The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 11:

Chapter 11:

The emperor is dying.

It was a rumor that had been recently circulating secretly in the imperial capital. However, if one paid a little attention, it was evident.

And when Ascal heard this rumor, he didnt particularly think much of it.

Not until the emperor coughed like madman.

Cough cough cough! As, cough! cal. Debrue. Cough!

The cough sounded so bad that one would doubt his windpipe was alright. Even a patient with lung disease wouldve given the emperor some space after hearing that cough.

Its damp.

The emperors throne was positioned just above where Ascal was kneeling on one knee. In other words, it was the perfect distance for the spittle to fly.

Ascal tried his best not to mind his head getting wet, but he reached his limit.

Can you switch places with me?


I cant be the only one getting His Majesty the Emperors grace.

Sushia looked puzzled by the comment, but as soon as they changed places, she understood. Her face crumpled in disgust, but she couldnt show it in front of the emperor. Ascal avoided Sushias gaze.

Cough cough cough cough.

He says to name your reward!

A courtier kneeling next to the throne interpreted the emperors cough. Seeing the emperor nod, it seemed like the correct interpretation.

That was some impressive interpretation skills, something even Yulia couldnt achieve.


Ascal recalled Kanes advice before coming here.

If His Majesty asks what you desire, do not answer anything.


Think about it. With your achievements, you could have easily become a minister. Then why are you stuck at just the 6th rank?

Isnt it because Ive been lucky?

...There are close aides around the emperor. They must be watching you closely, someone like you who has done great service for the empire. Stay out of their sight.


On both sides of the emperor, there were officials exuding an aura of slyness.

They whispered in the emperors ear every chance they got. Ascal could easily discern that their gaslighting skills had already reached their peak.

What I desire is to become a minister.


Ascal wondered if, by some chance, a spell had overtaken his mouth and was leading him to his ruin, but fortunately, the voice didnt come from him.

The Evaluation Department is newly established, and it doesnt have a minister yet. Since all of Ascals accomplishments were under my directive, I believe I too deserve a reward.

The Main head of the Evaluation Department stepped forward and spoke smoothly. His argument was rather convincing.

It's make sense.

Ascal could see how this man, with his deficient abilities, had managed to rise to the position of the Main Head of the Evaluation Department.

If there were strings to be pulled, his talent for seizing opportunities faster and more differently than anyone else was commendable.

But first, one had to determine if those strings were rotten.

Cough. Who. Cough. Are you?

I am Charis Solem, Your Majesty. I humbly lead the Evaluation Department.

The close aides whispered something.

After hearing the whisper, the emperor slowly nodded.

The close aide said:

Kill him.


Excuse me?

That was it.

The main head of the Evaluation Department was beheaded.

The emperors guards cleanly separated the head of the director from his body.

How dare someone, who didnt even receive permission to enter the imperial palace, ask for a reward? Your Majesty the emperor overlooked his transgressions because of the achievements of his subordinate. But it seems he has brought this punishment upon himself. Truly a cheap soul, even in death.

Upon the close aides signal, a servant came in and cleaned up the remnants of the director.

Sushia turned pale and couldnt utter a word.

Ascal Debrue. You will replace that man as the director. Youll be content with that, right? Now leave.

I cannot be satisfied.

In an instant, the air grew cold.

All eyes focused on Ascal.

Sushia pinched Ascals waist.

What on earth was he thinking?

Ascal spoke slowly.

Just having the honor to see His Majesty is more than enough for me. To receive an additional reward is unthinkable. The heavens would be angry. Please retract your reward. No, rather, please demote me.


The emperor coughed.

Then he rose from his throne.

He was moved by Ascals words. The close aides were bewildered, their eyes asking, Who is this man?

A rare! Cough! Loyal servant! Cough! Give him a ton of gold coins! Cough!

Ascal was taken aback.

I cannot accept it, Your Majesty! Please take back your grace!

Gift him the legendary sword! Cough!

I cannot, Your Majesty!

Cough! Give him a horse too!

Your Majesty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ascal cried out.





In the end, not only was Ascal promoted to main head of the department, but he also agreed to accept a years salary in gold coins, a sword crafted by a master, and a horse. He sprawled despondently in the receiving room.

I just asked to be demoted...

Sushia put some snacks into the sprawled Ascals mouth. He chewed. It was delicious.

Youre amazing. Manger... or should I say, director now?

Stop teasing.

Its not a joke. How did you negotiate in that situation? Truly admirable. Do you want to be the steward of our house? Its a recruitment offer. You know my familys wealthy, right?

Sushia spoke rather earnestly.

A steward manages and oversees a noble familys assets, somewhat equivalent to a modern-day asset manager.

Being the steward of the Senestia Dukes House would surely come with immense power and respect.

You should.


You should get promoted. With my new authority, youre now an 8th-rank official. Sushia, congratulations on your promotion. Youll be handling more responsibilities from now on.


It was a scream that didn't seem like one a duke's daughter would make

The two, having undergone unwanted promotions, sprawled on the sofa waiting for the world to end.

Sadly, there were no signs of that happening.


Someone entered the reception room.

Oh. Did I interrupt your rest? My apologies. Should I come back later?

Your Highness, the Crown Prince!

Sushia, who had been mumbling I want to leave like a drenched cat, immediately stood up upon seeing the blond handsome man.

The visitor was a big shot.

The empires first prince and heir to the throne.

Kain Barba.

I greet Your Highness, the Crown Prince.

As if the previous awkwardness never occurred, Ascal swiftly composed himself and knelt on one knee.

Please, be at ease. I didnt come as the Crown Prince but as an errand runner for His Majesty.

An errand, Your Highness?

Didnt you agree to receive a horse from His Majesty? One of the horses I own is to be gifted for that purpose. If youre not busy, would you accompany me to the stables?

Ascal pondered.

Kain spoke with elegance. Even when addressing someone of a lower rank, his demeanor exuded grace. He surpassed expectations as the prince of the empire.

He has ulterior motives.

Only moments ago, Ascal had been walking on thin ice, risking his life. His heightened intuition sensed Kains underlying intentions.

However, sensing no malice, Ascal obediently followed Kain.

How did you feel after seeing His Majesty?

The three strolled through the garden.

As the sun began to set, the air turned brisk, making it necessary to don cloaks. The imperial garden was adorned meticulously with decorations and flowers at every turn, providing a feast for the eyes.

The ambiance felt like one where innermost thoughts might unintentionally spill.

It was an overwhelming honor.

You know, you hesitated for quite a while. From my perspective, your hesitation, rather than your words, is closer to the answer I was seeking.

Kain spoke.

Let me be frank. My father is inept. Living out the remainder of his life, he has shut his ears and eyes, relying solely on the sweet words of sycophants.

Your Highness.

Such words, if overheard, could send one straight to the execution block.

Why were there so many in the empire prone to self-destructive comments? Ascal felt a headache coming on.

Do you understand why Im telling you this?

I do not.

Ive been observing you for quite some time, Ascal Debrue. You are capable. And the winds of fortune are at your back.

Kain halted, setting the mood.

Wont you join me in changing the empire, Ascal?

Your Highness, but


Miss Sushia is also listening.

A little behind them, Sushia awkwardly chuckled.

Was this a potential massacre scenario?

Ah, Sushia is fine. Weve been childhood friends.

Ahaha, childhood friends? Its been a while since I heard that. Your Highness.

Had Ascal known they might have been betrothed, he would have been flabbergasted.

Having confirmed Sushias safety, Ascal spoke.

I apologize, but I must decline.

Why so?

Because I lack the capabilities.

Kain laughed, as if bewildered.

If you lack capability, then I wonder if anyone in this empire possesses any at all.

Please find someone else.

Truth be told, Kain was quite competent. He was generous in a manly way and took good care of those beneath him. Given his status as the crown prince, many already considered him the de facto emperor.

He might even be the golden ticket.

But Ascal knew of Kains future...

One day, Kain, thoroughly drunk and swept up in the mood, would try riding a horse naked, only to fall and meet his end.

Thanks to that, the succession to the throne was completely overturned, and after a power struggle with the second princess, Yulia became the emperor.

Haha. Seems Ive been forsaken. Well, Im a tenacious man. Be prepared.

And before they knew it, they arrived at the stables.

Upon seeing Kain, the stable keeper bowed his head and then guided the three into the stable.

As expected of the Crown Princes stables, at a glance, expensive and magnificent horses were lined up, well-maintained.

Kain, affectionately stroking a horses mane, said,

Choose any horse you desire from here. Ill grant you whichever you want.

To draw a parallel from a past life, it felt like the CEOs son inviting him to his garage and telling him to pick up any car.

There were many in the empire obsessed with horse riding, but Ascal wasnt one of them, so he decided to choose a horse casually.

Hmm... how about that horse?

However, for some reason, Kain didnt seem pleased. Detecting his disappointment, Ascal switched his choice.

That horse... hmm.

Again, the reaction wasnt favorable.

Ha. This one, then?

Was he offering a horse or not?

Gradually getting irritated by Kains consistent disappointed expressions, Ascal thought kindly that Kain had great affection for his horses, but also cynically wondered if this fussiness was why Kain ended up falling off one.

On second thought, instead of a grown horse, Id prefer a young one I can nurture. Lets go with this one.

Ascal pointed to a frail-looking foal in the corner of the stable. Surely he wouldnt object this time.

Ah, this little one was rescued outside after losing its mother. Why not choose a better horse?

No, I feel more attached to this one. Ill choose this horse.

If thats what your heart desires, it might be fate.

Kains face beamed with happiness.

Despite his reluctance to part with any other horse, his words were ever-flowing.





With a sigh, Ascal reluctantly brought the foal home.

How am I going to raise this one?

He figured hed probably need to find someone experienced in raising horses.

Still, its quite cute being so young.

As he held the whinnying foal, Ascal felt something unusual. There was something near its wing bones. Taking a closer look, he exclaimed,


A few small feathers were beginning to sprout near the foals wing bones, as if it was attempting to grow wings.

Come to think of it, there were tales of winged horses appearing in the latter days of the empire.

And those horses was often referred to as the legendary Pegasus...

This is insane. Seriously.

Ascal stared at the foal, now grazing on grass, with a mix of bewilderment and awe. The foal looked back at him, cocking its head slightly.

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