The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 406 A Party!

Chapter 406 A Party!

In a single graceful leap, Damien hopped into the boat. He held a white crystal stone in his hand, inserting it into an empty slot, causing the highly advanced engine to roar to life. Firmly grasping the round handle, he began piloting the boat. Turning to Olivia, he inquired, "Aren't you joining me?" He noted with a hint of amusement that she was quite tall for someone of her stature.

Even as he asked, Olivia was already seated comfortably on the white couch just behind him.

A day had passed, with the sleek white boat gently navigating downstream along the expansive river, its azure waters teeming with aquatic life. The river meandered like a serpentine path, never truly adhering to a straight course.

On the following morning, as two suns emerged from the eastern foothills, Olivia emerged from her compartment, yawning and stretching. "Good morning," Damien greeted her from the couch. "I've prepared some tea. Please help yourself." He gestured toward a dragon-shaped teapot adorning the small round table before him.

After spending a day together, Olivia had grown accustomed to their companionship. They often engaged in conversations about the Requiem world – the dragons, the phoenixes, the shadow fiends, and, most intriguingly, the native dwarfs. Damien, in turn, appreciated Olivia as an easygoing and intelligent woman. Although she retained a modicum of shyness, he had been treating her like royalty.

Draped in a traditional yellow gown paired with simple white trousers and leather boots, Olivia settled onto the portable couch, facing Damien. She reached for the teapot, gracefully pouring the grayish-black liquid into a pristine cup until it nearly brimmed. Balancing the cup on a small, rounded white tray, she pushed a button at the edge of the couch, allowing a plank to rise, giving her the freedom to extend her legs.

She delicately inhaled the steam wafting from the cup and remarked, "It smells delightful. What kind of tea is this?"

"Darjeeling tea, a specialty from Earth," Damien responded as he continued sipping his own tea.

Olivia took a sip and selected a butter cookie from the array of over twenty rounded treats lining the extended tray. She nibbled on the cookie, alternating between bites and sips of tea.

Observing her, Damien couldn't help but think, 'This woman truly knows how to savor life's pleasures. I initially offered tea and cookies to calm her, but her grace and elegance in enjoying them are truly exceptional.'

"Then why wait?" Cynthia's sweet voice chimed in telepathically in his head. "Teach her more. Spoil her."

"To what end?" Damien replied within his mind.

"This spirited beauty harbors a growing fondness for you, to begin with. Win her heart and make her your first dwarf companion," Cynthia suggested before fading from his mental realm.

"Very well, but first, scan her body and provide me with her power level," Damien demanded.

For the next two hours, they relished their light breakfast, all the while enduring the intensifying heat and humidity brought about by the rising twin suns. As the sweltering weather persisted, a notion sprang to Damien's mind. He abruptly stood up, walked into the cabin, and returned a few minutes later.

Olivia had been keenly aware of his actions, curiosity piqued about his intentions. When he leaped back onto the couch, she turned her head and immediately blushed upon seeing him clad in nothing but navy blue shorts and a pair of green sunglasses. Her gaze lingered on his slightly tanned, sculpted chest and well-defined abs, evoking a strange yet exhilarating sensation as her surging hormones coursed through her body.

As Damien turned towards her, Olivia hastily averted her gaze, silently pleading for him to look away.

"Oli," Damien called.

"Um," Olivia replied, her face fixed on the sky, still hesitant to meet his eyes.

"I recall you mentioning your interest in experiencing my culture."

"Yes, I'm thoroughly enjoying the tea and the sweets," she replied in a soft voice.

"In that case, you're slightly overdressed for the occasion."

"What do you mean?"

Damien retrieved a bulging paper bag from his spatial ring and tossed it onto her lap. "Change into these."

Curiosity piqued, Olivia examined the paper bag and found colorful dresses and a pair of heels inside. "You want me to wear these?"

"Yep! There's also a comprehensive manual with pictures detailing how to put them on." Damien pulled her up to her feet and gently guided her into the cabin.

With a grin from ear to ear, Damien hopped onto the couch, his gaze fixed on the clear blue sky.

Five minutes later, Olivia's panicked voice emerged from the cabin. "Damien, I can't wear this."

"What happened? Don't they fit you?" He asked anxiously.

"They fit perfectly. It's just that I've never worn such short and daring dresses."

"There's nothing daring about them. In fact, you'll look stunning in those dresses," Damien tried to reassure her, though he knew it might not be enough. As he contemplated rushing into the cabin...

The cabin door clanged open, and Olivia emerged, her face downcast. She wore a short white mini skirt with a yellow floral design that reached to her thighs. A white bralette exposed her creamy cleavage, and she sported a white, round girlish hat atop her head, along with a pair of black sunglasses.

Understanding her embarrassment, Damien kept his eyes averted. With an air of bashfulness, Olivia gingerly walked in high heels and settled back into her spot, extending her legs gracefully on the plank. "Damien, could you make some more tea?" she asked shyly.

"The tea ceremony is over. Now it's time for a party!" Damien magically produced two large buckets of vodka and three substantial boxes of fried chicken breasts. He uncorked a bottle, pouring its contents into two glasses that had appeared earlier. Handing one glass to Olivia, he clinked it against hers. "Say cheese."

Unaware of the custom, Olivia cheerfully exclaimed, "Cheese!"

Damien downed his glass in one gulp and grinned. "Drink up."

Olivia took her first shot and grimaced. "It's bitter, too bitter."

"Grab a piece of chicken. You'll get used to it. And one more thing, don't purify it in your system. Just enjoy the entire process," Damien cautioned.

Olivia interpreted his advice in her own way. As he suggested, she refrained from purifying the alcohol in her body, allowing an intoxicating rush to envelop her as she reached for one shot after another.

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