The Tales of Draconic Warlock

Chapter 6: My Training (2)

Chapter 6: My Training (2)

Oh. I shouldn't have said that, I definitely shouldn't have said that.

Now I can see the crazy look in his eyes that the guards usually talked about. I always chalked it as trash-talking about the boss. Everyone has done it in their life. No one would love their boss. Now I see I am wrong. He really is crazy.

I wonder what he going to make me do.

"Young master, since I am going to train you until further notice, I can't properly train you if I treat you like a young master", Captain Domer said.

What does that mean?

Is this one of his nefarious plans?

I can't think of the reason why he said so. I can only ask him and know so.

"What do you mean by that Captain?" I asked him.

The captain smiled at me and said, "As the Guard Captain, I can't order the young master to do things. So if the young master wanted to slack in training, then there is nothing I can do about it. If I am the master and you are the student, that would be a different situation though".

Oh, so that was your intention huh? No way I am going to give him the chance to whip me around as he pleases. I am not a masochist and have no such tendencies.

I waved my hand and said, "It doesn't matter captain. I'll not make excuses to get out of the training. I know how important it is to one's survival. So there is nothing for you to worry about. Moreover, someone else would take care of training in a few days, right? No need to burden yourself much captain".

Oh, he definitely didn't think that I would steer the vehicle this way. His expression was very clear about what he wanted to do and how bad he was feeling now that he couldn't get what he wanted.

"I understand young master", he said with a depressed tone.

Hehe, you really think that I am just a stupid ten-year-old kid. You plan would surely had succeded if I am really only ten years old. I maybe only ten years in body, but my mind is much older than. I have seen many things than you...wait I don't think that he is younger.

Stupid, how could I forget that the awakened would live longer than normal humans?

"Ahem, let's talk about your training young master", he diverted the topic easily as if nothing happened.

"Since you are a spellcaster, I assume that you would use either a wand or magic staff. Usually, one of the spellcasting masters would train you but as they were busy at the moment, I shall train you in weapon Arts. What you are going to learn from me are the Staff Arts", he said.

He continued his speech, "Spellcasters depend on magic power to fight and it would be always through long-range attacks. In addition to long-range attack spells, they learn some defense spells. There is something most forget about is that assassins were considered mage killers because the casting time of any spell would be larger than the time it requires for an assassin to kill the caster".

"The spellcasters may appear fancy but when it comes to practicality they fail. Assassins have Stealth skills, which lets them approach anyone without being detected. Unless the person they were targetting has a passive magic perception or their rank is higher than the assassin, they wouldn't be able to sense the assassin".

"Sure if it was an experienced spellcaster, then their instincts would scream at them about the incoming danger but that doesn't mean that they can locate and eradicate the assassin before he can attempt to kill. If only the caster has some stealth dispelling magic spell or something like that, they can catch the assassin before any attempt was made".

I can understand the logic behind learning other weapons in addition to magic spells. One can't be too careful. There is only one life and that is something one should enjoy to the full.

"Moreover, what if your magic is burned out or you are in a magic-locked place, where no one can use magic? Then you can only depend on your physical strength to protect yourself. If you have a weapon, then it would increase the chances of survival", he said.

What he said was a valid point. The world may be a magical world but there are places where one can't use magic. I have read about those places. Spellcasters avoid such places at all costs. Moreover, there could be skills that can lock your magic. There was no mention of such a thing but who knows. Everyone would keep their trump cards a secret.

I just started out and I have many secrets that I wouldn't divulge. Who says that I am the only one special in this world?

Many can't keep those secrets to satisfy their ego and would end up dead. If there are secrets like mine or if there are people who have skills that can lock their magic power, many wouldn't like them as they can cause their demise one day. They would kill these special ones before they had the chance to bloom either to protect themselves well in the future or just of pure jealously.

Whatever the reason might be, people who have no secrets usually end up dead. Even I would die if others knew about my physique or my talent. One may think that no one would touch them just because they are noble children.

They would be so wrong to think that and when death appears, there would be nothing but regret for underestimating others or over estimating yourself. There is no regret pill, so caution is a prerequisite to survive in this world.

"I understand what you are trying to imply captain", I said.

"Good, now let's begin your training", he said as he took out two wodden staffs and threw one to me.

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