The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

Chapter 169: Lizzy Poliana Claudia (2)

Lizzy Poliana Claudia (2)

The capital of the Ernes Empire buzzed with activity.

What had transpired in the Roverium Kingdom played a significant role in this unrest.

After all, the Empire’s traitorous servants had finally been transported to the capital and paraded before the world.

It was a palpable sign of impending war that sent shivers down the spines of all.

Parents didn’t want to bury their children with their own hands.

Similarly, children didn’t want to commit the disloyal act of dying before their parents.

Therefore, the people directed their anger toward the lineage of the family that had committed treason.


Yuriel, who had arrived in the capital first, bit her lip as she gazed out of the window and then turned around.

Ferzen had instructed her to wait here for him, but Yuriel lacked the courage to remain idle.


However, before leaving the mansion, Yuriel entered Euphemia’s room without knocking, taking a step inside.

She had intended to ask Euphemia if she wanted to accompany her.

However, what Yuriel witnessed inside was Euphemia sleeping soundly while cradling her swollen belly…

Upon seeing this, a faint smirk formed at the corner of Yuriel’s mouth.

Did Euphemia even comprehend the burden that rested on Ferzen’s shoulders?


Chances were, she knew nothing.

After all, Ferzen probably hadn’t divulged such information to her.

Like a delicate flower in a greenhouse, Euphemia was sheltered by Ferzen and received nothing but his affection.

She only consumed the finest foods and wore the finest attire.

Yuriel would be lying if she claimed that she didn’t resent Ferzen for lavishing Euphemia ith all the good things.

Even now, Yuriel couldn’t fathom why Ferzen, who had far more capable options, showered Euphemia with such love.

But she had no inclination to probe deeper.

In fact, she didn’t want to uncover the reason.

Euphemia El Lauren Louerg.

‘You… should continue to exist as his cherished possession like that.’

So as not to disturb her slumber, Yuriel gently closed the door and exited the mansion.

It was said that a couple always looked in the same direction and walked together toward it.

No matter how unsightly that direction might be.

Yuriel resolved not to turn her head and look away from whatever Ferzen was facing.

Because she was his companion.

‘I am… not his cherished possession……’

Ferzen von Schweig Brutein.

She was his wife.

* * * * *


In the luggage compartment of the wagon, where tents were stored, a grim scene unfolded as the carriage slowly made its way towards the Imperial Palace.

Traitors were locked in iron cages, on display for all to see.



“Ah…! Ugh…”

The crowd was filled with a mix of fear for the impending war and hatred for the traitors who had paved the way for it.

Both emotions found an outlet in stones gripped tightly in the fingers of the people, and they hurled them at Lizzy and Cesar.

Most of the stones bounced harmlessly off the bars, but some managed to slip between them, scratching Lizzy’s pale skin.

One struck her forehead, drawing bright red blood that seemed intent on staining her once-lustrous red hair.

In the face of everyone condemning them as sinners, Lizzy curled up, trembling, and wept like a child.

…What had they done so wrong?

They hadn’t sought wealth without effort.

They hadn’t pursued pleasure without conscience.

They hadn’t sought knowledge without character.

And they certainly hadn’t engaged in unethical dealings.

They were like sheep huddled together, bearing no sin to confess.

They simply wanted happiness but couldn’t attain it.

They sought retribution against those who had stolen their happiness but found themselves branded as criminals instead.

Oh, Gods above……

Was their journey so wrong?

Why did you rebuke the ship that had sailed in pursuit of an ideal?

Did you favor the reefs that would sink that ship?

Even if their journey was mistaken,

Even if they had committed a sin,

Was this the right order of life?

If those capable of sin were called human beings,

And those who lamented sin were called saints,

Then what should you call those who boasted of their sins outside the cage?

Devils, all of them.

“Keheuk…! Argh…! Huaaang…”

The crowd ignored the cries of the condemned.

The girl’s prayers, lamenting the absence of the Gods, dispersed like dust in the air, never reaching the heavens.

* * * * *

“……Your subject, Ferzen von Schweig Louerg, has brought the individuals charged with treason, as per your orders, Your Majesty.”

“You have worked hard.”

“…It’s nothing, Your Majesty.”

In the Imperial Palace of His Majesty the Emperor, Ferzen knelt before the Emperor and delivered his report. Once he had finished, he briefly bowed and exited the room.

Since he had apprehended all the descendants of the Claudia family, his remaining task was to extract information from Roer.

In the meantime, investigators would sift through the materials randomly collected from the Claudia Family’s mansion to determine if there were any further individuals involved.

Once this process was complete, the executions would commence, severing and incinerating all detrimental ties from the past.

However, Ferzen couldn’t help but feel that the steps he had to take were quite burdensome.

“Lord Louerg.”

“…Your Highness the Princess.”

Princess Elizabeth, with sunlight casting a radiant glow on her platinum hair, intercepted him as he walked.

“Do you have something… to discuss with me?”

“How can you ask such a question when you’re wearing a such hopeful expression, even if I don’t have anything to say?”


“Please follow me. I’ve arranged a pleasant spot for you in the flower bed at the back.”

Princess Elizabeth elegantly turned and headed towards the garden. He looked so fine as if she never had needed medical assistance some time ago.

Ferzen, quietly observing her, broke into a smile and followed her.

Before long, the sight of the most beautiful flower bed caught Ferzen’s attention.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

“It is……”

The fallen leaves rustled as they walked, creating a peaceful sound.

Upon reaching a small tea table set in the center of the flower bed, Ferzen seated himself across from Princess Elizabeth.

“When I think about your favorite tea, the only one that comes to mind is black tea.”

“I see… That is indeed my favorite.”

Ferzen briefly held his nose over the tea cup before taking a sip. He then returned the cup to its place and looked at Princess Elizabeth.

She, too, delicately placed her teacup down and fixed her gaze on Ferzen’s red eyes.



“Haven’t we come too far to be tormented by guilt?”

Although the Imperial Family didn’t know the reasons behind Ferzen’s actions, they were aware of the entire story that had unfolded between him and the Claudia family.

Is that why she was trying to offer some consolation to him?

“I know it won’t bring you any solace.”


“Even if you had your reasons for not confessing, for trying to untangle the intricate threads… you’ve chosen to remain a villain.”

“…… “

“It would be insincere and deceitful to offer you vague consolation.”

Princess Elizabeth, with a slight smile, tucked her platinum hair behind her ear.

“Those of us who remained silent in the face of your demands that day are also complicit.”


“I understand. You’re leveraging your position to exert pressure on them.”


“But I also know that attempting to justify a crime with such an excuse is preposterous.”


“If you tally up the wrongdoings of others, you won’t absolve yourself of guilt.”

After taking a breath, Princess Elizabeth raised her voice slightly and chuckled.

“We sit on thrones stained with blood. So, what do you think will happen if the crown on our heads is also tainted?”


“If everyone but you is deemed abnormal, then the one who is normal becomes abnormal in society.”

In that case……

“It’s alright if everyone becomes a villain.”

Ferzen too.

His family name too.

The Imperial Family too.

All the people of the empire too.

They were trying to put the Claudia family on the chopping block.

In essence, everyone in the empire would become sinful evildoers.

“So, don’t let your conscience sway you now. Wouldn’t that be even more unseemly?”

In life, one can’t backtrack on the path they have already taken.

If they had come this far, knowing that fact…

There was no way the path they were on would be one they’d regret choosing.


“If, someday, we die and go to the underworld……”


“Would you be willing to journey to hell with me…… No, with us?”

The falling leaves were lifted by the wind and gently fell into Ferzen’s teacup.

With a quivering voice, Ferzen replied to Princess Elizabeth.

“Yes. I, Ferzen von Schweig Louerg, will continue to support the Imperial Family even beyond this world.”

“I see. When I hear that…… I can’t help but think that the afterlife won’t be such a lonely place.”

Princess Elizabeth, who had been smiling softly until then, smiled even more brightly before taking a sip of her tea.


At that moment, a maid discreetly approached Princess Elizabeth, bending down to whisper something in her ear…

Princess Elizabeth smiled ruefully and rose to her feet.

“Perhaps I did something futile.”


Seeing Ferzen looking puzzled by her words, Princess Elizabeth spoke in a slightly reproachful tone.

“Loyalty, filial piety, and love are branches that grow from the same root.”


“You have a good companion. It might be a wise choice to look ahead with her at least once.”

Princess Elizabeth turned away, muttering her final words.

“No one would label you as weak after witnessing something like that… So do not be too harsh on her, Ferzen.”

As Princess Elizabeth departed, the falling autumn leaves adorned her figure beautifully.

Soon after, the wind gradually subsided, and the scene around the flower bed returned to tranquility……


Yuriel, calling his name, stood there with a mournful expression.

Clearly, he had instructed her to stay at the mansion until his return.

Yuriel approached him, extending her trembling hand to embrace him.

“You don’t have to hold back……”


“No matter what unsightly things you have done or may do… …I won’t turn away, and I’ll stand by your side.”


My husband.

Even if you are the embodiment of evil itself,

As your partner and wife,

I will become a villainess who complements you and stands by your side.


Even if she couldn’t express everything in words, her intentions were clear through her movements and the trembling of her arms as they held him.

It was undeniable evidence that they were already a perfect couple.

In response, Ferzen gently stroked Yuriel’s hair and embraced her warm body.

……A woman born and raised to fulfill all of his desires.

Given that, undoubtedly,

She was an evil flower in the world’s most beautiful form.

Thus, here and now,

A pair of evil flowers stood side by side, feeling each other’s warmth, and treading on the fallen leaves.

TL note: I’ll admit, I kinda of forgot to make the fancy text. I remember it and thought those lines were too good to let it pass.

I won’t go back to the old chapters and add it tho Im too em lazy for dat.

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