The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 75 - War Tactics

"Attack!" The troops of Arcadia were the first one to advantage.

"In position!" shouted Felio.

The army of 1000 men took their position without a thought. 800 make a huge circle with the first, second, third and fourth squads at the front.

The Greek's Hedgehog consisted of three layers. The first layer had the "tanks". They would receive all the impact of the enemy attack and their main function was to repel the waves of the enemy. In the inner circle were the "attackers".

Alfonso made a slight modification here. Originally the Greek's Hedgehog would be in a circle however, they didn't need to form a complete circle. Why? Because the enemy couldn't attack them from the back. After all, behind them were the walls of Tulip!

So Alfonso had two choices, first was to reinforce the frontlines with more people. This was a good choice, however, they had a problem. They had, more or less, 200-something archers, it wouldn't be enough attack power with the 5000 something men on the other side. Sooner or later, they would have to face the incoming force with the proportion of 1 to 5. They would lose, so, Alfonso needed something to compensate this. Fortunately, Alfonso was a historian.

"If I had more time, I would love to use the Spartan formation so the defense could be impenetrable, however, the ground and the flatlands make us too vulnerable. However…." Alfonso mused while running back to high ground at the top of the walls, to be more specific, the sentinel position. Alfonso wasn't a warrior so he immediately ran back to the castle after both parties announced the beginning of the war.

Watching from the above, Alfonso saw the development of the battle: the soldiers of Arcadia were rushing towards them like a stampede. They were doing any kind of formation, or following a patron; just rushing to the enemies.

Felio and Leonardo were behinf the soldiers watching. They knew it wasn't time for them to act…yet.



The soldiers of the enemy side were about to collide with the soldiers of Tulip.

"Idiots" thought Alfonso.

When the army of Arcadia was just a few inches away of the soldiers they suddenly became to a stop.


The first wave of soldiers suddenly felt something was wrong. However, they were too late.

The soldiers of Tulip took out their spears and held them firmly on the front side.

"What…what is that!?" asked Rufo.

Excelio and Titio couldn't tell what "that" was.

"What kind of genius tactician thought of that!?" asked Titio.

Excelio solemnly looked the scene before his eyes.

The first wave of soldiers, consisting of 500-something men, was crushed to the ground while blood escaped from their chest. Some, the shorter ones, were unlucky and got killed immediately.

"Alfonso really is someone to be feared," thought Felio.

"So you recognized that, Artemis?" asked Alfonso to the flower.

"Of course. If my memory doesn't fail me, Athena was the one who came up with the idea of this array and then Ares make use of it…. He called it…. Mm? What was its name again?" wondered Artemis.

Alfonso chuckled.

"Well, I don't know how you called it, however, in my epoch we called it the Macedonia Phalanx," said Alfonso.

The Macedonia Phalanx was a well-known military strategy of Earth. It was similar to the Spartan Array. Have you ever heard that the best defense is the best offense? Well, this array uses that principle to its maximum. However, it had a lot of defects and it wasn't as perfect as the Spartan's.


The Archers on the other side walked and pointed their arrows.

"Talking about defects…. This is a crucial one: Archers," said Alfonso with a solemn expression.

Although the Macedonian Phalanx was destructive and a good way to defend against frontline attacks, it crumbled to air attacks, like arrows. For this reason, the Macedonian Phalanx needed two crucial things to be effective: The execution and the terrain. It was crucial to have the high ground advantage to make this array work.

"It's a shame that Tulip Town doesn't have such an advantage. However, we have our own methods to solve this," reviewed Alfonso.

"Artemis, now," commanded Alfonso.

"As your order," said Artemis.

She pointed her arrow to the sky and her eyes changed to red.

"Hunter's Domain." With a small sound, the string was loosed and the arrow flew to the sky.

Lucio, who was still relaxing on the ground, opened one eye and looked at the sky. He suddenly made a small smile.

"Quite interesting- however, not interesting enough," he said.

Just before the archers could shoot, they suddenly heard a sound coming from above them.


Titio and Excelio were alarmed and looked at the sky, their face becoming pale.

"THEY HAVE A CHAMPION! EVADE THEM!" shouted Excelio as he grabbed his father and ran from the battlefield.

Before the soldiers came to their senses the shower of arrows was already on top of their heads.


The arrows make their way towards the soldiers. They ran with all their forces but only 20% survived.

Alfonso looked at the scene and felt a little disappointed.

"At night, the arrows have at least the double of speed and strength. Also, the domain is larger. At night, I am sure that attack would have wiped them up," thought Alfonso.

"This is not looking good, we almost lost all of our archers," said Excelio.

"Alberto, what are you waiting for!?" shouted Titio.

"Ha? Titio, you have at least 3000 men more than them and you are already asking for help? Fuck off, I will attack when Felio moves, else, I won't. It's too tiresome," Alberto replied while yawing.

"This…. THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" thought Titio. If it wasn't for the fact that Alberto was a champion, he would have already stabbed him with his sword.


The army quickly separated into three forces and attacked from the sides. It was obvious that the soldiers of Tulip haven't practice this array because when they saw the troops dividing they also drove they forces forward, but that was suicide in this kind of formation!

"INNER CIRCLE, ATTACK!" shouted Furio.

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