The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 20 - Blank

Alfonso´s state of mind was in chaos. However, he stood up and lift his cane.


Alfonso use his cane to hit one of the wolves 'head!



Shout Alfonso while beginning his attack once again. Maybe if he was in his original body, this injury will be painfully enough for him to pass out, however, he was in Alfonso Lockheart body now, before all of this happened, Alfonso was a commander of the Lion's battalion, therefore, he had a well-trained body, despite his weakling look.

Artemis, who was astonished at seeing this scene, recover and began her attack once again, the soldiers, who were supporting the fortress, stopped looking at Alfonso a concentrate their all in defending.

"YOU BEASTS SHALL NOT PASS!" Shout the soldiers while boosting their strange with Alfonso's figure.

The fight was fierce. On one side Alfonso and Artemis were engaging with the wolves, although we may say both of them, in reality, it was just Artemis fighting and Alfonso giving some hits with his cane, it couldn't be helped, he could barely stand, his injure was too serious. On the other side, the soldiers were doing their best to stop the beast and counter attack whatever they could, however, the battle was lasting too much, they weren't the Spartans, the shields were heavy and, without the proper training, the fatigue was already accumulating, if they could, they would have already through their shields away and collapse on the ground.

While this was happening, a silhouette began to rush towards the formation, Alfonso and Artemis felt the sudden change and turn around, then, their faces pale once again.

"The Lycos!" Shout Alfonso.

The soldiers didn't notice until it was too late, a huge wolf suddenly tackle the soldiers.

The formation collapsed!

All the soldiers fell to the ground and see the silhouette, it was a huge wolf, it has a height of at least 2 meters, his fur was white and his eyes blue, in its body were a lot of scars, it was obvious that this wolf has survived a lot of battles.

After this, the other wolves began to show their fangs to the soldiers.

Some of them were shaking.

Some of them closed their eyes.

Some of them cried.

They all have different reactions, however, there was one thing in common in all of them

This is the end. This was the thought that all of them had at this time.

Just when the soldiers accepted their fates, a voice broke the silence.


All of them opened their eyes and saw a silhouette in front of them, this silhouette was short compared to the big wolf, it was bleeding from all his body, especially from his right leg, he was grabbing a cane with both of his hands to not fall down, no matter how you look at him, this person could be described with one word, pitiful. However, the soldiers couldn't look at Alfonso like that, it was strange indeed, for the rest of the world, this person may be just a pitiful person at the end of his life, but, for the soldiers, he was the most valiant warrior!

All of them stood up behind Alfonso and glared at the wolves.

"FIGHT!" Shout Alfonso again.




The soldiers shout in unison while rushing towards the wolves, it was an unwinnable battle, they were destined to lose, nevertheless! , they choose to fight until the bitter end!

Artemis was fighting with the wolves in a fierce battle, she received injuries in all her body, however, she was able to kill 3 wolves alone. The soldiers began to fight the wolves, the only ones who were quiet were Alfonso and the Lykos.

Alfonso looked at it and vice versa, the Lykos seems to be looking at Alfonso' s leg, while Alfonso looked at him and made a light smile.

"I...was wondering... why.... Why did you... not attack…. before…. Why would you….. choose….. to wait until now .... To appear...…. Why..... choose.... To make a tackle ….. instead of using.... Your…..fangs...…I think….. I think I know… why" Said Alfonso with a trembling voice.

"You… don't….have them…. Do you?..... your fangs" Said Alfonso.

The Lykos only looked at him, before showing the inside of his mouth, inside Alfonso could clearly the marks of where the fangs should be, however!, there weren't any fangs!

"We…are alike.... As… don't have…..your fangs... I don't leg" Said Alfonso.

The fangs of a Lycos, they were the symbol of their power, without them, they were just big dogs. For a Lycos, living a life without fangs was worse than death!

"I know... why are... you...…. Living like that....." Said Alfonso while looking back at the wolves who were fighting the soldiers.

"We… aren't different…. We both fight... for the sake.... Of our people...….. However, if we…. Continue..... There won't be anyone…. . That needs you…..or me…." Said Alfonso to the Lykos.

The Lycos stayed like before, however, Alfonso suddenly heard a voice inside his head.

"When I was at the Jubila forest, "it" came. It tried to devour my fellow brothers and sisters, I choose to fight, I barely make it alive, however, I lost the most important thing in my life... when I was in the brink of dead, they rescued me at the spend of their lives. I didn't want to be rescued, I didn't choose to be a leader, however, I didn't have a choice. For their sake and for their future, I became one" Said the Lycos inside Alfonso's mind.

"I understand..... I also….. didn't want…. This... If I could choose….. I would rather be a normal...person…. Living a… simple... yet.... Happy life…" Said Alfonso to the Lykos.

He really felt like this, if he could, he would rather be reincarnated as a child on earth with an average condition life, just like before. This kind of life where he had to struggle every day, worrying not only about his life but the life of others was tiring.

"However, this kind of life is not bad, at the end of the day, I have a place to call home" Thought Alfonso.

"Just…. Like…….. I don't want ... my….people to died….. so , how about…. We make a deal..... let's be….. allies" Suddenly proposed Alfonso.

The Lykos was taken back, there was a reason he attacked Wasteland Valley despite being so smart, maybe it could have chosen to end this in a more diplomatic way, however, it didn't choose this option, there was a reason behind this.

Humans could not be trust!

Every single creature on Leitol knew about this. There was a reason for this, this story is an old one, so old that humans had already forgotten about it, however, the other razes apart from the humans didn't. Once upon a time, humans and beast lived in peace, they share earth and were on equal circumstances, they eat what earth give them and were satisfied with it, however, nothing last forever. Someone….. or something… suddenly appear, it was what the humans called nowadays "gods", this "gods" gave the humans power, enough power to be the sovereign of all the creatures. The "trust" and the "friendship" that the beast had with the humans broke just as fast as they gained power, they were hunted and became food for the humans, they were forced to live in hiding. Some of them were forced to live in the jungles, other in the forest even some of them were forced to live underwater. It was a cruel destiny, after some time, humans began to became "friends" again with the beast, however, they change their "titles" from friends to "pets".

They weren't as intelligent as humans, because the "gods" gave the humans power, so they didn't develop their society fast enough to catch the humans, therefore, the beasts are known just as part of chain of food for humans.

All this information was given to Alfonso, who didn't know what to Said, however, he tried to process this information, however, he couldn't take too long to proceed it, his body was hurting too much, he wouldn't be able to stand for much longer.

"I…….not… like.. the people of…..of this world" Said Alfonso.

"How can I trust you!?" Asked the Lycos.

"Because….. I am not….. from this world!" Said Alfonso, although he was trembling, his words were filled with resolution.

The Lykos looked at him with disbelief, however, he couldn't see false in Alfonso's eyes.

After some time, The Lykos walked in front of Alfonso.

The soldiers, Artemis and the other wolves stop what they were doing after seeing this, Artemis was about to run towards them, but she was stopped by the wolves, the same goes for the soldiers.

With its teeth, he bit its lower lip, after some time, some blood began to fall to the ground, Alfonso saw this action and nodded his head, he bit his hand hard enough and blood began to flood from it, he lifted his hand and his blood also fell with the blood of the Lykos, mixing them on the ground.

"….. is...… Alfonso…. Lockheart" Said Alfonso.

"My name is….


Said the Lykos…no….. Cerberus before making a loud howl, after that, the fiery wolves stopped their attacks and slugged behind Cerberus.

The other soldiers and Artemis run fast to Alfonso, Artemis felt that something wasn't right because Alfonso was just standing there, without moving or Saying anything. Just as she was about to Said something. Alfonso fell to the ground.


"My lord!"

Artemis run quickly to Alfonso's side, however, he didn't respond

"He is bleeding too much! We need to give him first aid, NOW!" Said Artemis while carrying the fainted Alfonso. She didn't wait for the soldiers or the wolves to Said anything and began to make her way back to the manor.

"You must endure, Alfonso! , don't die on me, please!" Said Artemis while running as fast as she could.

The soldiers stood there for a few seconds before running behind here, however, some of them stood there and fainted, they were to tire.

The wolves weren't uninjured, some wolves lay in the ground, while some of them surrounded Cerberus, like they were Asking something.

"I also don't know why... I just feel that….. He is different..." Said Cerberus while looking at the silhouettes that were disappearing in the dark of the night.

Meanwhile, without Alfonso knowing, A message from the system appear on his mind.

[Congratulations to host!

For passing the first trial in your way to be a sovereign!!


The system has detected that host is in a death-like situation, that's why, the system will begin the god chosen system now!


Process finished! ]


[Back in the manor]

In the hall of the manor, A portal appear, if Alfonso was here, he will have recognized this portal, after all, the last time Artemis came from this same tunnel!

However, this time, the atmosphere was different, this time, there weren't any turbulent sparks like last time but…. It gave a calm feeling….. like all your worries could go away…..

After some minutes, a silhouette came from the tunnel, it was a girl of 14-16 years old, she had white skin and had brown-hair with two braids. She used a long green dress, unlike her sister Artemis, she had a joyful and candid smile.

"My~ My~ where I am?" Asked the goddess.

She sat in the hall for some time without doing anything.

[15 minutes later]

"Well, nothing to do about it~ let's just wait for someone to appear to ask for directions~"

Just as she stood up, someone came running from the entrance. It was Artemis, she was carrying the fainted Alfonso who was as white as a sheet.

At seeing her, the goddess became happy.

"My~My~ its you! Artemis~ what a coincidence~ " Said the goddess.

Artemis stopped her tracks and looked at her side.

She froze in the spot.

"It's you!?" Said Artemis.

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