The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 52: The fight at the mansion - end

Chapter 52: The fight at the mansion - end

Luke was glaring at the pillar of light like a vengeful ghost.

"Shit! I shouldn't have finished him so fast...! Mia...!"

He clenched his fists and kneeled by the body of the dark-skinned woman.

He gently held her hand and...


He closed his eyes and begged in a low voice.

A gentle green light enveloped the woman, but the missing part of her head didn't regenerate at all.

/Unable to use the skill on this target

As if to add insult to injury, the system message that popped up seemed to be mocking him.


Luke whispered, and a white ball of light appeared above Mia's body, and a warm comforting light shined on her.

/Unable to use the skill on this tartget

The system message popped up.

It was the same message that Luke has seen thirty-five times already.

Up until that day none of his skill ever failed, the shock was almost too much.

Especially that one of the victims of the rampaging undead was his beloved.

" Mia... not like this... Heal...!"

Luke cried and used his spell again.

/Unable to use the skill on this target

With the exact same effect as before.

"...! Revive! Heal! Revive! WORK! GOD DAMN IT! HEA...!"


His head burst like a watermelon when blue foot dropped on it from above.

The teenager's body leaned forward and fell on the dead woman.

Another kick crushed his chest into Mia's corpse, turning his organs into a paste.

Luke's mangled body twitched and started shining.

In basically an instant, a new head grew out of his neck and his flattened torso reinflated.


The healer's regenerated face twisted in pure fury.


Just to be blown away again.



And again.

"Give it a re...!"


And again.







Each time Luke regenerated, his head was blown off in one kick without a miss.

"You crazy monster! It won't work! I'll regenerate each ti- huh...?"

Luke shouted after his head regrew one more time.

Only then he realized that he wasn't kicked.

"Aha! You've finally realized that it's futile to fight with..."


Strong jaws ripped through his clothes and dug deep into his shoulder.

The healer could feel that he was being injected with something, and he shook his head in annoyance.

"A beast will always be a beast... just so you know, I have pain nullification and poison immunity, with how much work I've put into all my skills I am basically invin..."

/Proficiency level reached

Skill upgrade

Poison immunity ?? Venom resistance (level 1)


It seemed like it just wasn't Luke's day.

So many unpredicted dangers...


He shouted hurriedly and his body started glowing.

/Proficiency level reached

Skill upgrade

Venom resistance (level 2)

"S-so fast...?!"

Luke gasped feeling overwhelming weakness spilling all through his body.

Not only the venom was so potent that his resistance was raising at an exorbitant rate but it also clearly wasn't properly disposed off by his overleveled heal skill.

/Proficiency level reached

Skill upgrade

Venom resistance (level 3)


/Proficiency level reached

Skill upgrade

Venom resistance (level 4)


/Proficiency level reached

Skill upgrade

Venom resistance (level 5)


A message after a message was popping up in front of Luke's eyes and each time he would use his skill to heal himself just to get afflicted again after he was pumped full of venom.

At the same time...

Cranberry was pushing Durian into a corner.

He was continuing to heal himself but each time he attacked he was countered and hit at least one or two times.

/Proficiency level reached

Servant's skill upgrade

Dragon corpse venom (level 14[max])

The message showed up for Cranberry, and she gritted her teeth.

Whoever Zombie was fighting was giving him a lot of trouble, which was extremely worrisome.

She wanted to finish Durian and go help her servant already, but no matter how many times she blew off Durian's head or ripped his body apart, he always regenerated like it was just a scratch.

"How are you able to use so many skills at the same time...? It should be impossible to use more than three of the same type!"

Durian asked her that as soon as his head reappeared.

Instead of answering, Cranberry smashed open his torso with a calamitous overhead strike.

/Proficiency level reached

Master's skills upgrade

Magic bash (level 31[max])

Bash (level 51[max])

Dragon rage (level 4)

The system announced to her, but even with that, after a flash of light enveloping the split torso, Durian was completely healed in the next second.

"Doesn't matter. I'm going to learn everything after we'll be done here."

Durian smiled mockingly just to have his head ripped off of his neck.

"As long as my healer prodigy slave is alive, all of your attacks are pointless!"

Durian laughed mockingly.

/Proficiency level reached

Servant's title upgrade

Venomancer (level 2)

/Secret achievement unlocked

Reward granted

/Servant's skill upgrade

Dragon corpse venom (level 14[max]) ?? Soul devouring venom

Cranberry flinched and didn't attack again, her eyes wide open, staring at the message.

Secret achievements were even a bigger deal than hidden affinities.

What did her servant do to accomplish that...?

"Oh, I see you're starting to use your head. Finally."

Durian misunderstood Cranberry's motives and laughed even harder.

/ 37/73

/Upper-Mid level player defeated

/Master and servant gain EXP

/Skill upgrade

Soul devouring venom +1[max]


/One of the characters essential for the story was killed


/Adjusting the story


/The story did not progress to the corresponding stage

Unable to adjust the story at the current stage


/Servant receives a penalty

Title upgrade

Ruthless (level 2)

/Master receives a penalty

Title upgrade

Ruthless (level 2)


Cranberry breathed out to calm down.

Zombie simply killed another one of Durian's slaves, it didn't mean that it was the prodigious healer...

"...after we're done, I'll make him give me another lap pillow..."

She let her inner thoughts slip together with the sigh.

"Huh? Are you perhaps giving in to my allure?"

Durian smiled triumphantly, proudly straightening his back.


/ 59/79

/Level up

*thunk* *thunk* *splat* *thunk* *splat*



A message popped up for Cranberry just before a wave of blood and gore hit against the mansion's windows, causing one of the maids inside to scream in a high pitch voice and making the other one start vomiting again in the corner.


Durian took a step back staring at the chunks of meat and various intestines slide down the glass with his eyes widened with fear.



A horrible sound right by Durian's ear made him flinch.

When he looked for the source, he realized that he is missing his whole left arm and the blood was gushing out from his shoulder like a geyser.

"You actually never learn, do you?"

He smirked mockingly and touched his wound.


He said.



He frowned when nothing happened, and when he tried to activate the healing skill again, he suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain.


The stinging changed into an unbelievable torment and made Durian fell to his knees clenching the profusely bleeding wound with his hand.

"Ha. So he did kill the healer."

Cranberry nodded smiling with satisfaction and gripped the ripped leg she was using as a weapon a little harder.

"That makes it way easier~"

She hummed happily and charged at Durian with a big smile on her face.

"N-no! Wai...!"


Durian cried and raise his arm to protect his head, but the attack wasn't something someone like him could stop.

With her whole body and weapon shining brightly from every available skill she had, Cranberry ripped through Durian's arm, crushed his head, split open his torso all the way through, crashed into the floor, and made the rest of the building collapse in a grand explosion causing a huge amount of dust and smoke to be sent into the sky and form a giant mushroom-shaped cloud visible from tens of miles away.

/ 73/73

/Revenge quest completed

Reward granted

/Servant's monster rank upgrade


/The eternal servant is the highest rank of the undead in the game, unable to raise the rank any further


/Quest reward changed

/Reward granted

Master and Servant hidden affinity unlocked

Skill combination (level 1)

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