The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 66:

Chapter 66:

Chapter 66: Followed by

Minister, do you have a moment?

Im swamped with work...

Minister, I have something important to tell you.

Cant it wait until tomorrow?

Minister, the weather is nice today, how about a walk after work?

Sorry, I have to take my pet, Fer, for a walk.


And another rejection.

Up to this point, the number of times Yulia had been turned down for non-work-related requests was 27.

They say even a tree will fall if you strike it ten times, but Ascal wouldnt budge even after twenty-seven hits.

Sometimes she just wanted to chop him down with an axe, no, thats not right.

Yulia appears perfect on the outside.

But that wasnt innate; it was the result of training again and again, hundreds of times.

She was still immature.

As evidence to submit to the court, she still slept hugging her rabbit doll.

I was rejected by him again.

Is it because my hair was a mess today? Or did an offhand remark upset him?

She dont know.

She wish someone would give her an answer.

The rabbit doll silently stared at Yulia, its black eyes seeming to say, So what are you going to do about it?

Yulia smacked the rabbit doll.

-Idiot. Sometimes you just have to knock a man over directly. Just go for it.

A voice echoed.

A voice that had always been in her head for some time now.

The mysterious woman claiming to be Yulia Barba.

-Do you realize how popular that man is? If you just wait quietly and draw a number, you might get a chance when youre a hundred. Ahaha.

I followed your advice during the last holy festival and it only made things worse.

-Your sister seemed to like it, though? Its always best to start with the family when youre planning an approach.

This woman claims she comes from the future.

She asserts that in that future, both the Emperor and the Crown Prince are dead, and she herself has become the next Empress, speaking of the empire she ruled.

-Want to hear an interesting story? Your mother is actually...

Stop. Dont mess with my head.

When Yulia first heard the voice, she tried everything.

She visited the White Mage Tower and even the church, but found no cure.

-Because I am you, Yulia Barba. The tyrant Empress. Beheading disagreeable ministers and taking whatever I desire... Ah, but there was something I could never have.

Are you talking about Lord Ascal?

-Yes. Despite offering him treasures and temptations, he never succumbed. It seems youll end up the same.


-Youre heading to the north this time, right? Dont go. Just trust me once. Im your senior, after all. Ill show you how to truly seduce Ascal. Hes quite weak to a subtle push. That man, Debrue.

I refuse.

-And to think you even lost your first kiss.


-Just give me one chance. Eh? Were the same, you and I. Since we were six. Ah, he was so cute back then. If it werent for this forceful intrusion, we might have already...

Yulia recalled her first meeting with Ascal.

It was before she even knew what love was.

A very young Ascal approached Yulia, and then

Suddenly, Yulias vision went dark as she was lost in memories.

When she opened her eyes, she could no longer move her body.

-What have you done?

Its time for a substitution.

Yulia Barba, reflected in the mirror, smiled languidly.


In a narrow cave, a man and a woman were entangled.

Yulia Barba pushed Ascal aggressively.

I told you. Even in death, you belong to me.She was triumphant, exuding confidence.

Seeing Ascal flustered, Yulia Barba flashed a triumphant smile.

It might seem trivial, but Yulia Barba employed not one, but two skills here.

First, the narrow cave where even the breathing of the other could be heard.

This special place inevitably makes one hyper-aware of the other. It was a carefully chosen battleground by Yulia Barba.

Second, by suddenly pushing the other over in this space, she amplified the tension.

And to top it off, a perfect remark.

Yulia Barba admired her own finesse. It was a flawless technique. She was confident that Ascal was already halfway won over.

Just stay put...

Then, Yulia Barba lowered herself.

Naturally, to take over her opponent.

But her body didnt move. Someone resisted fiercely, as if to say this wasnt the right way.

Stupid woman, huh. What the hell are you doing?

In the moment Yulia Barba hesitated,

Im not dead yet.

Ascal slipped out from under her in a sliding move, a level of expertise that would have earned applause from those who knew him well.

Standing in his place, Ascal cracked his tense neck.

Something felt off.

Lia had been acting strange since they headed north.

Disrespectful, treating those beneath her poorly, lacking manners.

That wasnt the Lia Ascal knew.

Lia was always considerate, meticulously checking if anything was amiss, a hard worker who pushed herself, albeit sometimes intimidating.

Yulia Barba, sensing something in Ascals realization, spoke up.

Hmm. Have you finally realized something, Ascal Debrue?

Yes. You are...

Right. I am...Ascal glared at Yulia Barba.

A malignant spirit has possessed Lia. It must have followed me during my last trip to the forest. Im sorry for not noticing sooner, Lia.


Ascal took out the rock salt he had purchased for a hefty sum, specially for exorcising spirits, a product of the North.


He then sprinkled the rock salt on Yulia Barba.

Begone, evil spirit! Leave Lias body at once!

Its in my eyes! Wait a moment!

Yulia Barba was in agony.

The effect was remarkable.

Ascal continued to sprinkle more rock salt.

Each sprinkle cost him a tenth of his salary, but Lias safety was worth any price.

I am Yulia Barba! How dare you call me a evil spirit!

Lia is not arrogant like you. She is always careful and considerate of others.

What use is there in being considerate? Its all useless. You, you too ended up...

Ascal clicked his tongue.

This is why spirits are troublesome. Not that he was one to lecture others, but this attitude was a sure way to end up isolated.


Ascal sprinkled more rock salt.

Fine, fine! Have it your way! Lets see how well you do! Im offended!

It sounded like something a third-rate villain would say.

And Yulia Barba, who was shielding herself from the rock salt, suddenly curled up, covered her head with her hands, and then stopped moving, as if dead.


Ascal cautiously inquired.

It took a moment before a response came.

...Yes. How have you been, Lord Ascal?

The tone and manner of speaking were different.

The Lia he knew had returned.

Ascal sighed in relief.

My eyes are stinging. Could you wipe them for me?

Im sorry.

Ascal took out a handkerchief, a necessity for any noble, and gently wiped Lias eyes as she sat up and lifted her head.

Her eyes were a bit red, probably from the stinging.

Im sorry for not realizing sooner. Ill visit Sushia as soon as we return to the Evaluation Department.

No, Im sorry for causing you trouble.

Lia bowed her head.

Ascal felt like crying, seeing Lias calm demeanor. How hard it had been without Lias support. Its true what they say, you dont know what youve got until its gone.

You turned down the frost giants proposal.

Yes. She was more innocent than I thought.

What did you talk about with her?What Lia was likely asking about was the conversation Ascal had with the frost giant beneath the city walls.

I told her there was someone I had to answer to. She seemed to accept that.

The response came reflexively.

Ascal himself wasnt sure why he said that.

The only thing that came to mind at that moment was:

Lord Ascal, these days, I am happy. Each day, driving your carriage, attending to duties, and watching the evening sunset on my way home, I feel fulfilled, living each day to the fullest.

Lia looked at Ascal with her eyes still red.

The staff at the Evaluation Department feel like family to me. Lord Ascal, Kain, Devon, Sushia - theyve become people I cant live without.

Lia placed her hand over her heart.

But, I find myself growing greedy. I want to hoard this happiness all to myself, a wicked desire surges within me. Deep down, I dont want anyone to take it away, to monopolize it forever. Am I a bad person?

Anyone can harbor such feelings. What matters is whether you consider the feelings of others or not.

I see. Ignoring the feelings of others would make one a tyrant.

Ascal looked at Lia for a moment, then took out a ribbon and tied her hair.

See? Ive gotten a bit better, havent I?

Better than before, yes.

Lia smiled.

People might start worrying about us. We should leave this place.

Yes...wait a moment.

As Ascal stood up and dusted off his clothes, he noticed something.

A multi-colored ore embedded in the cave.

Do you know what this is, Lia?

Lia, assuming the role of a commentator, replied:

Its the legendary rainbow stone. To think it was here in the North. What an unbelievable stroke of luck, Lord Ascal.

Lia laughed as if it was absurd.

Ascal and Lia then left the cave.

And as soon as they returned to the grand duchy, what they saw was...

****Hahahaha! Im escaping the empire! The Bernstein special squirrel wings Ive been secretly developing are finally seeing the light of day!

Bernstein could be seen far away, flying in the sky, proclaiming his escape from the empire.

Always being told to develop this and that, and once its developed, theyre not satisfied with the design, need this added. Am I a minister or a slave? If they want work done, they should at least provide enough personnel. Even the local general store has more staff than us. And the new recruit is downright suspicious!

Having vented his frustrations, Bernstein flew, defiantly raising his middle finger.

It was a flying fuck you.

It seems that guy had it tough too. I know exactly how he feels.

Ascal nodded in understanding, forming a bond of empathy. Unfortunately for Bernstein, he chose the wrong time.

Bring him in.

The Emperors hounds, known for selecting only the elite of the elite, and their leader, Arthur Debrue, got ready.

Then he scaled the wall and, using the terrain, vaulted to the highest point. It seemed like something out of a video game.

With a final leap,

He swooped down on Bernstein like an eagle, catching him in mid-air.

Clap, clap, clap.

The northerners began to applaud the sight with pure admiration.

Ascal joined in the applause.

Tsk, tsk. Just shouting about escaping the empire doesnt accomplish anything. If you rush in headlong with just enthusiasm like that, youll never escape, not even in a hundred years.

Ascal commented.


Grand Duke Felix exclaimed.

Lets pretend we didnt see anything.

Just think of him as a poor friend who lost his mind for a moment.


Ascal took out the rainbow stone from his backpack. Having first reported it to Grand Duke Felix, the owner of the territory, Felix coolly transferred the ownership to Ascal.

Hey, Bernstein. Look what I found.

Where did you find this!!! With this, I can finally create all those designs Ive only had on paper.

Bernsteins eyes sparkled.

It felt like this could become an annual event.

[TL: You can support the translation and read 5 chapters ahead of the release here on Patreon: /OracleTls]

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