The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 60 - Battle Against Tulip(part Three)

"What- what is that?" Asked one of the tulip soldiers.

"I don't know!" Shouted another one.

"What is this uncomfortable feeling" Thought the commander of the front line squad.

He turned his side to the darkness, for some reason, he felt like….

"Like a prey"

His instincts told him that danger was coming on the way.


"EVADE!" Shouted the commander.

Suddenly, from the darkness, an object with an unbelievable speed run towards him.


A huge wolf came running towards him!


The commander merely dodged the attack, however, the wolf didn't stop, it continued his attack on the next soldier!


The soldier wasn't so agile as the commander and couldn't complete evade the attack of the wolf, as a result, the soldier was bitten on the leg, almost ripping it out.


The soldiers break their formation an approached the wolf, however, before they could breathe.


More and more wolves came from the darkness aiming at the soldiers!

"RUN!" Shouted the commander.

However, someone stopped his way.

"Where do you think you are going?" Said a man with a spear and a shield on his hand.

It was Deferio.





The other Spartans gripped her spears and began their assault towards the enemy, with the wolves helping them from the sides.


"Wolves!?" Shouted Leonardo who was watching the battlefield on his companion.

"There isn't much time, lets go!" Shouted Felio who began his march to the battlefield.

"Wait for me your majesty! Cavalry, follow your highness!" Shouted Leonardo, who was the commander of the cavalry squad.


With Felio on the head, the group was quickly approaching the battlefield, however….



One of the soldiers fell down from his horse if someone looked up, one could see that the horse had an arrow embedded on its leg.

"ENEMY AMBUSH!" Shouted the soldier.

"The enemy has archers on the sidelines! Break the formation, don't make yourself and easy target!" Shouted Felio while increasing the speed of his horse.

"BREAK THE FORMATION, go in that direction and take down the archers, I will follow his majesty!" Shouted Leonardo



"They are coming, just as Sir. Artemis said" Said one man in the shadows.

"Yup, time to back up, the mission was accomplished, be a distraction of the cavalry" Said another man

Suddenly, a plant nearby began to move funny.

"Attention~ everyone~ , follow the path of flowers and you will be fine, remember the darkness is our ally, Alfonso told me that you will receive a nice bonus for the good job~" Said the plant.

"AS YOU ORDER, LADY DEMETER!" Said the men while following the path of flowers.

"Wow, man we will get a bonus! I hope is more food, this trip made me super hungry you know!"

"Yeah, yeah"

These men were no other than the commoners from Wasteland Valley, by the orders of Artemis they sneak around and have been hiding since then, their mission was simple, when they saw the cavalry, they will attack and then retire, attack as many times as needed to break their formation, however, they only needed one shoot to finish their job, of course, this was all thanks to the fact that the battlefield was in chaos so the commanders didn't have the cold head to analyze the hold situation.

One man who was also running turn around to look at the path of flowers.

"Anyway, that way of communicating is pretty weird, don't you think?" Said of the man.

"Tell me about it, that old lady surely has a lot of tricks under her sleeve"

"HO~HO~, Who is an old lady?"

The man felt a cold voice coming from behind him, when he turned around he only saw a small flower, however, this small flower seemed to be looking on his way.


Shouted the man before running at full speed.


"It seems that the attack was a success, they spread the cavalry" Informed Demeter.

"Excellent, now its time to end this, we can't prolong it or else, we will lose the advantage and that will be our end" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, its now or never, lets go!" Said Alfonso while grabbing his cane.

"MARK OF THE HUNTER!" Shouted Artemis

"SHADOWLESS!" Shouted Alfonso.


"FUCK THIS WOLF!" One soldier who had a big wolf over him, grabbed his sword and made a swift motion cutting the leg of the wolf.

"AOO!" The wolf retreated with pain.

The soldiers didn't let the opportunity go and surround the wolf with ten men.


The soldiers began to attack the wolf from all sides, the wolf defend with everything it could, nevertheless, the soldiers managed to take him down.

"Grrrr~ *cought*"

The wolf, who was coughing blood, firmly stared at the soldiers, without fear.

"This is for my fallen brothers!" Shouted one soldier while lifting his sword.

Just as the blade was about to cut the wolf's head, a hand grabbed the sword.

"You will pay for that" Said a cold voice.



Before the soldier could finish his sentence, a punch came to his face sending him away.


The other soldiers had the same fate and were sent away by punches.

"Are you okay?" Asked Artemis to the wolf who was injured.


"Don't worry, I will send you to Demeter soon" Said Artemis while standing up.

The other soldiers of Tulip didn't miss this small fight and couldn't help but feel scared at the sight of Artemis, who looked like an impenetrable fortress.

"HOW DARE YOU!?!" A voice from afar.

When she turned around, she saw two men coming towards her.

One was a muscular man with black hair in a brown horse.

The other one was another man with black hair, however, this one had a huge sword on his back and his horse was white.

"So, he is the leader" Thought Artemis.

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