The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 55 - Blank

The next day was a little warmer than usual. Alfonso and Artemis were the first to arrive to the main hall.

"Are you sure about this? You are sending Cerberus and Cat one two of our main forces on a trip that will take at least a month, if something where to happen we will be at disadvantage" Said Artemis.

"Of course, I don't want to, however, I don't have a choice, I can't send you nor Demeter and Hephaestus would surely don't agree, Ribeiro isn't an option anymore and Deferio is busy with the training with the army" Said Alfonso

"What about the other three cats? You could send them instead of Cerberus."

"No, it's too dangerous, I don't complete trust them, if they were to reveal the conditions that we live in, it will be catastrophic, as I said before, we need to stay in the shadows for as long as we can"

Alfonso knew that surviving the attack of the horde would attract a lot of unnecessary attention, especially because of his identity as the loser son of the king, so he wanted to build his force before that happen.

"It will happen eventually, its just a matter of when" Thought Alfonso.

"Speaking of something else, I heard that Cerberus left a certain kind of training to the soldiers?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah, it seems that they are under the influence of Cerberus's technique, they train really hard, its good an all but I just hope nobody gets hurt" Said Alfonso.

Cerberus live something before it left, Although Cerberus couldn't control the illusions, he could control what kind of things were in that kind of illusion, for example, the first time he used it was against the Cats, it couldn't control what they saw, however it controlled what was in the illusion, fears. As for the soldiers, it was the same but instead of fears it was enmity and the target was the wolves and vice versa.

"Well, let's just wait then….. I have something to tell you by the way" Said Artemis.

"What is it?"

"Well, the last time that we went to hunt, I saw a significant improvement in the hunting, the men could already hunt without instruction, so I thought about it and decided to let the people by their own, they know the system already so if shouldn't be to hard." Said Artemis.

Alfonso thought about it for a minute.

"Well, its nice that they can do it by their own, however, they do still need a leader, so they don't fight for the food" Said Alfonso.

"Already thought about it, I sent little red and blacky to supervise them, if anyone breaks the rules they will inform me, of course, I don't anyone would have the guts to disobey." Said Artemis.

"..." Alfonso didn't want to ask where did she get that confidence so just let it past.

"Good morning~"

A voice came from behind, it was obviously Demeter who just woke up.

"Good morning, although is going to be noon soon." Said Alfonso.

"Demeter, you need to correct that habit of yours" Said Artemis.


After that, they had breakfast, Demeter went on her towards Camel's house at the Agriculture Area.

"Well, what are you going to do now? I thought that you loved hunting" Asked Alfonso to Artemis.

"I do, I am the goddess of hunting after all, however, I want to do something else, I will explore the Jubila forest, not just the border zone but further than that." Said suddenly Artemis.

Alfonso was surprised.

"Absolutely not" Said firmly Alfonso.

"Why?" Asked Artemis, surprised by the firm tone of Alfonso.

"The Jubila forest, we don't know what it has, however, we do know that there is something there that made Cerberus scary enough to abandon his home, going there, alone, is insecure therefore, I won't Allow it" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso, I appreciate the concern, however, we need to look further, we don't know what we could find, maybe, Wasteland Valley isn't a waste, who knows, maybe we find something useful" Said Artemis.

Alfonso thought about it after listen to Artemis, she did have a point after all.

"Let's do this, you can go, however, you can't go beyond the inner part of the forest and if you feel any kind of danger, you have to come back immediately, put your life always at first, you understand?" Said Alfonso with a worry face.

"Understood, my lord" Said Artemis while bowing.

After warning her a few more times, Artemis went on her way towards the Jubila forest. However, Alfonso was still worried.

"I know that she is strong but…." Thought Alfonso.

After some time, he made a small sigh.

"Anyway, I still have somethings to do, for now, let's go to Hephaestus workshop." Said Alfonso


"Mortal, you came" Said Hephaestus who was practicing with his hammer.

"Hello Hephaestus, I came here to discus some things with you" Said Alfonso while entering the workshop.

A fun fact of the workshop was that, comparing with the outside, it was like going from a cold-snow day to a sauna.

"As always, is hot here" Thought Alfonso.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Well, here is the thing, I want to make a big reconstruction in Wasteland Valley" Said Alfonso.

"Oh?, That sounds interesting"

"you see, as you may notice, the houses here are made with poor materials, so I want to make something that could retain better the warm, so the people here don't suffer because of the cold, I was wondering if you could give me some ideas" Said Alfonso.

As a matter of fact, Alfonso did have some kind of knowledge in construction, but, he didn't know about the process of materials and things like that, he was only a historian after all.

"Well, you came to the right place, you might not know it, but I am the one who build the maze towards the Underworld, one of my best jobs if I had to say" Said pridefully Hephaestus.

"Of course, I know it" Thought Alfonso.

"That's why I need your help." Said Alfonso.

"Well, let me do some blueprints, however, I will need some time, I need to consider several factors before anything" Said Hephaestus.

"No problem, and thanks for the help" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry, I love to be busy after all"

After discussing some other things, Alfonso left the workshop, it was almost night, so he went straight to the manor. When he got to the manor, he saw Demeter who was going around in circles, when Alfonso saw her, he knew that something wasn't right.

"Demeter, what happen?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso! We are in trouble!" Said Demeter.

"What is it!?"

"When I was on the Agriculture zone, the ground talk to me, not far away from here a huge amount of people, at least 1000 men its moving, their destination its Wasteland Valley!" Said Demeter.


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