The Systemic Lands

Chapter 633: Day 5,160 (2) – Reassuring The Populace

Chapter 633: Day 5,160 (2) – Reassuring The Populace

I looked out over the crowd that had gathered in the plaza. It was nice to be home. Purgatory was my home, not the Forbidden City. While I lived on my airship, it was nice to some place with more permanence. As much as anything could be permanent in this place.

I smiled as I noticed my namesake in the crowd with the rest of the kids. I was glad they had survived. A society should be judged by how well it treated its people, not by how the strongest or richest lived. While I might not like people, I would not cast aside the expectations placed upon me. I glanced at my right sleeve, which was hanging loosely at my side. At least my arm could be healed in time.

The progress on fixing my stats was enough that I could handle some sound energy manipulation to give this speech. People of Purgatory, we stand triumphant once more! I raised up my lift fist into the air. The crowd cheered. Even with hostile alien forces arrayed against us, we still remain.

An energy-based lifeform in the shape of a sphere, attacked the very underpinnings of our new home. Even now we still live with those effects, as you can tell from the scenery, I said while gesturing around me.

Through the efforts of myself, Supreme Governor Clarissa, Director of Research Doctor Katz, Senior Researcher Jacob Copper, Captain Francis, and the System itself we were able to defeat the threat. Without their support, it would not have been possible to triumph, I said to cheers. The Avatar wasnt going to get any credit. It was all going to the System.

I wish I had more answers, and I will share with all of you what I know. The threat originated from outside the Systemic Lands. While it has been defeated, it may not be fully vanquished, I said. That portion was controversial as there were shouts of dismay. But I wasnt going to sugar coat things. There was nothing that made a government look weaker than saying a threat was over and it reemerging.

Even I bear lasting injuries that will take time to heal, I said and brought up my stub of an arm. They didnt need to know about the stat damage. There was more shouting, but no one was getting out of hand.

As always, your continued hard work provides the support this nation needs to continue to exist. Thank you, people of Purgatory, I said and left the balcony. That was an incredibly short speech, but I would leave the rest for Clarissa to handle. I stepped back and she stepped forward.

Thank you, Emperor Michael, for your sacrifice and dedication to protecting the people of this city and nation. The tax rate will remain the same until a reassessment on day 5,400 for a tax increase on day 5,500. New zone permits will be issued. Recruitment will open up for positions in managing other cities, including governorship. There was shouting, some people happy, others angry as Clarissa announced the long-term direction of the Empire.

Purgatory will be undergoing reconstruction. But will remain in this pit for the foreseeable future. We will be building paths up to the surrounding zone. There will be jobs made available as part of the construction work, Clarissa said.

I tuned out her speech as I looked over the large crowd. So many people, so many hopes and dreams. I let out a sigh. It was a lot of weight on my shoulders. Young Michael was looking up at me with stars in his eyes. It was weird being someone people admired. There was nothing but a trail of destruction in my wake.

Questions! Someone shouted once Clarissa was done speaking. There was shouting out from the crowd to allow questions.

Silence! I boomed out, and everyone went quiet. I will take a limited number of questions. Soldiers allow a line to be formed in front of the balcony.

A young man was the first in line. What exactly was this battle like? And why are you still injured? I repeated their question so everyone could hear it.

An aerial assault upon the thing in question. Its abilities and defenses exceed that of a level 8 monster. As for the specifics, that is classified due to the use of restricted technologies, including the use of super weapons. There will be no information given out about them or my combat abilities, or those of my team. As for the injuries, they are cursed. Anyone looking to grind level 4 monsters will be given access to this information on curse damage. Next question, I gestured, and the next person stepped forward.

Will this sphere monster be back and where does it come from? How can we know that we are safe? An older woman asked.

Right now, our research department is looking into its origins. For those who engage in summoning, they are aware of a lower layer that tethers go through. We suspect that the sphere monster is from that layer or has a base of operations there, which we are planning to investigate. As for safety, get stronger. Go out and grind crystals. If you are weak, become strong. While this government will work to prevent disasters from happening, this is not Earth and we are dealing with unknowns. Next question, I said. This time a middle-aged man with dark skin stepped forward.

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Your administration is made up of white people. That wasnt entirely true. Will you be implementing diversity hiring? I repeated the question and shook my head.

The only thing that matters is personal ability. Those capable will be hired. Prove you are capable, and you will be considered for the position. Next question, I ordered.

There are reports that this sphere was being researched beforehand, but only became a threat recently. Why is that? In addition, with you wounded, will you be stepping down? a middle aged woman asked.

The sphere was broken beforehand. It was considered a threat and was being looked at carefully. But in the past we have lost cities, like when the terrorist Astrologer wiped one out. But once again, we are like people in the stone age trying to figure out metallurgy. We have some basis to work from, but everything has to be developed from scratch.

As for stepping down or change in governing structure, that will not be happening. I am no weak leader, who hides behind others to fight. I am in charge as your Emperor due to being the strongest. Even now, I could defeat everyone in this city without break a sweat or being challenged in the slightest. Next question, I said.

Young Michael stepped up. He apparently had gotten in line right away to ask a question. I smiled at him. Will you be willing to consider adjusting the age so we can fight and get points? he asked.

That question has a lot of issues attached to it. The first issue is that stats impact the development of children based on research from the Dragon Empire. The second issue is in regards to the age of accountability to prevent younger people from being taken advantage of. However, I believe in the right of self-determination. I considered the question carefully. He wouldnt be asking unless he felt it was important.

Put togeather a proposal that addresses my concerns, and I will hear it out. If you claim you are capable then convince me. Three days from now, I will listen to what you have to present. Next question, I called out.

Will the plan to expand West continue with the massive loss of population? An older man asked. I could see he had a lot of stats. Probably a grinder off of rotation and in the city when the shield went up.

Yes. But the trips will no longer be subsidized to the extent they were before. If you wish to be free from taxes, laws, and civilization, you may go West. But investment will be limited into the fortress city while we focus on fixing Purgatory and reclaiming the cities that have been lost. The only restriction will be cost, I answered. Next question.

You said this sphere was an alien, was it alive?

I spoke to it, I said, and the entire crowd went silent at that. I can confirm that it was an alien intelligence that was hostile. It was not prepared to talk or discuss its reasons for attacking and destroying the terrain. Beyond targeting the System in charge of this place. But yes, it had intelligence, so I can confirm that there is other intelligent life out there and it is hostile. Any attempts to worship, venerate, or celebrate such beings will be considered treason to this Empire and humanity. Next question, I called out.

Will you be continuing the food development program?

That will be continued under the support from Doctor Katz. But beyond that, we are going to focus on fixing this city up, and defenses as part of national spending. That will be all the questions for now. I called an end to the questions from the crowd. At least they werent all stupid.

That went well, Clarissa told me as we went inside.

Well, enough. But that should be enough for the people to chew on for a while, I replied.

Surprised you even took questions. I know you dont like doing that, Clarissa said.

Better to take a few questions now than have a revolt, I replied. That was when a soldier rushed in.

Urgent message from the latest recovery expedition, the soldier passed Clarissa a note and she frowned. She then handed it to me.

East Bastion has declared independence. Holding position outside of city. Two soldiers murdered. Request support.

After that were codes signifying that the message was real and who it was from. The number of systems Clarissa had in place could be confusing at certain times. Clarissa looked at me.

You want me to respond? I have health issues, I said.

Michelle will refuse. That doesnt leave many options for internal subjugation, she replied.

And we cant use our soldiers because? I asked.

The casualties, and we are stretched thin at the moment. We need everyone, we have to keep order in Purgatory and reclaim the empty cities, Clarissa explained. I considered what was happening.

I will go. Make the arrangements. I will handle it, I said with a sigh. There was always something or someone making trouble. I knew what I needed to do. And it would be a good way to push my stats. Skills would not be necessary. I thought you said there wasnt any issues.

That was the report I got earlier, but apparently some people think they can quit this Empire. A strong message needs to be sent, Clarissa said.

I will send one dont worry. I just dont want to be putting fires out like this. Are they thinking I wont show up? I asked.

Crazy people do crazy things. They might think you are too wounded to act once they got word about your injury. Or they think we wont be able to pay attention to their actions, Clarissa said.

We cant afford an insurgency. Well, I will assess things and listen to what has to be said once I am out there. Anything more than that, I make no promises, I replied.

That is fine. Okay to depart immediately? Clarissa asked me and I nodded. She wouldnt be coming along, since she had to reestablish things in Purgatory. Time to go put down some rebels. I hope they were just annoyed about something minor I could fix. If it was more ingrained issue, then there would be problems.

As I saw the city shrink below me, it really was unique now, inside a giant pit. I could already see the towers go up at the various edges of the city and work being done on cutting wood to make bridges. Clarissa hadnt slowed down for a single moment. That was what I liked about her, she got stuff done without me needing to micromanage. That was why I was okay handling a rebellion.

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