The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 135 - Origin

Hephaestus declarations shake Alfonso, however, keep calm despite the murderous intent that was almost suffocating.

"If you want to deal with me, in your current circumstances, I don't think it will be easy, in fact, it will be the other way around" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? How can you be so sure?" Asked Hephaestus.

"I can be, in fact, it won't be that hard, I only need two moves to kill you, wanna try?" Asked Alfonso.

Hephaestus looked at Alfonso and made a small smile.

"Not bad, you have change since the last time I saw you, I can tell that you are, in fact, more powerful than me, which let me to the following question, what are you going to do with that power?" Asked Hephaestus with a solemn expression.

"… it seems that you are worried about me turning into another Chronos" Said Alfonso.

"No" Said Hephaestus "I am afraid that you will become another Zeus"

Alfonso was stunned by this declaration.

"You know what the end of those with absolute power?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Yeah" Said Alfonso.

"Ho?" Said Hephaestus in surprise.

"You die as a hero or live enough to become a villain" Said Alfonso.

Hephaestus was a little stunned with this phrase of Alfonso, however, he nodded his head in approval.

"Well said, however, I think that you are mistaken something, what you are saying is then end of those how 'fight for justice' and became powerful, however, I am talking about those who, whatever their intention is, became powerful enough to domain everything" Said Hephaestus.

Alfonso though for some time, but he didn't find an answer.

"It's normal that you don't, in fact, only we, immortals, can know about it" Said Hephaestus.

"The most horrifying aspect of becoming invincible"

"Is that you get BORE"

Alfonso was stunned by this answer.

"Bore? What are you talking about?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's why I told you that only us, who don't die, can understand this concept, you know why Zeus created humanity?" Asked Hephaestus.


"Think about it, when you get your answer, come at me, If your answer satisfy me, I will follow you" Said Hephaestus.

After that, he turned around and went inside the cabin once again.


Alfonso stood there for some time, thinking about the conversation he just had, at the end, he made a small sigh and came to a conclusion.

"Indeed, no matter how close we are or even if they lose their powers, in the very end, gods and humans are different" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso though in Demeter and Artemis and felt a little sad inside.

He grabbed his cane and went back to his cabin in a slow pace.


"You are here Alfonso, I have been waiting for you" Said Ainai, who was setting cross-legged in front of Alfonso.

"Ainai, good afternoon, yeah, I had a REALLY long night yesterday" Said Alfonso with a small sly.

"Shishishi, you can't blame us, we have more than one thousand years without having sex, some of us can barely tolerate it… in fact…If you want to… I can go on top and-"

"Not thanks" Cur Alfonso.

"My sisters have told me that yesterday, they visited you and, despite looking so fragile, you have quite the gun down there, come on, just a quicky…"

"stop, can we go down to business?" Said Alfonso.


Ainai made a small sigh and stood up.

"OK, let's begin then, I will try to explain to you the basics of Oversoul and the rest will be up to you" Said Ainai.

Ainai took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and regulated her breathing, Alfonso saw that her aura changed, he felt that something was emerging from her, but he didn't know why. Alfonso used all his soul power and put in on his eye, he finally saw what was going on.

"Her soul power… it's ridiculous! How can a human… no… how can a living creature has such soul power!?" Though Alfonso.

Soul power was like an aura that the body emanates spontaneously, Alfonso's soul power, as average as it was, emanates a some kid of aura that covers his body, if we had to put in others terms, Alfonso's soul power was at the size of an apple, then, a high soul power was at the size of a melon, for example, Lucio's and Artemis's soul power, an abnormal soul power was at the size of a watermelon, for example, Demeter's soul power… however… Ainai soul's power…

"It will be at the size of a grown man… how is this possible!"

"Impressive huh? However, this power is nothing if we compared to the champions of Godshalt, specially, if we compare it to the soul power of the ancestor, she sure was impressive" Said Ainai with some nostalgia "Anyway, I will explain you how this works, let me start from the beginning, the very first people on Godshalt, the Numerios, were the first one to develop this ability, however, this ability was created in a futile effort to achieve immortality, the Numerios knew that they would anger the gods if they tried such heretic actions, that's why, they used their own soul and divided in nine exactly parts, the theory behind this is complex so I won't go in detail, by dividing the soul in nine parts they assure that they would be able to experience a Rebirth, but, it came with a price, sure, they would be able to reincarnate, but, their life span was cut in nine parts as well, for example, let's say that they could live 9999 years, when they used Oversoul, they would live 1111 years then die and then Rebirth once more, in other words, it wasn't a perfect ability, sure they could get killed and experience Rebirth but, this wasn't the goal, that's why, The Numerios search for countless of years after they finally got a solution" Said Ainai.

"Wait, Antiope said that you couldn't experience Rebirth if you are killed" Said Alfonso.

"That's were I was going to get, sure enough, The Numerios found a way to have the same life span despite the fact that they divided they soul" Said Ainai.

"That's when they discover the unlimited and yet forbidden power of nature"

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