The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 55:

Chapter 55:

Chapter 55: Invited to the Church

In the empire, theres a saying:

A fox snatched a child in the dead of night.Struck by dragon dung falling from the sky.

Its an idiom used for events that seem utterly unlikely or absurd.

Ascal boldly decided to add one more to the list:

Sushia becoming a saint, they say.

Speak calmly, now.

Well, its like this...

Sushia, fidgety and restless, struggled to continue her story. She seemed like someone who had just fallen victim to a voice phishing scam. Ascal quickly silenced her with a cookie.

Munch, munch.

After melting the cookie with warm cocoa, Sushia regained her composure.

What happened was...

Ascal focused intently on Sushias story. Even Lia, who usually didnt take Sushia seriously, was all ears.

Even the sparrow outside the window stopped chirping, waiting for Sushias tale.

Yesterday was a rainy day.

I didnt want to spend my rare day off inside, despite the rain, so I went out with my umbrella.

It was lunchtime, and I was getting hungry. I stopped by my favorite bakery to buy a delicious sandwich. Oh, and they had a promotion buy two sandwiches and get a cookie for free.

And not just any cookie, but one with chocolate chips! How could I not buy it? So, I bought two sandwiches without hesitation! And since eating sandwiches without a drink can be dry, I also got some apple juice.

By the way, sandwiches and apple juice are the perfect pair. The harmony created in your mouth when you take a bite of the sandwich and then a sip of the cool apple juice...

Ascal interrupted her.

Enough. Dont drag the story out with repetitive details. Get to the point.

Its all part of the story, you know.Sushia puffed her cheeks and continued her story.

I was heading to the park with my umbrella, a perfect spot for eating sandwiches, when I saw an old man in an alleyway, getting soaked in the rain. His gaunt cheeks made it seem like he hadnt eaten in days.

So I offered, Sir, would you like a sandwich? To my surprise, the old man, marveling at finding such a kind-hearted young lady these days, sat right there and ate both sandwiches.

Worried he might choke, I gave him my apple juice too. And then I realized, all I had left for myself was a single cookie. So I pondered going back to the bakery for another sandwich

Lia, unable to hold back any longer, interjected.

Sushia. Just get to the point, please.

Sushia replied,

The truth is, that old man was a bishop of the Star church, and he said he sensed potential in me. He told me hed return when the time was right. And then he asked to borrow some money, claiming he was out of funds. So, I lent it to him.

He scammed you.

You got scammed, Sushia.

Sushia stomped her feet in disbelief.

Its true! He said I was a candidate for sainthood. Please believe me!

Of course, I believe you. I believe you got scammed.

At first, hearing Sushia was chosen as a saintly candidate was shocking, but upon learning the whole story, it was clear it was just a funny incident of Sushia being duped.

Ascal leaned back, his tension released.

After all, the Saintess was predetermined from the beginning.

Eileen of Haven Orphanage. She would become the saint of the Star church in the future, condemning the empire.

Proclaiming a nation that abandons its children has no future that the empire was rotten to its core.

And the empire took the wrong step. Attempting to arrest Eileen, the soldiers were instead blinded by her divine aura.

Even after that, Eileen continued to point out the corruption of the empire, leading to its reputation plummeting endlessly.

The empires reputation, already damaged by an airship crash, was now completely destroyed.

And Ascal was already riding the Saint Coin.

Ive been consistently supporting the Haven Orphanage. When Eileen becomes a saint, I will repent for my sins and convert to the Star church.

A corrupt minister of the empire being inspired and converted by a Saintess. What a beautiful story. A convenient way to seek protection from the church.

After all, once Yulia becomes empress, several ministers are bound to lose their heads. And thats just the beginning. Those who didnt side with the Princess faction, the leader of the Second Princes faction, will face a bloody purge.

And himself, having become the leader of the emerging noble faction (the Emperors advisor), was no exception.

Yulia separates personal from state affairs. Even if she shows leniency now, once she ascends to the throne, theres no guarantee for his safety.

A terrifying woman.

As Ascal looked at her, Yulia, tilting her head, seemed puzzled.Fortunately, the emperors health had been preserved through timely medicinal tonics, affording a bit more breathing room.

Come to think of it, isnt it about time for Eileen to become the Saintess?

Ascal checked the sponsorship forms for the Haven Orphanage, which he had been supporting automatically for some time. His eyes widened in surprise.

<Haven Training Institute>

The name had changed.

It was no longer Haven Orphanage.

What on earth had happened to the orphanage during this time?

He had to find out.


Welcome. Are you here to register for the institute? Is the registrant yourself or your child?

Im here for a tour, actually...

Would you like a guided tour, or would you prefer to explore on your own?

Ill look around by myself.

Ascal, stepping into the Haven Training Institute, formerly the orphanage, was at a loss for words.

The building was much larger than the last time he visited. In the vast courtyard, children were swinging wooden swords under an instructors guidance.

One! For the empire!

For the empire!

Two! In its honor!

In its honor!

Leading the front, swinging a wooden sword, was Stephan. He would become the future deputy commander of the anti-empire guerrilla forces.

Ascal sneaked closer.

Pant... Pant... I will definitely become a general.

It seemed the anti part of the anti-empire forces might need to be dropped.

Ascal stepped inside the building.

The clean, spacious corridors echoed with a clear sound with each step Ascal took.

And sure enough, as soon as he entered, a large portrait hung in the main hall, unmistakable to anyone who saw it.

<The Great Comrade Carl>

A handsome man with black hair, exuding an aura akin to that of an imperial chancellor.

Youve come again.

A named character appeared.

Sirius, who would become the leader of the anti-empire forces, was looking at Ascal. The boy had grown quite a bit since their last encounter and seemed somehow calmer.

You said your name was Ray, didnt you?

Thats right.

Sirius smiled.

Thats definitely a lie, isnt it?


Ascal neither affirmed nor denied.

I had a lot to say at first. But as time passed, those words seemed to evaporate. I wondered if they were even necessary. In the end, only one thing remained to be said.

I see.

Sirius bowed his head.

Thank you.

Changing kids diapers was indeed a bit of a challenge.

He shuddered at the memory of being harassed all day by the children when he came as a substitute teacher.

Haha. Yes, changing diapers is tough.

Is the director still here?

Yes. Now, shes the principal. Shes in her office on the second floor.

Ascal parted ways with Sirius and ascended the stairs.

He needed to check on his investment as soon as possible.

Ascal tapped lightly on the superintendents office door.

Come in.

It was Eileens voice.

As soon as Ascal opened the door, he dropped to his knees.

Eileen, adorned with a gold necklace and a dazzling gemstone bracelet, sat in her chair, having put on a noticeable amount of weight.

Too much water can drown a plant.

As a result,

The Saint Coin was delisted.

Are you the parent who made an appointment? Here at Haven Training Institute, we have various courses: premium, advanced, intermediate, and basic. The premium course is expensive, but its truly worth the money. So, at our institute...

My coin... My coin!!!


Ascal cried out in despair.


Upon arriving at the office, Ascal immediately canceled his sponsorship of the Haven Training Institute. The institute was self-sufficient and would survive without his support.

Sitting in the chair, Ascal reminisced.

He knew there were several conditions to be a saint.One must be willing to kneel before the lowest of the low, even from the highest of places.

Hey, girl. Bring me some water.

Ugh... Yes!

Able to sincerely mourn the misfortunes of others.

Sir, would you like a sandwich?

Maintaining a clear mind to accept the divine.

Minister-nim! I cant figure out how to do this calculation!

Possessing innate divine power.

Just yesterday, I watered a dying flower, and it suddenly bloomed beautifully!


It cant be.

Sushia was simply swindled by a suspicious old man.

It must be the case.

Minister-nim! A bishop from the Star church has come to the evaluation office!

Good heavens.

It was just a bit, an overly generous bit, of sponsorship to the orphanage.

What in the world has happened?


And so, weve decided to take Sushia into our Star church.

As much as she is a part of the Star church, Sushia is a valuable employee of our evaluation department. We cant just let her go that easily.

We will offer half-price ordination prayers and potions to the evaluation department employees. Considering the grace of Severin Cathedral.

Take her.

Ascal handed over Sushia.

You must thrive there, Susia.

Minister-nim! I dont want to go!

Why not? Dont you realize how much of an honor and sacred duty it is to become a saint of the Star church, not just the state religion of the empire but also the most authoritative in the continent?

But there I can only eat vegetables forever, and I cant even go out at night!

Ascal looked at the bishop.

Is this true?

Yes. Consuming meat can hinder ones reception of the divine. The saints body must always be kept in peak condition.

Lose some weight while youre at it, Sushia.

Dont abandon me... Minister-nim. Think of the deep bond weve formed!

Well, its not certain youll become a saint anyway. The odds of you becoming a saint among so many candidates are incredibly low. Think of it as going to a fasting retreat.

But, but

It was a sort of survival program.Candidates for sainthood, gathered from various nations, enter the Star church for a communal living experience. They spend their days praying to the divine and reciting the holy scriptures.

Out of them, the one deemed most worthy becomes the saint of the Star church, just like (former) Eileen did.

It was clear at a glance that Sushia would be the first to be eliminated.

But if Sushias brief stay in the Star church meant access to those precious potions at half price, it was an opportunity not to be missed. After all, this is an era without insurance.

Sushia seemed to have given up, her eyes losing focus.

Then, she asked the bishop,

If I... as a candidate for sainthood, am to go to the Star church, may I bring an attendant?

Hold on, Sushia.

Yes. A saintly candidate has the rightful privilege to enlist an attendant to assist them during their tenure.

Sushia. Thats a hasty decision.

Even if they are a high-ranking individual from the empire?

Technically, yes.

Sushia. I must eat meat daily to survive.

Sushia gave a cold laugh.

I choose Ascal Erindale as my attendant.


The church overlooked one thing.

Ascal is a key figure in the empire.

The news of his being taken to the church sparked outrage and indignation among many.

Some were not only protesting against the church but also did not hesitate to storm into the church themselves.

Their names were,

Cat Tribe Masseuse Laika.

Evaluation Department Security Guard Jerobe.

Evaluation Department Division 1 Head Kane.

Evaluation Department Division 3 Head Devon.

Captain Arthur Debrue, the Emperors Hound.

Princess Serena Barba of the Empire.

And Princess Yulia Barba of the Empire.

Bernstein spoke,

Ill explain the operation to retrieve Ascal Erindale.

[TL: You can support the translation and read 5 chapters ahead of the release here on Patreon: /OracleTls]

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