The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 24 - Choice

After some time, Alfonso, with the help of Demeter, finally he got up from the bed, he was unable to walk for some time due to the pain on his leg. After some time, he grabbed his cane and walked out of his room. Just as he walked out, Ribeiro, who breathe a sight of relieve when he some Alfonso, told him about the situation outside.

"Let them come in" Say Alfonso while Demeter help him sat down on his throne. Ribeiro was about to argue about Alfonso's decision when he noticed Demeter. He made a slight gesture and they say.

"You must be Artemisa' grandmother right?, although you are so old, you have the energy to actually help his majesty, I am too shameful indeed, please auntie sit down while I help his majesty" Say Ribeiro while smiling to Demeter.

Alfonso was about to say something when he felt a chill on his back, he turned around and saw Demeter making yet not making a smile.

"Don't tell me….." Thought Alfonso.

Artemisa, who was at his right side, confirm Alfonso's guess.

"Although Demeter rarely guess angry, she absolutely hates when people call her old, in fact, even in her winter form, you must not called her grandma, or else, you will suffer a worse destiny than Erisicton , so be careful" Say in a low voice to Alfonso.

Meanwhile, Demeter walked slowly towards Ribeiro.

"My~ My~, what an insolent mortal~ , I will remember your face in eight months~" Say Demeter.

Alfonso was about to interfere when Ribeiro, add fuel to the fire.

"Mmmmm…. I don't understand you , grandma . Well, anyway I will take the opportunity to also to congrats the hero's of Wasteland Valley, My lord Alfonso and Artemisa! , I saw it all from the sideline, my lord was so awe-inspiring, your actions were just like the champions of the legends! And you Artemisa, you were so mainly! Every time that you shoot those wolves, you looked so valiant! , you are indeed a man among men , let me bow to your mainlines" Say Ribeiro while making an exaggerated bow.

Alfonso almost fell to the ground, he had to grab his hurting stomach and pinch his arms to not laugh.

"RIBEIRO! , YOU INSOLENT MORTAL!, THIS TIME , I WILL FUCKING KILL- AHHHHHH! , MY FEET!" Artemisa was about to grab her bow when Alfonso lift his cane and stomp it hard on Artemisa's feet. A familiar scene when they when to the training zone appear.

After fifth minutes, when everyone calmed down. Ribeiro made the wolves came in. In front of the wolves was Cerberus, he and Alfonso looked at each other for some time before they both made a slight chuckle.

"Welcome to my manor Cerberus and the wolves' tribe, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, Lord of Wasteland Valley, front today onward, we shall fight side by side like brothers, please, treat this place as your home" Say Alfonso with a slight smile.

"We, the wolf, tribe , greet his majesty Alfonso, As the contract says, we are now a single family, we live with you or die with you! , I , Cerberus , shall kill enemy that dares try anything to our home" Say Cerberus while making a slight bow.

After the boring stuff, the wolves take the backyard of the manor as their home. Alfonso and Cerberus began to discuss something about the food and their place in Wasteland Valley.

"I will like the wolves to guard the city, although in Wasteland Valley, robbing and stealing is too rare, there existed some cases, so I will give total authorization to the wolves to stop this acts even if it means with violence, also I will like 15 wolves to accompany my 15 soldiers, so we can make a wolf-man company, in future battles, they could fight individually but also as a unit, Also, I will like 2 wolves that knows about the Jubila forest to assist my friend Artemisa to hunt food, is a shame to say it but, in Wasteland Valley, there are no other hunters than he" Say Alfonso to Cerberus.

"We have no problem, we are 25 in total, so I will send 5 wolves to assist you, Artemisa, 5 of them shall patrol Wasteland Valley and the others will go to the training ground" Say Cerberus while looking at Artemisa who was at Alfonso's side.

Actually, Alfonso thought that patrolling wolves would be an inefficient, however, he was doing this because he, in the future, was planning to make a "police", a force that will ensure the safe guarding of the common people, so this was the first step to his plan.

"What about you Cerberus? I wouldn't mind if you stay here in the manor" Say Alfonso to Cerberus. I was a little bad to say it but Cerberus, who didn't have its fangs, was a little useless in combat, its only weapon was his oversized body.

"In fact, I would like to make a shameful request" Say Cerberus suddenly to Alfonso.


While Alfonso was wondering what Cerberus was talking about, Cerberus suddenly turned to Demeter.

"I can feel life force in you, Although , I don't know why, but I can feel you aren't just a normal person, Alfonso, your injures were healed in just a few days when you would normally need, at least, a month. I don't know what price I have to pay, however! , I beg you, please re grown my fangs!" Say Cerberus while bowing to Demeter and Alfonso.

Alfonso was stunned, he didn't though about it, but, maybe Demeter could actually help Cerberus! , before Alfonso could say anything Demeter was the first to talk.

"You don't have to bow so hard~ , hello, my names is Demeter. As you have guessed , I can help you, however, the number of times that I can you my powers in limited to two, I already use it on time on Alfonso, and the other one is destined to the ground of this town, as you may have notices, this land is too unfertile, the people on this place dies of hunger, so we need my powers to survive this trial, is not only us but also you, wolves, who are part of us now, however.." Say Demeter while turning and looking at Alfonso.

"The decision is yours" Say Demeter with a serious expression.

Artemisa had talked about the situation of this land to Demeter, however, it wasn't necessary, she already could guess the state of this land just by looking outside, as the goddess of agriculture she knew that this land was "sick" and it was a terminal "sickness".

Cerberus looked down and he also looked at Alfonso. The decision was his.

"What should I do?" Thought Alfonso.

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