The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 36:

Chapter 36:

She had fallen behind in the succession to the throne.

Serena was the first to sense this after the series of events had concluded.

The commotion surrounding Ascal Debrue, the sleeping or hidden dragon of the empire, had changed many things.

Those courtiers who, apart from the Emperor himself, had wielded significant power, were ousted from their positions, and the White Tower, which had remained a neutral ground, had formed an alliance with the empire.

Ascal Debrue had become a name recognized not just nationally, but also around the world.


There was no mention of Serena Barbas name among the noble royal families that helped clear Ascal Debrues name.

Being the second is an ambiguous position.

Serena whispered this to the figure opposite her.

The eldest takes away from you for being the eldest, and the youngest takes from you for being the youngest.

She didnt want to be robbed.

She wanted something of her very own.

That was the driving force behind Serenas actions.

Thats why I didnt want to lose the empire to anyone.

Serena took a step forward.

The lights brightened.

The figure had black hair and wore a half-mask for the theater, concealing their face, and a long black cloak trailed on the floor.

Thats why I wanted to become the Emperor. But recently, my reasons have changed.

Serena reached out her hand to the figure.

But her hand just passed through, as if through air.

With a small sigh and a flick of her wrist, the figure vanished without a trace.

If I become the Emperor, will you take interest in me then? And Ill be able to find you, even though you leave no trace.

A magically conjured illusion might fade quickly, but the memories of that day remained as vivid as ever.

Serena gathered her resolve and walked to her desk.

There, amidst a pile of half-written letters, was a rejection letter from Ascal, mixed in with the others.

Also there, was a neatly organized list of key figures she needed to win over in her bid for the throne.

Marquis Gaius - A well-connected figure in the central political sphere. Owns a vineyard. Wealthy.

Count Telio - Commander of the Rose Knights. Difficult to persuade but once loyal, he rarely betrays.

And the highest among them.

Ascal Debrue - A person who must be won over to become the Emperor (Remember)

Ascal Debrue. Youre mine. I cant let anyone else have you. To become the Emperor, and to find that person as well.

If he wont come from there, then I must go to him.

Serena headed to his office herself.

To obtain Ascal.

Director Ascal is currently out. He went down to his family home yesterday.



The carriage jolted.

This wasnt a road of the Empire. It was a path leading to the countryside.

Ascal cautiously checked the person opposite him.

Platinum blonde hair that seemed soft to the touch, fluttering with the movement of the carriage.

Swish, swish.

Apparently exhausted, the platinum-haired girl succumbed to sleep, breathing softly despite the discomfort of the carriage.

They were on their way down to Ascals family home.

If possible, really if possible, Ascal did not want to go. He wanted to spend this holiday in the capital.

Besides, there was a ticking time bomb of uncertainty sitting opposite him.

Yulia Barba.

Please, just keep sleeping.

The third princess of the empire was accompanying Ascal to his family home.

To see how it happened in the first place, the story goes back to the day before.




Director-nim, I have something to tell you.

There were moments in life that were inescapable.

Take, for example, the moment when one was about to leave work at the end of the day, and they locked eyes with someone whose expression was laden with gravity.

Especially when they were blocking the door.

This was, clearly, intentional.

Lia, having caught on to the numerous times she had been avoided, deliberately stands in the way.

What is it?

Ascal feigned calm, but he was desperately trying to still his trembling legs.

In such a situation, with just the two of them, and a woman initiating a conversation, there werent many directions this could go.

This was the inevitable flow of events ever since Lia became his secretary, a moment bound to come eventually.

He had planned to create a diversion, get fired, and flee, but all attempts had failed.

The time bomb had exploded before he could escape.

In the face of the inexorable march of time, that moment had finally arrived.

Theres something Ive been meaning to tell you all this while.

Lia hesitated, dragging out the moment.

After all, telling the truth isnt easy.

The princess was going to reveal her real identity.

Lia was about to confess that she was actually the empires third princess, Yulia Barba...

Ascal had kept his body ready to kneel and offer a profound apology at any moment.

He was prepared.

He had completed mental rehearsals dozens of times.

At the end of all that training, Ascal was ready to offer a sincere apology when Lia brought up the truth.

I truly had no idea. Please forgive my rudeness up until now.

Ascal had also prepared himself to bow his head in contrition.

There was a carpet laid out on the bare ground to mitigate any risk of injurya precautionary measure that Lia found perplexingly out of place when she had asked about it. But this too was a result of meticulous planning.

Ascal took a deep breath.

The critical moment was upon him.

He had to apologize so thoroughly that anyone watching would believe his remorse was genuine, to the point where theyd feel compelled to forgive him.

To think that he had tasked a princess of a nation with fetching cocoa and carrying messages to other departments, treating her no more gloriously than a common errand runner...

And the times when he didnt feel like going to the recreation room, and even received shoulder massages from her on the spot.

I am truly sorry for all that I have......

Would it be possible for me to accompany you to your family home during the upcoming Holy Night festival holiday?


Lias face was flushed, as if she had just made an embarrassing confession.

The Holy Night festival.

A religious event and an official holiday in the empire.

It was one of the few breaks granted by the empire.

Most people would use this time to visit their family homes, and the devout might spend it in church, praying in the spirit of the holiday.

But Ascal had no intention of either visiting his family or going to church over the holiday.

He had planned to hole up at home, enjoying his leisure time in the capital.

Going home is just a hassle...

The Debrue estate was situated in a somewhat remote area.

It was in the countryside.

The air was clear, and the natural scenery was beautiful.

But what that really meant was that there were lots of bugs, the sun set early, and there was absolutely nothing to do.

Moreover, it was a foregone conclusion that hed be pointlessly harried by his younger sister if he went home.

Im sorry, but I have matters to attend to in the capital during the Holy Night festival.

Is that so? Then, if not now, Ill never get another chance. Actually, I

Ill take you with me. To my hometown.

Here was someone prone to habitual confessions.

Ascal managed to prevent Lias abrupt confession, barely hiding his shock.

She doesnt even hesitate now.

Given Lias forthrightness, Ascal had no choice but to postpone the inevitable.

And in the meantime, he had to find a way to escape.

It would be best to depart early tomorrow morning. It will be a taxing journey; are you sure youre up for it?

Yes. I will bring my clothes and travel essentials.

And so, they agreed to meet in front of the government office early the next morning.

That was how Ascal and Lia came to be traveling to the Debrue family estate together.


Well be arriving soon, Lord Ascal.

That was quick.

With the empires newfound surplus, theyve managed to improve the roads here and there. It seems were reaping the benefits.

Really, if there was spare money, why indulge in honest work like road maintenance instead of luxuries and debauchery?

Ascal, harboring this genuine query, gazed out the carriage window at the passing scenery.

It was a familiar road.

Fields of crops spread out beautifully, and this year the climate seemed favorable, with fruit hanging heavily on the trees.

Livestock roamed freely, often napping on the hillsides.

This perpetual smell of manure is something I just cant get used to.

But the countryside scenery wasnt entirely pleasant.

Even though it had improved over the years, the stench of animal droppings assaulted the nose every time one passed by the fields. Lias face scrunched up even in her sleep.


Sheepdogs began to follow the unfamiliar carriage.


The horses, upon seeing the dogs, burst into a frenzied gallop. The coachman tried to calm them to no avail.


Wait. Isnt this pace a bit too fast?

He could already envision the dreadful headline on the front page of the newspaper: Imperial Official and Third Princess died together in Carriage Accident.

Whats going on?

Startled by the commotion, Lia woke from her slumber. Ascal responded with dry wit.

Were about a minute away from an express trip to the afterlife.


The scenery outside the window was changing in real-time.

Try to stop them.

The horses, theyre not listening to me.

Ascal opened the carriage door, intending to soothe the horses from the coachmans seat himself. It was quite a struggle to keep his balance.

And the moment he sat in the drivers seat.

Whoa, whoa, WHOOOAAAH!

A booming male voice resounded.

To their astonishment, the horses halted.

Phew... phew...

The coachman, who had almost crossed the River Styx, let out a sigh of relief.

In Ascals knowledge, only one person possessed such a skill.

Its been a while, my son.

Baron Aser Debrue.

He was Ascal Debrues father and the head of the Debrue family.


Seeing his father for the first time in ages, Ascal stood up.

But something was off about the house.

What should have been a modest-sized wooden house appeared to have transformed into a colossal mansion, as if by magic.

And there were servants bustling about whom he had never seen before.

What happened here at home?

We made a fortune with magic stone investments and discovered a gem frog habitat, thanks to you, my son.


[TL: You can support the translation and read 5 chapters ahead of the release here on Patreon: /OracleTls]

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