The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 10 Rumor (2)

……Just when I was about to gather the courage to approach Ganesha.

“It can’t be! My, my~ Isn’t that Professor Deculein~?”

Someone with a greasy tone of voice and clouded in a thick mass of perfume blocked my way.

“Nice to meet you. Long time no see.”

He was a handsome man with blonde hair.

Although he was shorter than me, his magic was strong.

I knew that guy’s face. It was me who modeled him myself after all.


Ihelm von Gerian Rewind.

Saying that he held a grudge against Deculein…… would probably be too much, he was probably just jealous of losing the senior professor position to him.

“Yes~ Professor Deculein. How’s your university life these days? I heard there was an incident in your first class.”

“It was settled.”

“Haha. Indeed. Rather than that, there are some rookies these days who seem to doubt the professor’s reputation.”

Ihelm made a fuss.

Wasn’t there a saying like: “Lies have short legs”? As Ihelm said, Deculein’s lies and deception were slowly unraveling.

“Of course, I’m eagerly awaiting the results of Professor Deculein’s great magic research. You’re working hard to achieve great results, aren’t you? You held it back for so long, even though it’s already been almost three years…….”

I looked at Ihelm. His expression and the vivid movement of his wrinkles seemed cheesy.

It was as if cheese came alive.

Human cheese.

“……If that grand research of yours is too complicated for you to finish, feel free to ask me for help. I’ll immediately come running.”

It was a sarcastic provocation.

If it were the original Deculein, he would’ve shot him a glare, I didn’t reply. I didn’t even blink an eye.

To be honest, I didn’t care.

“Actually, I do emphasize with you. The title of senior professor would be quite burdensome. Anyway, it’s an honor to be deemed worthy by the University Magic Tower’s magicians…… Are you listening?”

After monologuing for a while, Ihelm, who finally seemed to have grown tired of it, wrinkled his nose bridge and placed his hand on the middle of his forehead.

“I’m not.”

“Tsk…… You seem busy, so I’ll add just one last word.”

I looked over his shoulder at Ganesha.

She was gone.

Right, left, by the door, by the window, she was nowhere to be seen.

That important person just disappeared.

“No one in this world will look upon you favorably if you continue pretending to be so noble, you know? Falling in rank isn’t so uncommon among nobility. So stop your nonsensical research on the ‘Creation of Pure Elements’…….”

In that instant, I felt the heat rising up my neck.

I lost Ganesha because of this guy, but that mayonnaise bastard doesn’t stop and keeps on whining.

“Yes, Professor Deculein. Hell’s awaiting you, so please do smile as much as you can now. Also……”

One word had already stretched into dozens.

If I just stood still, he’d continue until I’d die of old age, so I approached him one step closer.

“Let me say something.”

“I’d advise you to…..?.”

As I looked down on that yellow and white face, I put his mouth to his ear.

Then I slightly whispered.

……Stop being so nosy and get lost. You rotten cheese bitch.

This could be a death flag, but it sure felt refreshing. A natural smile appeared on my lips. Ihelm would have hated the original Deculein anyway.

“Thi, this, what? Ro, rotten cheese? You, you just……”

“I shall leave now.”

I stbare away, leaving that overbearing bastard behind.

I barely escaped from Ihelm, but there were still many people that wanted to talk to Deculein. Many nobles rushed towards him as if they had been waiting.

-I heard about the incident. Iliade’s Sylvia quarreled with some obscure nobleman’s child, right?

-But then, Professor Deculein appeared like a hero. My son told me everything. Hehehe. Just hearing him talk about it made me feel so excited, I wonder how the students must have felt at that time. Oh, my son’s name is……

-Senior Professor Deculein. Do you have time tonight?

They told me many things. There were those fishing for information, those that were just concerned and some that said things that came close to temptations.

My head hurt after a while. The sweet smell of desserts and those awful perfumes seemed to weigh on my senses, because of that useless heightening of my senses, including my sense of smell, caused by the trait [Iron Man].

I just got tired of it, so I looked for an empty spot with no people.

I climbed up to the third floor, which held few people. I leaned against the window frame in the hallway to catch my breath.

“……Professor Deculein?”

Someone called out my name. Looking back, I was greatly surprised.

It was Ganesha, the person I had been looking for.

“What are you doing here?”

She approached me, looking at me with round eyes.

Did Deculein and Ganesha originally know each other?

I had no idea.

I replied without showing any expression.

“……I got lost.”

“Oh my. You know how to joke now? Weren’t you waiting for me?

Well, Deculein had enough ties with Ganesha, alright.


I glanced at her as she walked up next to me. Apparently mistaking my glances, Ganesha smiled as she put her hands together.

“Still, I do feel sorry about that mission back then. However, I’ve already returned the advance payment and even the penalty fee. So can you cut me some slag?”


As I just stood still, Ganesha pursed her lips and puffed out her cheeks while she swayed her pigtails from side to side.

„All right…… While I was sailing around the archipelago, I saw a child with huge talent. Just what the Professor was looking for. I can’t say it’s magical talent though…… It was a girl.”

I looked up at the sky outside the window, not saying a word. Before I knew it, it had already turned to night and the blue moonlight shone on the window sill.

Ganesha followed my gaze and continued.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring her to you. No, I’m sorry that I didn’t. I’ve grown attached to her. I just couldn’t give her to the professor.”

I could understand the whole story, even without using my [Understanding].

Being aware of his own magical deficiencies, Deculein intended to enslave an easy-to-control and gifted child who he’d use to build up some research results instead of him. He entrusted that task with Ganesha.

“By the way, Professor, how long do you plan to live like this?”

I was still looking out of the window, my eyes fixed on the moon.

When I didn’t give her an answer, she took a cigarette out of her pocket and posed a question.

“Hey. Could you light this up for me?”

“I don’t want to.”


It’s not that I don’t want to, I can’t do it. I haven’t learned [Ignition] yet.

While Ganesha pretended to sulk, I opened my mouth.

“I intend to live differently now.”

“……Huh? Really?”

Ganesha moved the cigarette from her mouth into her hand. I nodded without looking at her.

“Uh…… That’s unexpected. I thought you were going to kill me. Actually, I was here to see you as well. This sure is amazing.”

“……What’s so amazing about this?”

“I ran away without a word and you didn’t even send someone after me to kill me.”

Ganesha’s pigtails fluttered.

Flap- Flap-

That’s probably how she expresses her surprise, but that sure was annoying.

“You worry too much.”

Ganesha was one of the best Named Characters in terms of combat power. As one could witness by how she was able to move her hair freely like this, she trained her body to the highest degree.

She possessed the traits [Thousand Rivers Flow into One] and of course the famous [Adamantium Body]…… She was a named character that could literally ‘kill someone with a single hair’.

Who would send someone after this kind of monster?

Someone crazy, that’s who.

“Are you alright, Professor Deculein?”

Ganesha asked. Her right pig tail was slapping my shoulder.

“If you just came here to see me, go back.”

I raised my feet and walked towards the stairs.

I came to build a connection to her, but I already had one.

That meant, I didn’t have a reason to stay in this hall any longer.

Ganesha spoke behind me.

“Oh, can I? Can I trust you? Will you really not do something to get rid of us?”

Of course, the great Yukline family was strong enough to put pressure on the Adventurer’s Guild. Ganesha violated the Adventurer’s Guild’s faith and refused to finish the mission without a reason so it was justifiable.

“……Or the advent of a downfall.”

Of course, she was very much a crazy one as well. So I just continued to walk.

I could still feel Ganesha’s gaze behind me.

……Uh, uhm…… Did he eat something wrong? Is he maybe sick? Or is it because he’s freshly engaged? Just what’s wrong with him…….?

Even though she was quite far away from me, I still could hear her murmuring.

Then, the thick and acrid scent of tar flowed in. It was as if someone lit some fireworks for Silvester.

It was then.

[A Villain’s Fate: Death Flag avoided]

  • Reward Acquired: Store Currency +1

  • “……What is this?”

    A Villain’s Fate had been triggered.

    However, the other day it said “Overcome” and now it’s “Avoided”.

    That meant that the conversation I had with Ganesha just now was also a ‘Death Flag’…….

    * * *

    “Oh…… The chocolate is flowing out like water out of a fountain.”

    Julie opened her eyes wide seeing the current “Hot Item” of the socialite world, the chocolate fountain.

    “Riley, look at this. It’s amazing.”

    Then, a relative, Riley, who stood by her side, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away.

    “Ah, for Pete’s sake. Stop this and come here…….”

    “……Why do you do that whenever I say something?”

    “It’s not like I want to do that, but your words are just too crude. Knight Julie, please save your face! You don’t have to pretend to be surprised, just look at it calmly. Calmly.”

    “I didn’t even want to come to this place originally.”

    Julie glanced at Riley curtly before focusing on the chocolate fountain again.

    Bubble, bubble, bubble-

    It was interesting seeing the chocolate gushing out like that, but she’d rather eat the chocolate itself.

    Dark chocolate. A type of sweet that makes one’s taste buds dance with joy…….

    “Hm? What’s wrong with Ihelm?”

    However, beside the chocolate fountain.

    In a corner of Julie’s view, she spotted a livid Ihelm by himself.

    “Who knows? He was just talking about something with Professor Deculein. Why is he acting like that all of a sudden?”


    Deculein, Ihelm, Sirio, Rappel, George, etc…… Also known as the Continent’s Golden Generation, were all of the same age and Julie’s seniors at the Imperial University.

    Deculein was pretty much no different from those times, Ihelm, however, was like a parasite, always sticking to Deculein’s side.

    However, due to some incident, they completely fell out with each other.

    “By the way, how are things these days?”

    Riley asked sensibly.

    “What do you mean?”

    “With Professor Deculein. There’s been a lot of talk going around these days.”

    Rumors spread quickly among high society. What one said in the morning would be known even by the lowest nobleman’s dog by evening.

    Riley asked openly, knowing how much she hated him. After all, she also hated Deculeina as much as Julie.

    “……It’s never good.”

    She answered in a quiet but clear voice.

    Perhaps, everyone in high society perked up their ears just to hear these words.

    –However, is this also a trick of fate played by the social scene?

    Deculein, who had been away for a while, appeared from the stairs to the second floor.

    His exquisite appearance had fantastic timing.

    “That guy…… He still looks the same. I heard he’s 33 now. Why isn’t he getting older?”

    Deculein was an aristocrat possessing looks and style that were welcomed in any social circle unconditionally.

    Even those who hated Deculein had no choice but to admit that.

    That’s why Deculein always remained until the very end of social events showing off his dignity, however……

    He was behaving strangely today.

    He was walking towards the exit.

    He even had his jacket on already.

    The nobles were blankly watching Deculein deviating from his usual behavior.

    Tok, tok.

    The loud sound of footsteps echoed through the splendid venue. The crowd of nobles cleared the way for Deculein.

    Many questions arose in everyone’s mind left behind in this quiet place.

    What is Deculein doing?

    Is he trying to go back?

    Already? He’s leaving already?

    But it hasn’t been long since the sun has set though?


    Oh, was it because of Julie?

    Everyone was just blinking at such an unexpected situation.

    Deculein went out the door, leaving behind total silence only interrupted by the bubbling sound of the chocolate fountain. No matter how long they waited in that hall, he didn’t return…….

    Deculein’s sudden departure seemed to coincide with Julie’s remark.

    With this the party began to heat up with this gossip as its firewood.

    * * *

    [Side Quest Completed: Attend the Social event “Flower of the New Year”]

  • Store Currence +0.5
  • Current Store Currency balance: 4.5 Won
  • The servants looked at me in surprise when they saw me returning before sunset. Looks like I got hime much earlier than they expected.

    I asked the servants if there was a spacious, unfurnished space, such as a warehouse, somewhere around to which a middle-aged maid guided me hesitantly.

    On the expansive site of this mansion, there was not only the main house where I stayed, but also the mountains behind it, an ornamental forest, a garden and the servant’s quarters, as well as an abandoned building that had been used as a warehouse previously.

    “……How dirty.”

    The warehouse was about half the size of a soccer field, but it looked like it hadn’t been used for a long time and was full of cobwebs and dust. I didn’t bother covering my mouth and acted as if the dust didn’t bother me. Just the act of covering my mouth with my hands or coughing after inhaling the dust was against Grace after all.

    “Is there anyone outside?”

    I straightened up and sent my voice out. The servants quickly ran in.

    “Clean this up. Also, bring the metal ingots to this place.”


    I watched them cleaning with my hands behind my back. Deculein’s servants were excellent at cleaning. They were able to clean this huge space to perfection in just 15 minutes.

    “The steel ingots are here. If you want any furniture delivered–”

    They also brought the ingots with them quickly. It was stamped with a seal, proving that it got airlifted from the smithy.

    “It’s fine. Go rest now. However, if I haven’t called for you or given you permission, do not enter this place.”

    “Yes, we understand.”

    The servants stepped back without showing their backs to me.

    After confirming that they had completely left, I took off my clothes and hung them in the air one by one. This was called the psychokinetic hanger.

    I dropped a steel ingot on the floor. Then I used “Basic Metal Bending” that I learned the other day. The steel my mana touched soon elongated and soon took on a familiar form, a ‘Metal bar’.

    The moment I grabbed the bar and was about to start exercising.


    Just in case, I used [Midas’ Touch] on the metal bar. I poured in 3000 mana points, the most I could.

    ──「 Metal bar 」──

    ◆ Description

    :Metal bar made using Bending Magic.

    :Support has been improved using [Midas’ Touch]

    ◆ Class

    :Equipment ⊃ Fitness

    ◆ Special Effect

    :If one were to exercise with this device, one can expect better efficiency.

    [ Midas’ Touch: Level 3 ]


    It increased the efficiency of training.

    It had indeed a special effect fitting of the category ‘Fitness’.

    “······A very versatile trait.”

    Satisfied, I reached out with both of my hands and grabbed the bar. Keeping my pose, I straightened out my arms and started lifting myself up.

    One, two, three······.

    My arms trembled and my hands slipped off. I did three chin-ups.

    It was frustrating.

    “I used to be able to do it five times, but I couldn’t…… No. I could. Maybe it’s because I haven’t worked out in a while.”

    Well, even with the trait [Iron Man] I was only focusing on magic. How could I have been so stupid.

    Fortunately, my muscles recovered quickly, so I grabbed the bar again.

    Now for the second try.

    One, two, three······ .

    Going beyond three, four, five, six······ .

    A total of 6 times.

    The numbers increased dramatically.

    With just one set, my physical abilities had significantly improved.

    This was the effect of [Iron Man].

    In just two sets, Deculein surpassed Kim Woojin in athletic ability.

    “That’s rather embarrassing.”

    I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry.

    I smiled and reached out for the bar again.

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