The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 146 - The Path Of The Hunter!

"Damn, is like hitting a rock" Though Cat one.

She had been trying to break Kirin's defense for a while, however, nothing seemed to work.

"Give up, you are not my match, even if I stay still, you won't be able to hurt me" Said coldly Kirin.

"…" Cat one look at Kirin.

Facing the counter enemy of an assassin, she remembered the words of Artemis.


Artemis and Cat one wherein the outer zone of the Jubila forest, this event happened just before Alfonso and company went to the Amazon tribe.

"Stupid disciple, do you know why I constantly tell you to stay behind Alfonso, however, he must not notice your presence?" Asked Artemis.

"Because you don't want any girls to be near him" Answer plenty Cat one.


A few hits later~

"To perfect my assassin path" Answer the pig-headed Cat one.

"As always, you are wrong, you see, I am a hunter, the path of the hunter and the path of the assassin has a lot of similitudes, in fact, you could even say that they are almost identical, however, people wrongly mistake them," Said Artemis.

"Now the question is, what is the big difference between both paths?" Asked Artemis.

Cat one, though for some time.

"If I had to say… I would say that the kind of weapons, after all, you won't ever see an assassin with a bow and arrow" Said Cat one.

"Almost there, as you say, the difference is the weapons that we use, however, is also wrong to assume that an assassin doesn't use arrows, after all, I know an assassin that was famous for his archery" Answer Artemis.


"Yeah, he was a pervert called Orion" Said Artemis.


"Anyway, getting back to the topic, the real difference between both is the core of each path, if we had to be really strict, both have the same core because the path of the assassin is a sub-product of the path of the hunter, in fact, all the paths, including the path of the warrior, are sub-products of the path of the hunter, that's why the most famous and strong warriors, always start as hunters, the path of the hunter has its core in three concepts, you must understand these concepts to begin your hunter path" Said Artemis while lifting three fingers.


"That's right, when you are facing an enemy, you must always follow the three concepts, the first concept, observation!" Said Artemis.

She suddenly closed her eyes and then he opened then abruptly!

"You have a small sprain in your left foot," Said Artemis.

"How!?" Asked Cat one.

"This is the first concept of the hunter, observation! Remember, the hunter and the prey change depending on who is stronger, you, who is not very strong, must forcefully become the hunter, how do you do that? You exploit your enemy weaknesses!" Said Artemis.

"The second concept, Analysis!" Said Artemis.

She suddenly disappeared from sight, Cat one took a guarding pose and began to observe her surroundings.

"Environment, weapons, allies, number of enemies, fatigue, there are too many variables in a fight, however, a hunter must carefully plan, waiting for its chance, be patience, there is no enemy that doesn't have a weakness, even gods have them, you use all this information and made an Analysis, after you stimulate your chances of winning you plan your hunt!" Said Artemis whose voice could be heard in both ears of Cat one.

Just when she was wondering where her master was, she realized that a piece of mud was coming straight into her eyes!

She instinctively covered her eyes, however, this made her front completely exposed, she suddenly felt that her world was upside down when she realized what had happened, Artemis had already put her delicate hand on Cat one's neck.

"The third concept, KILL!" Said Artemis with murderous intent.

Cat one could clearly feel the bloodlust on Artemis's eyes. This made her almost pee herself.

"When you have your prey on your hands, you don't hesitate, you go straight for their weak point and kill without mercy, it's it or you, remember when you select your prey, your prey also selects you, there is no room for hesitation nor negotiation, you got it?" Said Artemis.

"Y-y-yes" Said Cat one with a trembling voice.

"Good, then, answer me now, why did I give you the task to stalk Alfonso?" Asked Artemis.

Cat one remembered all the information that Artemis had given her, she got her answer.

"To learn the concepts!" Said Cat one.

"Correct, Alfonso and I are special, for me, I am so versed in the path of the hunter that I can directly skip the three concepts, as for Alfonso, he doesn't need to do it, since he can directly see the weak points on his opponents, and, for his personality, he automatically do the second and third concept at a master level, even I had to admit that his analysis concept is almost at my level" Said Artemis.

"That's why I let you follow him, you had to practice the first concept every day you try to approach him, as for the second, I believe that you already saw it, every decision that Alfonso made, he always analyzed every small detail before planning, as for the third concept, well, something tell me that I don't need to teach you that" Said Artemis.

"I got it master" Said Cat one.

"Good, then let's go, we still have more training to do" Said Artemis.


"The three concepts" Though Cat one.

She closed her eyes and abruptly opened!

"?" Kirin was confused.

What was she doing?

Cat one didn't even blink for two whole minutes before making a small smile.

"What are you planning?" Asked Kirin.

Cat only stood up and disappeared from sight.

"Is time to start the hunt" Her voice towards the ears of Kirin.

She suddenly felt a chill on her back

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