The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 44 - Conversation- Part Two

Alfonso stay quiet for a long time, however, his gaze never left Demeter's eyes.

"At the end, no matter what you look like or how much empathy you have for us, you aren't human" Said Alfonso

"It's in my nature, whatever I like it or not, I am a goddess" Said Demeter with a bitter smile.

Demeter looked at Alfonso and she was surprised of what she saw.

"This is a first, for your character, I didn't believe that you could get so pissed"

Alfonso didn't say anything, he slowly walked towards Demeter, the funny thing was that , while he was walking, his expression changed to a more relaxed one, however, the stomp he made with the cane became louder and louder.

Alfonso stopped when he was at 3 meters of Demeter.

"What are you aiming for?" Asked Alfonso.

"I already told you thought" Answered the confused Demeter.

"Funny, if you want to play innocent, then I will follow." Said Alfonso

At that moment, he took a step forward and grabbed Demeter's collar.

"You think I am scared of you?" Said Alfonso.

"Eh?" Demeter, who was so stunned, didn't know what to answered.

"Let me tell you something, If history has taught me something is that, no matter what time or what civilization, POWER ALWAYS RULES, In this place, in this world, I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL, not you, not Artemis, not any of the gods!" Said Alfonso while letting Demeter go.

"I decided since I got here, I will do everything to survive, and, just like you, I will eliminate everything that interferes in my goal, If someone wants to hurt me or my people, they will wish they were dead!"

Demeter didn't know what to do.

"Is this…..Is this really the Alfonso that I know!?" Demeter thought.

"You are just a fragil-cripped human, how are you going to survive in this place, you will be dead if I and Artemis didn't help you!" Said Demeter.

"Maybe, but don't forget that I am the one who bring you here in the first place, even if I am a crippled human, I have power, and that power is you, the gods!" Declare Alfonso.

"Hoh? That's strange, Didn't I just tell you that once we get powerful enough, our positions won't be the same? "

"That's on the premise that I stay the way I am now" Declared Alfonso.

"What do you mean?"

"Demeter, don't tell me that you think that just because you are gods, no one can kill you? I know, and you also know, that gods can die... or I have to remember you that you used to have a brother called Pan."

"!!" Demeter made a surprised expression

Pan, he was a Greek god who didn't shiny that much compared to his older brothers and sisters , however, he was very well-known in the historian's community for being the one and only god that died, a lot of myths and legends described how he died in different ways, however, the fact that he did die was well-known among the Olympics.

"Are you treating me, Alfonso?" Asked Demeter

"No, not before not now did I ever consider you or Artemis an enemy, I am just telling you what will happen if…. This is not a threat… is a promise" Said firmly Alfonso.

Demeter just looked at him, like it was the first time seeing him. After a while, she smiled.

"You will have to became more than just a powerful man to rule over us, more than our sovereign Zeus"

"Of course I know that, I, as a human, will rule over the gods"

Alfonso raise his cane and pointed it to Demeter.

"I will surpass Zeus and became the supreme sovereign of these lands, this world will be my Olympus!" Declared Alfonso.

Demeter stood there and made a bright smile, like a wife seeing her husband in his shiniest moment.

"Big words you got there, however, can you actually do it? "

A voice came from behind Alfonso, however, he didn't need to look back to know who that person was.

"Artemis, I was wondering how long you will be hiding" Said Alfonso without turning back.

"You knew?"

"I had a feeling, no matter how much you respect Demeter, you wouldn't just let such an important topic just like that, but after Demeter told me that she will "kill", I confirm it, after all…"

He looked again at Demeter who made a guilty smile.

"Demeter, in this form, isn't someone who would use the word "kill" " Said Alfonso

"Well~ , he got me Artemis, little Al is very perceptive after all~" Said Demeter returning to her usual candid personality.

"Sorry for the inconvenience Demeter" Said Artemis

"My~My~ , no need to~, however, it seems that you are still not satisfy, am I right?" Asked Demeter.

After saying that Demeter sat in the ground while looking at Artemis and Alfonso, her job was done after all.


Alfonso turned around.

"Alfonso, since I came to this world, I have seeing you how you transform from a normal human to something else, however, despite seeing your change, I haven't change my mind.

I still think that humans could never surpass the gods, not even you " Declared Artemis.

"…." Alfonso stayed quiet.

"I can't follow someone who is inferior to me, I can't, no matter how intelligent you are, or how many plans, at the end of the day, you are just a human, that's why…!"

Artemis grabbed her bow and thrown it to the floor.

"Prove it to me , prove that you aren't just empty words, if you can't even defeat me in my most vulnerable state, then surpassing my father is just a dream, and I don't have time to be with dreamers!" Said Artemis with a cold tone.

Alfonso stayed quiet, but at the end, a small smile appeared in his mouth

"You want proofs right? Then I will show them to you"

Alfonso grabbed his cane, and he felt his body relaxing then, he looked at Artemis.

"She still looks beautiful under the moon" Thought Alfonso.

He took a deep breath.

"Then LETS BEGIN!" Shout Alfonso while spreading towards Artemis.

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