The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 159 - Big Reconstruccion Project! (Part One)

"Well everyone, the reason we have this emergency meeting is because we are way behind schedule, I hope that everyone listens to what I have to say and keep in mind that we only have 5 months before we got to finish all the projects that I have in mind" Said Alfonso to everyone in the hall.

Alfonso had summoned the important people on Wasteland Valley to an emergency meeting this morning, the people here included Camel, Deferio, Caesar, Ribeiro, Hygeia, Little Pit, Taylor, Cat one, Susana, the golden twins, Antiope, Artemis, and Demeter.

As for the wolves, they were represented by White Fang and Cerberus, who was in his usual place.

"First at all, I had a plan to reconstruct Wasteland Valley, however, because of the expedition The Amazon Tribe, we are late by two months, so, we need all the hands we can get to do this, I already explained the reconstruction project I had to our architects, they are the golden twins over there, they are the apprentices of Hephaestus, I don't much about the subject in particular so I will leave the explanation to them, golden twins, please" Said Alfonso while making a gesture to the twins to explain.

"I will explain" Said one of them.

She took out a map who signalized the four parts of Wasteland Valley as well as the general infrastructure of Wasteland Valley.

"My sister and I had a lot of ideas based on the design that his highness wanted, however, after seeing the materials that we could work at, we decided to work with wood, however, we will use another technique by using a reinforcement of tenon, we will use rocks as the foundation so the wood doesn't get wet and, for the backing, we will use thick poles, this was his majesty idea and, after discussing with my sister, we think that this is the best way to proceed" Said one of the sisters.

Alfonso was a little amazed when he heard the plan of the sisters because he came with the same idea when he first analyzed the situation in Wasteland Valley.

The model of constructions that the twins wanted to create was called Stavkirke, it was a way of construction used by the Vikings back in the medieval era if one visited Norway we still could see some chapels and temples that have this kind of infrastructure.

"However, they came to this conclusion just by looking at this place for one day, amazing" Though Alfonso.

The twin looked at Alfonso and nodded before going back to her sister side.

"As the twins said, we will use the Stavkirke model as a foundation to our own houses, we had a lot of resistant wood as well as big rocks back in the Jubila forest, so the materials aren't a problem, however, we lack man force, so I will ask you, Antiope as the representative of the Amazon Tribe to help us with this, Ribeiro, I will also assign you as my represent, put advice on the central plaza, all the men above twenty are obligated to participate in the construction project, we will provide free meals and a payment of food, the same goes for the Amazons" Said Alfonso.

"" As his highness wishes"" Said Antiope and Ribeiro.

"One more thing, the other sister, come explain the new arrangements of the terrain," Said Alfonso.

"Got it!" Said the other golden sister.

"As you may see, the arrangements of the four areas, in other words, the commoner's zone, the agriculture zone, the military zone and the royalty zone are too bad divided giving the amount of space that each zone needs so here is the arrangement" Said the sister while signaling the names in the map.

"The Royalty zone has been reduced by half and the zone will be giving to the commoners zone, while the commoners zone will be divided in two, the resident zone and the commercial zone, apart from that , the royalty zone will be divided in further two, the inner zone and the outer zone, the inner zone will be the place where his majesty and his ministers will live in while the outer zone will be the place of the three new building that his majesty plans to build, these are the justice palace, the Hospital, and the University; the military zone will not suffer many changes, however, they will have a new sub road that will lead straight to the Jubila forest, as for the agriculture zone, it won't suffer changes" Said the other sister.

Everyone was surprised by these incredible changes.

"I will further explain, if you have any questions, please wait until I finish, first at all, let's talk about the ministers, as you may know, the people at my side who can handle things are Ribeiro, Demeter and Artemis, however, that's too little, that's why I have been recruiting talents, so they can assume positions of powers, I have been nurturing them and they have shown excellent results, these people will be my right hand and will head authority only below me and the people who live in the manor, this are my ministers, I need five ministers, these five people will handle the matters of economy, education, infrastructure, health and culture, as who the heads are, four or well, five of them are in this room!" Said Alfonso.

Everyone looked at each other wondering who were the selected.

"For economy, I have selected Little pit to be my minister; for health, It will be Hygeia, for Infrastructure, it will be the twins; for Education, it will be Susana and for Culture, I don't know yet, however, I will find him or her before the end of this five months" Said Alfonso.

"M-m-m-m-me? Such an important position! I-I-I-I don't think I can-" Said Hygeia.

"… Hey dad, that means I won't have time to study right? I don't wanna~" Said Little Pit.

""…"" The twins didn't say anything.

"If that's means that I won't have to be in the bed all day, bring it on!" Said Susana with excitement.

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