The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 85 - [Hidden Title]

"Can she…use the power of sun!?" thought Lucio.

Seeing the beautiful goddess in front of him, Lucio became solemn.

"This kind on injury is defin- wait… where is the injury?"

When Lucio looked back at his abdomen he noticed that the slice that Demeter did to him earlier was gone!


"It was some kind of illusion?"

"No! The pain was real! Even now I can still feel the pain of being burn!" reflected Lucio.

"What did you do!?" shouted Lucio.

Demeter was calmly looking at Lucio. She lifted her scythe and went for the attack once more!

"Bitch! Don't underestimate Lucio Pentagate! One-Ten Army!" shouted Lucio.

One-Ten Army was the blessing of the god Destroyer!

"One-Ten Army gives me the power of ten experts soldiers that I had defeated. I stole their powers and abilities! Let's see how you defend this!" shouted Lucio while his muscles grew bigger. He was almost the size of the mountain-like man Alberto.


Lucio lifted his sword and swung it towards Demeter.

Demeter made a small smile.

Lucio felt that something was wrong, however, he couldn't stop the momentum of his sword.

Demeter swung the scythe and cut Lucio once again, however, she didn't evade the sword.


To Lucio and everyone's, the sword cut Demeter's body, leaving a huge scar on her body. Blood sprayed everywhere.

Lucio couldn't understand what was happening!

Lucio felt the burning sensation in his chest, just like before, however, after some seconds the scar disappeared like it was never there to begin with.

Demeter still looked as calm as usual.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened!

From Lucio's body, yellow lights appear and floated slowly towards Demeter. When the yellows lights arrived at Demeter's body, she opened her mouth and with one gulp, she ate it.

"Gross," muttered Demeter while making an awkward expression.

Lucio felt tired after the lights escaped from his body. He felt that his power… abandoned him.

Lucio's face turned as white as a sheet.

"What did you do to me!?" shouted Lucio.

However, Demeter didn't answer him. She just stood there while her sweet smile turned more… evil.

Her external injuries heal at eye-naked speed and after some seconds her injuries were healed.

Demeter lifted her scythe once more and walked towards Lucio.

Anger filled Lucio.

"Answer me! HAAAA!"

Lucio once again swung his sword towards Demeter and cut Demeter. This time he went for her head!


Demeter's head flew from her body!

However, her body acted on her own and sliced Lucio once again!


The burning sensation came once again, yellows lights escaped from Lucio's body and floated Towards Demeter.

To Lucio and everyone's horror, the body of Demeter walked to her head that was laying on the floor.

She picked it up and put in her head once more.

Demeter moved her head from side to side.

*Crack* *Crack*

Her neck make some cracked noise and her head was attached once more, the yellows lights travel to her mouth once more and, like before, she eat them.

"Really disgusting," affirmed Demeter in a mumble.

Lucio was scared.

He had never felt this scared in his entire life!

"What are you, monster?!" demanded Lucio while swinging his sword towards Demeter.

"Wasn't I a beautiful goddess?" asked Demeter innocently.

The process repeated a couple more times.

Lucio cut Demeter in two, cut her hands, her head; cut every part of her body. However, nothing worked.

Every time the lights escaped from his body, Lucio became skinner and skinner. After the tenth time, he didn't have the strength nor the will to fight anymore. He was too tired.

"I… must escape!" thought Lucio.

He turned to run, however, before he could get too far, he noticed that he couldn't move.

"What is this…. What is this!? Move! Move! MOVE!" shouted Lucio.

However, no matter what did, he couldn't move!

"Feeling regret?" A voice came from behind Lucio.

He turned around and saw the goddess…no... the demon behind him.

"Hiiiiiii!" Lucio shrieked while falling to the ground.

"You like it? I call this the Ying-Yang Domain," said Demeter.


"In my domain, physical attacks are useless. No matter what, you can't hurt me," explained Demeter calmly.

"A domain!? No, it's not possible! Only the Champions that are the Kings of Champions on this plane have domains!" said Lucio.

In Leitol, the Champions could be divided into three. The first ones are blessed by the gods and develop a special affinity with the elements of the god; they are the Champions. The second type are those champions who gained the love of one god. When a human gains the love of one god, this god gives them the title of "King" among humans. They can manifested the powers of the god itself- not just a blessing. So this type of Champions are called the Kings of Champions. The third type are the humans that became the successor of a god. Nobody knew exactly how this process works, however, the successor of a god can use all the power of his god and they can even use their bodies as vessels to invoke the god to descend to this plane! These champions were called the Emperors among Champions.

In Leitol, there was only one known Emperor Champion and that was the emperor of Leitol, William Lockheart himself!

"I don't know about that, however, I don't like to lie. If you believe or not that's for you to decide," said Demeter.

"In the Ying-Yang Domain the only possible attacks are soul attacks. However, you must be cautious, because every time my scythe hits you… well, why don't you see it for yourself?" said Demeter while pointing to Lucio.

Lucio was confused however, after some time he suddenly became still. Slowly, he looked behind him.

He almost fainted over what he saw.

He saw a huge shadow with red eyes was looking at him.

"A-a-a-a-a-a Grim reaper!" said Lucio with trembling voice.

"Not exactly. Every time my scythe cuts you, your soul loses some light. If you want me to rephrase it, every time I steal some of your soul. You lose…. Mmmm… let's call it your 'place' on the plane of the living, and the big fellow you see behind you just wants a 'place' to stay, got it sweetheart?" asked Demeter with a cute smile.

Lucio fell to the ground with his knees looking lifeless.

Demeter slowly walked towards him and lifted his chin with her lovely hand.

"I told you that you won't die that easily.

"Welcome, to your worst nightmare."

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