The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

Human affairs never seemed to go as expected.

For instance, a business proposal Ascal had approved, thinking it would fail, became a hit and made the front page of the newspaper. Or his favorite bakery suddenly closed its doors.

<Shares soar for Marble Inc. leading to its shutdown.>

Now who will prepare my breakfast?

With his stomach growling, Ascal roamed the streets like a vagabond until, fortunately, he stumbled upon a street vendor selling sandwiches.

It was a vendor he had never seen before, but beggars cant be choosers. Besides, the woman making the sandwiches seemed quite skilled.

One ham and cheese sandwich, please.

Ascal took a bite of the sandwich.

It was moving.

People often thought of a sandwich as simply some meat between slices of bread, and they were not wrong. But depending on how it was made, the difference could be night and day.

The diligently toasted outer layer of the bread and the rich aroma of fresh cheese immediately whet the appetite. And when Ascal took a bite, the bread crisply crumbled while the meats juiciness and the lettuce added texture. Choosing this vendor was absolutely right.

Is it to your liking?

Ascal wiped a speck of sauce from his cheek with the back of his hand.

The woman kindly looked his way, her golden hair softly swaying in the wind.

Its incredibly delicious.

Truth be told, its a recipe I usually make just for kids, so I wasnt sure how an adult would find it.

For kids?

She appeared young, in her early twenties. Hearing the word kids from her, Ascal was momentarily taken aback.

Oh, I teach children in an orphanage.

Youre doing noble work.

Hehe, its rewarding and enjoyable.

Feeling elated from having such a delicious sandwich, Ascal pointed at the array of sandwiches on display.

Can I have all that you have right now?

All of them? Are you sure?

I think my colleagues at work should also get to taste this sandwich.

It wasnt hard to deduce that the money from selling those sandwiches would help the children of the orphanage. With a bag full of sandwiches, Ascal began to walk away.

Then, a realization hit him.

A beautiful woman with golden hair, teaching children at an orphanage, and possessing excellent culinary skills...

It clicked for Ascal.

She resembled the character Eileen from the novel.

In the novel, Eileen, having lost her orphanage due to the tyranny of Yulia, awakened her divine power and was hailed as a Saintess. She played a pivotal role in the ensuing rebellion.

Of course, in the current timeline, Yulia wasnt the empress yet, and Eileen hadnt lost her orphanage. It was a story set in the not-so-near future.


Alright. Im impressed.

It was an unexpected gain.

From now on, he would continue buying his morning sandwiches from here.

Because, even if a rebellion arose later, he would have an ally to cling to by his side.

Soon after, Ascal arrived at the government office.

And he sensed that something was off.

At this hour, the office should typically be deserted due to everyone being late. However, it was unusually bustling with people.

Given the intuition he developed as a Grade 9 administrator, he felt the need to be cautious. Trying to be inconspicuous, he opened the door to Division 4 and was taken aback.

Everyone from Division 4 had already arrived.

These were people who habitually came in late, yet all of them were present. It was undoubtedly a harbinger of some significant event.

Ah Youve finally arrived.

The department head, who was typically nowhere to be seen, spoke gravely.

We received a message earlier that the Minister of Magic will be visiting our department. Everyone should be seated and appear to be busy working - no, actually be working.

Minister of Magic.

For a Grade 9 underling like Ascal, this was an individual of untouchable stature.

Why is the Minister visiting our department?

Thats what we dont know, which is concerning. Sit down; He will be arriving soon.

It was fortunate that the visitor was the Minister of Magic, known amongst the ministers for disliking unnecessary formalities.

This meant there was no need for any pretentious display.

Ascal settled in his seat and began working. His instincts as a lower-ranking administrator automatically responded to the news of the imminent visit from the Minister.

Hmm. Is that a project proposal?

Yes, its a plan to improve the sewer system using magic stones.

What do you think?

Its obviously a lie. If you look closely, all the magical formulas are a mess. Theyve merely drafted an impressive-looking proposal to embezzle the funds.

Its a relief for the empire to have an administrator like you.

At those words, Ascal instinctively raised his head.

A middle-aged man with a distinguished presence stood there. It was impossible to determine how long hed been standing there.


The color drained from the department heads face as he stumbled forward.

I am Herben, the head of Evaluation Department 4. Its truly an honor to meet you, Minister-nim.

This is Minister of Magic Robin.

What brings you to our 4th department today? May I assist you?

Ignoring the flustered head, Robin gazed intently at Ascal.

Whats your name?


Ascal, what are your thoughts on the current state of the empire?

It was a rather heavy question.

At that moment, the department head interjected.

The empire is flourishing more than ever. All thanks to the magnificent grace of His Majesty the Emperor...

Silence. I was asking Ascal.

Under Robins sharp retort, the department head looked as crestfallen as a scolded puppy.

It reminds me of a frog in a pot.

Oh? And why is that?

Because it doesnt realize its being boiled. On the surface, everything seems fine, but the temperature rises slowly. By the time the water starts boiling, its too late.

For a moment, Robins expression changed.

The light-hearted amusement in his eyes from witnessing a witty young man turned gravely serious.

Are you suggesting theres a flaw in His Majestys reign?

An individual cannot reverse the flow, no matter how extraordinary they might be.


Robins stern expression relaxed, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

You, young man. Have you ever considered joining the Ministry of Magic?

The Ministry of Magic was one of the rare places in the empire that got things done properly.

To Robin, Ascal was a gem.

It was a shame for such a gem to waste away in a dump like the Evaluation Department.

I apologize, but I still have much to do in the Evaluation Department.

Thats a pity.

Robins appetite was whetted.

It was always the case with people like Ascal.

The incompetent and the fickle easily shifted their positions, but those with real skill hesitated to change their stations so recklessly. Robin found himself admiring Ascal even more.

If you ever change your mind, just let me know. A position for you will always be kept open.

Im grateful just for the offer.

Oh, Ive held on to a promising young man like you for too long. Here, take this.

From within his robes, Robin pulled out a decree adorned with gold leaf.

<From today, Ascal Debrue is promoted to a 7th-grade official and appointed as the head of Evaluation Department 3, which is currently vacant. We expect him to achieve great things under the Emperors benevolent grace.>

...What is this?

Congratulations on your promotion, Ascal. Thanks to your discovery and enhancement of the magical stone, the Ministry of Magic is deeply indebted. As a token of our gratitude, and because I truly wanted to meet you in person.

Ascal felt light-headed as he looked at the decree.

Anyway, a two-grade jump in promotion is a first for me, even in all my years. Hahaha!

He had become a 7th-grade official.

This meant that escaping the empire had just become more difficult.

Ascal had previously laid out plans to flee the empire covertly as a contingency if things went south.

But as a 7th-grade official, hed attract more attention from the Emperors hounds.

Compared to a 9th-grade, who could disappear one day without anyone batting an eye, it was now significantly harder to make an exit.

With this, all his escape plans might go down the drain.

Im f*cked, seriously.

But then again, as expected, the Minister of Magic did have disdain for the Emperor.

He valued the citizens far more than the current Emperor, who was steeped in luxury.

In the historical accounts of the novels, the Minister of Magic joined the rebel forces. He engages in a fierce battle with Yulia, the next in line for the throne, but ultimately faces defeat and meets his demise.

Moving to the Ministry of Magic wouldnt be a wise choice either.

Truthfully, when the Minister had suggested the transfer earlier, his heart had sunk.

Though it seemed appealing on the surface, it essentially meant getting directly involved in a rebellion.

Isnt there some way out? Maybe mess things up in a monumental way... make a major blunder to appear incompetent.

He needed to act before it was too late.

Ascal found himself deep in thought in the empty office of the 3rd Department.

It was still summer.

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