The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

Chapter 395 - Trial

Chapter 395 – Trial


As the name suggested, the Nobility Trial Courthouse, located within the Imperial Castle of the Quinbland Empire, was where nobles were tried for their crimes and received their sentences.

It was an aged, stone-built building, with only few windows. The plain, gray walls gave it an intimidating air, but magic lamps illuminated the inside brightly, soft carpets covering the floor.

Only the nobility visited this place and came to observe hearings. In short, the Nobility Trial Courthouse was a facility for the nobility. As such, some extravagance was allowed.

「This has turned into quite the mess, Count Ron.」

「Yes. Count Zepetta does have some weaknesses…」

Count Ron, a man with almond eyes and gray hair, gave the impression of being somewhat difficult to approach.

Some members of the progressive faction—about ten of them—had gathered at the trial court. They wore grim looks, aware that their power would be greatly reduced depending on the sentence handed down by the court.

Trials took place in the courtroom located at the center of the courthouse. The court gallery, situated above ground level, overlooked the area where the accused stood for trial.

Count Ron and his allies entered the gallery to find the conservatives already seated at the far-left side.

「It looks like a bunch of people wearing rags just arrived.」said the former Minister of the Right.

Even though he had been demoted, he still held considerable influence and power, with more than twice as many nobles flocking to him as Count Ron.

「Those are nobles? Looks more like the guards are slacking off and let some bumpkins enter the palace.」

「My. I never knew such people were members of Quinbland’s proud aristocracy.」

「Are they associated with the man undergoing trial?」

「I see! Makes perfect sense!」

The conservatives burst out into laughter. Normally the progressives would issue retorts, but they couldn’t right now, not when Zepetta’s fate was still unknown.

「Are you fine with this?」Count Ron’s companion said.「Bastards talking big when they only inherited their titles.」

「You must control yourselves. There’s no point in causing a ruckus here.」

Some of the progressives were indignant, but the odds the situation was too unfavorable for them.

「Excuse me. Can you let me pass?」came a voice from behind.

「Margrave Korn…!」Surprised, Count Ron pushed the nobles aside.

A muscular man, dressed in formal noble attire, arrived. He had a large scar on his left cheek. Margrave Korn guarded the border between Ponsonia, and also faced the strongest man in the kingdom, Captain Lawrence.

Wearing a grave expression, the Minister of the Right, turned his face away and sat back down.

「What’s the Margrave doing here?」

「Is this about the Minister of the Right?」

「Shh. They’ll hear you.」

The aristocrats whispered among themselves. Paying them no heed, Margrave Korn moved along the gallery.

Indeed, it was very strange for him to be here. His primary duty was to protect the border. He devoted himself to his post too much that his wife was stolen from him. No one could ask him why he came.

「I see you’ve made allies with some nasty people.」Korn murmured as he went past Count Ron.

Count Ron was taken aback. The Margrave, however, had already found his seat in the middle of the gallery.

Nasty people…?

Count Ron and Margrave Korn were actually acquainted.

Count Ron, who was well-versed in Sorcery, was looking for a place to try out a new type of salve he had developed. A candidate came to mind—Margrave Korn, who constantly engaged in skirmishes against Ponsonia.

In a world where using Healing magic to heal wounds was common, salves and ointments were used in places where magic was not available.

Margrave was skeptical at first, but upon testing, he found that the salves could quickly heal minor wounds that didn’t require Healing magic. They were suitable for soldiers that suffered fresh wounds constantly. Margrave Korn delivered a letter of gratitude to Count Ron, and the Count replied, talking about the future application of salves.

They sent letters back and forth several times. After Count Ron’s magic salves were commercialized, they stopped contacting each other, but their mutual respect remained.

This all happened twenty years ago.

Was that a warning just now? Count Ron wondered.

The Count wasn’t as interested in the political struggles that took place within the palace as the other progressive nobles. He was only often convinced to take a post because he was among the top-ranking nobles in the progressive faction.

While most progressives knew each other, there were some who only recently joined the faction. Was there someone “nasty” among them?

「The court is now in session. All rise.」

Jee Sakakimiya, the Prime Minister, sat at the highest desk in the courtroom. Everyone rose to their feet—clerks, staff, even the nobles at the gallery.

「Salute to our national flag.」

They all put their right fists to their chests—a simplified salute. Hoisted across the Prime Minister, the flag of the Quinbland Empire bore the image of a sword and a large bird on it. Normally, the emperor would be seated on the chair placed in front of it, but he was not around today.

Has His Majesty still not recovered?

Count Ron’s expression turned grim as he stared at the empty seat. Several nobles looked heartbroken, both from the conservatives and the progressives.


However, there were three who seemed unperturbed. They caught the Count’s interest.

「Take your seats.」

The Prime Minister’s voice brought him back to his senses. I have to focus on this trial, the Count thought.

「Today’s trial will be on the charges against Count Zepetta. Please bring the accused.」


One of the few armed men in the courtroom, swords hanging by their waists, disappeared into a passage and returned with a hook-nosed man.

Count Ron almost raised to his feet despite himself.

Is that really Count Zepetta?!

Wearing nothing but a filthy robe, he glowered at his surroundings. His hair was a mess, his cheeks hollow, and his forehead greasy. He probably hadn’t even taken a bath.

「Thank you, Count Zepetta, for attending this trial.」

「There’z no boint in thiz charade…」the Count answered, unable to speak clearly. He was drooling as he sat on his chair.

Something was clearly not right.

「You don’t seem well.」

「Your Excellency!」the former Minister of the Right barked.「Let us proceed with the trial already. There’s no point in caring about the health of some shameless man!」

「Silence, observers.」

「The Viscount whose daughter was violated by this man is right here!」

The former Minister of the Right tapped the shoulder of the portly man sitting next to him. The Viscount held a handkerchief to his eyes, faking a cry.

This is some kind of a farce. Count Zepetta’s clearly drugged!

Count Ron couldn’t sit still. Count Zepetta had supported his research in many ways. He laughed, saying, “I am a businessman; everything I do is for profit. I’m supporting you because I earn money by doing so.” Nevertheless, a supporter who funded him was important to Ron.

He had to return the favor here.

「Your Excellency!」Count Ron shouted.「It’s clear that Count Zepetta is not in perfect health! How was he treated while in—」


The courtroom went quiet at the Prime Minister’s anger-filled voice. A deafening silence followed, broken eventually by none other than Count Zepetta himself.

「Zis is all… a farce anyway… Led’s ged dis over wiz.」

「Are you certain?」

「Yez, Your Excellency…」

「Very well. Count Zepetta’s counsel, please step forward.」


Zepetta wore a surprised look, and his eyes widened as he saw the person walking through the door.

「My name is Nino Zepetta. Though not a legitimate child of the Count, his blood runs in my veins.」

Nino, dressed in his best attire—though still lower in quality than what the nobles here were wearing—knelt next to Count Zepetta, facing the flag.

「Hey, look at that. It’s an actual bastard!」

「It looks like his legitimate children have abandoned him.」

「Like father, like son, I suppose. Both shameless.」

Laughter broke out in the gallery, but the Prime Minister’s glare silenced them in an instant.

「Nino… why are you here? Where are Tralino and ze otherz?」

「They said they all had important business meetings to attend to.」


Zepetta swallowed the rest of his words. He realized it right away. There was no way all his children had important meetings on the same day. They pushed this extremely troublesome job to Nino.

「I see… So you’re the only one left.」the Count muttered.

「What did you say, Father?」


Count Zepetta sat on his chair, clearly exhausted.

「His counsel may sit on that chair.」

「Thank you, Your Excellency.」Nino stood up. He heard people saying “Your Excellency, my foot. He’s a commoner, isn’t he?” Ignoring their comments, he gazed at the Prime Minister.

「Then let the trial begin.」

The Prime Minister lifted a bundle of papers.

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