The Systemic Lands

Chapter 28: Day 45 – Gambling

Chapter 28: Day 45 – Gambling

“Carl.” He looked tired and stressed. He clearly had not been doing too good.

“Here.” He handed me a pack. I emptied out the crystals into mine. I didn’t bother to count.

“Doing alright?” I asked.

“Just…just take care Michael.” Carl took back his pack and then left. That was disappointing, but he had paid me so there was nothing more to say to each other. If he wanted to be left to wallow in misery, I wasn’t about to try and drag him out of it.

Evaline who had been watching everything came over. “He isn’t doing good. I offered to hire him as my guard, but he declined.”

“His life, his choice. So how are things, any more riots?”

“No, the mentor program Carlos set up is paying off quite well. There is some grumbling over the tax, but people have learned to shut up about it after anyone who complains is killed. There is a zero-tolerance policy for bullshit in the city and especially the plaza.” Good, I didn’t want to deal with another battle.

“Harsh, but not unexpected. Anything else?”

“Carlos offers evening sessions where he holds court. People can bring grievances and complaints and he listens to them. It has helped him understand what people are thinking and keeps tension to a minimum. There have been incidents in the blue slime area.”

“He had his men offer to show people the brown slimes. Also, there is a new rule or law. You are fighting something, you get to keep the crystal. No cutting in on other people unless they ask for help. If they die, they die.” So, no kill stealing or trying to jump in on a monster to wreck someone’s attack pattern and screw them over.

“The gambling hall is up and running now. Just dice games. Gambling outside the gambling den is illegal, but there is just a one crystal entry fee right now. No games against the house.” That made sense since I had no doubt people would try and scam free crystals if they could.

“What’s being played?” I asked.

“Liar’s dice is the popular game at the moment,” Evaline said.

“How does it work?”

“They explain it there.”

“I am asking you.” She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.

“Each person gets six dice. They roll them under a cup and check their own dice. People then go around saying a number and an amount. You can’t decrease the number and can only decrease the amount when you increase the number.”

“You win by either getting called a liar and the dice are counted up prove you are right, or call someone else out and are right. Normally it is played in groups of two to four. People say things like, four twos. Five threes. That’s about it.”

“One crystal per round?” I asked.

“Yes. You can pay for food to be served to you as well. There is a markup from the store. But they also cut and peel the fruit and vegetables. Salt is extra.”

“I will have to check it out. I could use some entertainment.”

“There is a no weapons rule and a deposit to get dice and a cup. Or you can pay to become a member.”

“How do they track it and how much?” I asked.

“Membership costs 50 crystals at the moment, so no one knows. No discounts to the Red Dawn either. Same as with the brothel. That has become more popular, they have taken over three buildings now. Gambling den is next to Carlos’ building across the street and then a barracks on the other side.”

“Any word on upgrades?”

“Nothing new. There is talk about you, but nothing you haven’t already heard.”

“That Hand group?” I was annoyed that I had to ask this. If they were the second most powerful group, I expected more information up front, not me having to dig it out of her.

“Still having drama. It is one of the fun things to talk about. They shout a lot at each other, but no fights yet. I personally think Carlos has said to let them be to draw attention to something other than his group. Let people focus on other things.”

“Like gambling and prostitution. For some reason I am not surprised those were the first two businesses.”

“Well, there isn’t an option for anything else. No one wants to invest in forging or crafting when you can buy stuff from the store,” Evaline said.

“Got to check these crystals first.” I started walking towards the pillars and she followed.

“New monster?” she asked.

“Pay me and find out.”

“Ah, of course.” We made it to the pillars. I gave a nod to the captain there and went to check. Only 5 points each, unsurprising but disappointing. I left the store and went to the captain.

“Her tax of 20.” I handed the crystals over to him and then 20 crystals to Evaline. “Also a bit extra for your hard work.” I gave a tip to the captain.

“Thanks Sicario,” The Captain said along with the guards.

I kept 100 crystals in my pack and cashed in the remaining 848. That put me at 7,997 points. I spent 89 on a restoration, 40 on food and water, and then 5,375 on ten upgrades, which I used to push Spirit and Aura both up to 10 upgrades total, leaving me with 2,493 points.

I still didn’t know what Aura and Spirit did, but I wasn’t about to neglect them. That put Body at 43 upgrades and the rest at 10 upgrades. Another 7 upgrades for Body and I would rethink things then. At least the cost of a restoration had gone down. Either from Regeneration or my body as a whole improving in general.

I left the pillars and made my way to where Evaline had pointed out the casino. There were two guards out on the street. One in front of Carlos’ headquarters and another across the street by the brothels. I went up to the guard sitting in front of Carlos’ HQ.

“Casino open?” I asked.

“Only during the day. Most head there in the afternoon, after hunting.” I nodded at that.

“Thanks.” I gave him a crystal and he nodded at me.

I guess I could go hunt for a while. I left and made my way back to the wolves. I grinded out 115 crystals before I decided to head back.

I made my way back to the plaza and things were a bit livelier with people moving around. Some people sitting at the edges. I normally wasn’t around the plaza at this time of the day. I made my way to the casino. There was a guard out front.

“One crystal to enter. Also, you have to check your weapons. You will get them back when you leave,” the guard said in a way I could tell he had said it hundreds of times already.

“Ah, but I am looking to purchase a membership.” That was when he gave me a look and his eyes widened a bit.

“Of course, sir. Please come in and let me call the Captain.” I followed him into the casino, and we went to a nearby table with weapons laid out and an older man sitting there.

“This gentleman wants to buy a membership. Get the boss, I have to watch the door.”

“Got it. Welcome, welcome, one moment.” The old man quickly got up and rushed off. Soon a red armband wearing man came down from the second floor. I also noticed several people at the tables looking over.

“Welcome, I am Captain Jose. I run this place for Boss Carlos. I am told you wanted to buy a membership?” He asked.

“I am interested, I was hoping to know more about it.”

“Of course, of course. A memberships costs 50 crystals, you get to enter for free, and a chair is reserved for your use. Otherwise, you would have to pay to rent one. You also get to hold onto your weapons.” I nodded at that. “The membership lasts 15 days. We are on day 45 right now, so it would last until day 60. As more items become available, more benefits will be added of course.”

“How are memberships tracked?” I asked. He quickly pulled out a small wood pendent tied to some twine.

“We have a carver who can make things like this. Also, we aren’t about to forget any of our members.”

“Sure, it isn’t that much anyways.” I handed over 50 crystals and Captain Jose gave me a huge smile.

“Perfect. We have a VIP table here.” He led me over to a table and three chairs were brought over. I took a seat. “For the VIP’s guests,” he said when I looked at the other chairs. He then laid out a copper cup with five dice in it.

“We play liar’s dice here with a standard bet of one crystal. Do you need me to explain the rules?” He asked.

“I already know them.”

“If you want anything to eat or drink, please let my server know. There is a small charge.”

“A plaiter of fruit and vegetables, with some salt. Also, a cup of water.”

“That would be 30 crystals.” I handed them over and Captain Jose quickly rushed off to give orders. A man got up from another game and came over, pulling his chair with him.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Feel free to sit. One crystal per bet, or you want to go higher?”

“Ah, one crystal is fine. I don’t want to embarrass myself.” He laid out a crystal in the center of the table. I got out a pile of 20 and put one in the center with his. We then shook our cups and put them down on the table.

“Richest person goes first,” the man said with a grin. I checked my dice. I had a 2, 3, 3, 4, and 6.

“Two twos,” I said. A waitress brought over a cup of water and quickly left. I took a sip. The man checked his dice.

“One three.”

“Three threes.” I could see him hesitate for a moment. Then look at my grinning face.

“I call you a liar.” I lifted my cup up and he lifted his. He had a 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. I took the two crystals in the middle.

“I am just getting warmed up.” He laid out another crystal and I did the same.

“Mind if I join?” It was Carlos.

“Of course,” I said and gestured at a free chair. He took a seat.

“I figure you would be the first to get a membership.”

“Might as well help out the local economy a bit. Could also use a break from the South area.” I picked up my cup of dice and both of them did the same as we shook.

“What is down there?” Carlos asked.

“Brown wolves. Fast and stealthy. Probably going to kill them for a while. I was told richest goes first, is that you or me?” I asked with a grin.

“I only have ten crystals laid out, and you look to have more laid out than me, so after you.” I had a 1, 1, 2, 4, and 4.

“Three ones.” It went clockwise so the unnamed man went next.

“Four ones.” Interesting, but I was in no hurry to call him out.

“Two twos,” Carlos said.

“Three twos,” I replied.

“One four,” the man said.

“Two fours,” Carlos said.

“Four fours,” I said and grinned.

“I name you liar,” the man said. We lifted our cups. Carlos had a 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6. The man had a 1, 1, 1, 3, and 5.

“I guess I am.” The man took the crystals over to his side of the table. A hostess then brought over a copper platter of sliced fruit and vegetables. I gestured at her to set it between me and Carlos. I gave him a nod as he grabbed a salted cucumber. They really were the best.

We played a couple of more rounds and then one of Carlos’ captains joined us. I let him have the free seat. With four people there was the rule that when a person called someone out, they had to put in another crystal into the pot. My crystal pile slowly began to dwindle, since I really was playing for fun, not to earn crystals I didn’t mind. After getting down to around ten, I pulled out another ten to add to my pile.

That was when a younger looking woman came over and leaned against my back. “I see you are a big deal here.” I looked at Carlos and he just grinned. I rolled my eyes.

“I could use a shoulder rub,” I pulled out another 5 crystals and handed them off to the lady. She quickly pocketed them and got to work.

“You are going to make everyone jealous,” Carlos said.

“Only when, I am here. Still, this was a great idea. People need a place to unwind,” I said.

“Exactly. Still, beer is too expensive. Then we could make some real money. Also, cards, we need cards.”

“Have to unlock the next upgrade. Any progress on that?” I asked.

“Probably by day 60 if the new arrivals work and people go to other monsters besides blue slimes.”

“Are you renting out beds?” I asked.

“We could find something for you, but nothing yet. That is the next business I am hoping to start. But most people aren’t like you, sleeping in the woods.”

“It is more about worrying about having things stolen.”

“When I recruit more men after the next arrival. A hotel next to the guard’s building.”

“You really are taking over this street. Not more of the plaza facing buildings?” I asked.

“Easier to defend and keep an eye on with just this street.” I nodded at that.

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