The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 105 - Alfonso's Answer

"Glad that I didn't lie" Though Alfonso.

"Mmm?" Suddenly Alfonso remember all the words that Demeter told him, he felt that she had said something incredible just now!

"Wait a minute!" Said Alfonso.

He turned around and saw Demeter who was looking at him with her usual(normal) face.

"Did you say… the man you are in love with… you wouldn't mean…"

"Its that strange? I am talking about you obviously… got a problem with that?" Said Demeter.

"No, not really, but… how? Why? When? Where?" Asked Alfonso.

"You miss which" Said Demeter while laughing.

She sat down and looked at the stupefied face of Alfonso.

"We gods always had this doubt about humans, why do you always like to make things like love so complicate? I once tried to asked this to Aphrodite, she told me that she also didn't understand, you don't need a reason to like someone, it simply appears, its not like you make an appointment with love. What' s more, we always express our love in a free way, of course, between gods we have different ways of doing it, take Artemis and me for example, Artemis wont tell you directly, in fact, she won't tell you indirectly, however, she would be the most loyal to you, even if you marry someone else, she won't say a thing. Once her heart belongs to someone, she won't ever be able to love someone else, on the other hand, I am different, I would fight for the one I love, I don't mind if you mistress… however, if you ever lied to me about it, well~ hehe" Said Demeter.

"It might be my impression, but her smile remains me of Chronos" Said Alfonso.

"For example, the one I can't stand the most among gods, it's my sister Hera, why? Well there are a lot of reasons, one of them, is her perception of love, did you know? She doesn't really love my brother, yet, she still as jealous as fuck with him, of course, my brother isn't exactly a saint but still, you know? One time, she made Hephaestus make a piece of god weapon just to put him in his testicles, so he won't be able to get his little friend up, if she is like that with a man that she doesn't love… then if she does love someone… "

Alfonso felt a chill on his back, of course, he knows about the history of Hera and Zeus, however, he don't know the exact details, in the mythology, Zeus was a bastard but Hera wasn't exactly a goody two shoes.

"I don't want to get involved with someone so dangerous" Though Alfonso.

"Anyway, that's how is it… now, its your turn" Said Demeter.

"My turn?"

"Yeah, I already confessed to you, don't tell me that you wont answer, that's not really manly" Said Demeter.

Alfonso seem to realize.

He though for some time.

"I am not in love with you" Said Alfonso while looking at her into the eyes.

Demeter's face didn't change at all, in fact, her sweet smile became more pronounced.

"You have someone you love?" Asked Demeter.


Alfonso grabbed his knees and seem to remember something from a long time ago, with some nostalgy in his voice, he talked.

"Since I was a little child, I always evade love, of course, its not like I didn't have a girlfriend, I did have, but… that were only small adventures… when I was young, my mom used to tell me that, in the whole world, there exist one person that is united by you in body and soul, as I grew up, I realized that this concept of the 'soul mate' was a lie, nevertheless, something inside of me told me, that maybe, maybe there is indeed someone like that, waiting for me, as a I waited for her, however, the years when by and I grew older and older, once I realized, I was already too old to have kids, much less to start a family, before I died, my biggest regret was to never find her"

"Coming to this place, to this world, changed a lot about me, the Alfonso from earth and the Alfonso from Leitol, both of them are the current me, I don't want to be in a frivolous relationship nor do I want to be forced to love someone, I think that life has giving me a second chance, however, I won't precipitate things, If I ever feel that you are the one, then, even If you don't love me anymore, I will make sure to conquer your heart once again, but for now, I don't feel that way " Said Alfonso with resolution.

Demeter made a satisfied smile and looked at Alfonso.

"That will be good enough, for now at least" Said Demeter.

"That's a reliav-"

"I wont stop my approaches though, I am more convinced than ever, I will make sure that you fall for me, no matter what tricks I had to use" Added Demeter.

Alfonso could only smile bitterly, he stood up and went to the door.

"I will go wash my face, we have a long day, tried to not stay on bed for too long" Said Alfonso while closing the door.

Demeter smiled and lied down on the bed once more.

"Its rude to spy on other people conversations you know?" Said Demeter.

"Hmph, you should be glad that I didn't punch you for talking at someone's back without permission" Said a voice coming from the other side of the bed.

"Your power are increasing Artemis, I only noticed you a while ago, yet, it seems that you have been here way long than that" Said Demeter.

From the corner of the room, Artemis appeared with her usual white dress.

"Yeah, I have been here since the beginning" Said Artemis.

"Did you hear little Al?" Said Demeter.

Artemis nodded

"Although I am not comfortable remaining in the dark, it seems that Alfonso has he's reasons, so I won't pressure him, however, I don't think that the fact of "hiding" information was his idea, someone else put that on his mind, I don't know who though" Said Artemis.

"I was thinking the same as you, it seems that we have to take a closer look on this, to eliminate the little rat, however, I wasn't talking about that, I was talking the other thing" Said Demeter with a teasing smile.

Artemis blushed, but only for one second.

"I will remain by his side, that's enough for me" Said Artemis while closing the door.

Demeter made a small chuckle, she dressed and went out.

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