers was Caprio De Lavabane of the Lavabane Dwarf Kingdom. He had already challenged ten princes and came out in a draw. Only he remained standing from among the challengers. He once again walked up to the booth and drew another token. "Levi Dunderbun, Eight Prince!" Then he walked up to the Eighth Arena.

"Oh, that guy is interesting," Damien muttered.

"Interesting, how?" asked Zokaka.

"He's still there to face you. Just wait and see," Damien said and remained silent.

The battle between Prince Levi and Caprio began. First, they started engaging in melee battle; brawling with fists and legs.

"Master, who do you think is going to win this match?"? Zokaka asked again.

"Hmm, perhaps a draw."

"Draw again!"

"No, a true draw match." Damien further explained patiently. "Early, that Caprio fellow is just going easy on them. But Prince Levi is the true black horse of this competition. So, ahh, it is beginning,"

Enforced with their internal energy, one covered with a red hue and another with reddish brown, Prince Levi and Caprio began fighting more intensely than ever before. Caprio was more agile with his kicks whereas Levi had quicker hands. At last, Caprio did a double round kick, however, it was full of openings. So, Levi caught it and threw him away. Caprio folded his body and rolled on the stage, reducing the momentum. He flipped upward, ready to engage in another tussle again. This time, he took out a broadsword from his Someru Ring. "C'mon, Levi, show me your weapon. Let's fight more seriously," he said.

"You must have been hiding your strength all alone, yeah?" Levi raised his hand and a pair of axes appeared on his hand out of the thin air. "Alright, I acknowledge you are a worthy opponent. Get ready and don't pull out your previous half-ass effort when you face my brothers. 'Cause, it's gonna cost you your life."

With a loud war cry, the two dashed toward and struck with their weapons upon each other. Clang! Then the clinking metallic sounds chimed throughout the arena attaining a new height of thrilling attention from the crowd. It continued for the next three minutes, Caprio had the advantage of the weight because of the heavy broadsword as with each strike, the momentum increased considerably. Whereas, Levi was more agile swinging his axes from every angle possible, hopping sideways to sideways trying to tire out the heavy weapon wielder Caprio. However, Caprio still held on to his new set of slicing his rotating vertical cut. It was more like a dance if he held a stick instead of his red broadsword. Feeling the exhaustion from the nonstop fight, they separated after striking with their greatest strengths.

Keeping about a ten feet gap between them, they panted heavily, eyeing each other intently, and thus the eye-staring contest between them began. It was as if they were ready to launch their lethal attack even if their opponents showed the tiniest hint of vulnerability.

"Oh, things are going to get heated!" Damien mused.

"Are they going to use their internal energy to reinforce their fight?" asked Zokaka as if asking an obvious question. Then thinking about something, he continued. "Master, between me and them, who is stronger considering just the Internal Origin?"

"Boy, you just started cultivating seriously a week ago whilst they might have started since the time they learned to walk. So, they kind of beat you there," Damien responded as the energy level between them had a difference of fifty-nine levels. "But, don't worry. I have inherited and taught you enough techniques and skills to equal the gap. So, listen closely, and try defeating them fairly without using the Titan bloodline. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir!" Zokaka nodded his eyes beaming with strong battle intent.

As Damien suggested, the two dwarves on the stage started chanting their incantation and the byproduct sigils to infuse further into their weapons. The red broadsword in Caprio's hand lighted golden flame with purple electric bolts sizzled. Whereas the axes in Prince Levi's hand dazzled crimson red flame along with a hue of multiple dark spots.

"Spirit of thunder, awake!" Caprio shouted at the end of his incantation. As a result, the purple electric bolt was forced to release into the air above from the red, broadsword covered with a golden flame. Chi-chi-chi! With a sizzling lightning zapped, it absorbed the radically ionized energies from the surrounding air and transformed into a giant sparrow made just from Origin Chi covered with purple electricity.

"Spirit of Flame, awake!" Levi shouted too, a few seconds after the former cried. As intended, it released a tongue of crimson flame from both his axes as he raised them up. Soon, it transformed into a fiery bird in the shape of a crow.

One fiery bird and one thunderbird were hovering in the air as the final showdown between Levi and Caprio was about to begin.

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