The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 398 Sofisticated Tech!

Chapter 398 Sofisticated Tech!

The following morning, Damien departed the palace without prior notice, soaring swiftly to a rugged mountaintop. With a graceful descent, he folded his Angelic Wings and alighted beside a weathered gray stone.

Just as the day before, a spatial disturbance rippled, and a meticulously dressed dwarf materialized.

"Good morrow, Alex!" Damien greeted.

"Morning! And you've arrived tardily," Alexander replied briskly. "Our headquarters lies a considerable distance from this location, and if we were to rely solely on flight, it would take years to reach. But fear not, for we, as members of the Shadow Hunter Association, possess our own means." Alexander displayed the association's crimson-red ring adorning his finger with a proud grin.

Damien opted to remain a silent observer.

Alexander began channeling his Origin Chi into the ring, reciting an ancient, obscure incantation, which Damien committed to memorizing down to the slightest detail. As the ritual concluded, Alexander intoned as if confirming a vocal password, "I, Alexander, the Tenth-ranked member of the Association, request access to a portal leading to headquarters."

In an instant, accompanied by a sound reminiscent of a soda can being opened, the ring emitted a beam of crimson light, tearing through the fabric of space.

"One of the many wonders bestowed upon us by that enigmatic Theodore. Truly remarkable, don't you think?" Alexander inquired, wearing a proud smile.

'Hmm, more akin to an advanced version of our Human Spatial Teleportation apparatus,' Damien pondered inwardly, feigning amazement at this marvelous fusion of technology. Whether it was his exceptional acting or his genuine incredulity at the sophistication of this new magical tool, Alexander fully bought into his expression.

"I know, I know... You're reminding me of my younger self when I was first recruited," Alexander remarked, gazing at the spatial door, a pitch-black abyss. "Alright, no time for idle chatter. Mister Darhk, it's time for an adventure." With that declaration, he seized Damien by the wrist and leaped into the abyss. As they plummeted into the void, the ring-shaped spatial door swiftly sealed, and the surroundings atop the mountaintop returned to their usual state.

While in the midst of their descent into darkness, Alexander reassured, "Don't worry, there's no need to fear the spatial jump. I've done this over fifty-thousand times—or rather, countless times, and I've grown accustomed to the vertiginous sensation." His attempt to soothe Damien was unnecessary, as Damien had experienced this countless times before as well.

As he adjusted his position mid-fall, Damien couldn't help but think, 'This is the most stable spatial door I've ever traversed. Perhaps Theodore's Rings possess the advanced technology required to establish a secure link in the Spatial En-route!' His anticipation of meeting the Grandmaster Armament, Theodore, grew stronger.

After three minutes of free fall, the scenery underwent a sudden transformation—a dazzling radiance enveloped them, and both were prepared for the brilliant light that flooded their vision. As their eyes adjusted, Damien realized they were suspended high in the sky. Two suns ascended majestically in the heavens above, and below them, verdant landscapes stretched out in myriad patches. One word came to Damien's mind—"Aesthetic!"

Alexander plunged into the air, swimming gracefully alongside Damien. He asked, "Are you prepared?"

"Always, Alex. Always," Damien responded, a smile on his face.

Using his fingers, Alexander whistled twice, and in response to the piercing notes, a thunderous dragon roar echoed from an unknown direction. Damien furrowed his brow, staying vigilant, ready for whatever situation might arise. "Relax! Our ride will be here shortly."

Damien noticed a distant black dot rapidly growing in size, taking only a minute to approach and reveal its enormity—a twenty-foot-long dragon adorned with sleek, azure-green scales. The creature possessed a pair of crocodile-like limbs, gray horns protruding from its forehead, and a robust body resembling that of a baby elephant. Its large, fierce, brownish eyes locked onto the two figures, and as it floated toward them, it let out a deafening roar, sending a gust of wind billowing their robes. Roar!

Without hesitation, Alexander leaped onto the dragon's back and beckoned, "Join me, my good sir. We'll be at the headquarters in no time." Damien swiftly followed, landing gracefully next to the dwarf.

"Lululululu!" Alexander cried, slapping the dragon's back. The colossal creature flapped its large wings, taking flight in a specific direction with a strong gale pushing against their faces.

Sitting beside Alexander, Damien observed the swiftly passing landscape. "Cynthia, considering the twin suns gracing the sky, the brightness here should be at least twice that of Earth. However, this Tetra-co-jointed world is peculiar; the brightness is moderate, but the air contains a higher level of Origin Chi. Every breath I take, my Chi in the dantian region continues to grow." He communicated telepathically in his mind. 'I don't see the other two suns anymore,' he kept that thought to himself, as the first time he arrived in this world, he had spotted four suns: two yellow suns, currently shining brightly, a red star, and a dark sun.

"Hmm, I can't agree more. The natural laws of this world seem sturdier than those of Earth," Cynthia responded, her mental presence appearing cheerful within Damien's mental palace. "By the way, are you genuinely planning to join this so-called Shadow Hunter Association, or is it merely to uncover the secret of utilizing the God Stone from Theodore?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not," Damien replied while gazing at the red ring crafted from the God Crystal Stone.

"Oh, come on, stop keeping me in the dark. Just give me a straightforward answer, bro."

"Very well." Damien explained patiently, "Initially, my motivation was to meet this Theodora character. However, after meeting Alex and perusing their literature, I've had a change of heart. According to their book, this group imposes no restrictions on its members. Their primary mission is to eradicate Shadow Fiends, and their secondary goal is to protect this world from formidable dragons."

"Well said," Cynthia's voice chimed. "Oh, we're approaching the sea."

By that time, the dragon they were riding had descended and was now flying a mere 30 feet above the ocean's surface. Damien found this attitude puzzling. "Brother Alex, is there a particular reason we're flying at such a low altitude?" he inquired.

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