The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen

Chapter 138:

"Throw it away."

Ruin said with a voice filled with annoyance. Like a lion's growl, there was no room for consideration in Ruin's voice, only the expression of his displeasure and anger at his gift being rejected, especially since it was Ricardo he was losing out to.

Ruin had always been irked by Ricardo. It annoyed him that someone seemingly insignificant was stronger than the rest, and that despite lacking dueling courtesy, Ricardo enjoyed the privileges of a victor. Above all, Ruin was irritated by Ricardo's close relationship with Yuria.

He couldn't understand why. Why he was so fixated on Yuria. Just seeing Ricardo sticking close to Yuria felt like watching garbage right before his eyes.

Seeing Ricardo eating with Yuria twisted his guts, and he didn't like it when Yuria laughed looking at him.

He hadn't felt this way before becoming friends with Yuria…

Ruin couldn't comprehend Yuria. He couldn't understand how, after being bullied by Ricardo, she could so readily accept his gift. There were witnesses to the wrongdoing, and she had experienced it firsthand. Why she still kept in touch with Ricardo was another mystery.

Moreover, Ruin was certain the dress Ricardo gifted couldn't compare to his own. In terms of material, color, and everything else, Ruin believed what he offered was far superior. After all, Ricardo was impoverished. Rumor had it, Ricardo was financially strained due to a massive fine for using dark magic, totaling a million gold. Ruin was convinced Ricardo wouldn't have invested much in Yuria's dress.

Therefore, Ruin couldn't grasp why Yuria rejected his gift. He looked at Yuria, whose face was fraught with confusion and concern, as he tried to make sense of what he had heard.

"What did you say?"

Ruin kindly reiterated his thoughts, believing Yuria shared his sentiments. Surely, Yuria must have accepted Ricardo's gift out of obligation, he thought. Since Yuria had a tender heart, she couldn't have turned down Ricardo's feelings. Given her usual displeasure at mentions of Ricardo, Ruin assumed she felt the same way he did.

Ruin slowly began to speak, believing he was voicing Yuria's own thoughts.

"The dress Ricardo gave you. Throw it away, Yuria."

He extended the paper bag once more, adding,

"What do you think he's done to that dress for you to accept it?"

Ruin spoke kindly, with a smile, assuring her he understood her feelings and encouraged her to discard it without feeling burdened. However, to Yuria, his words felt absurd.


The negative emotions surged within her. What right did he have to dictate her actions?

They were merely friends, and Yuria felt angry at Ruin's domineering manner.

"What are you saying like that?"

Yuria raised her voice, unaccustomed to confronting someone directly. She was upset by Ruin's forceful words and couldn't stand his dismissal of Ricardo's gift.

"Ruin. There are things you can say among friends, and things you shouldn't. I appreciate the gift you've given out of consideration, but telling me to throw away a gift from someone else is not polite, is it?"


"Think about it. Would you feel good in my place? Ricardo might have given the gift with the same intentions as you. Isn't it wrong to view it so negatively?"

Ruin clenched his fists, reflecting on Yuria's words.

"The same intentions…?"

‘The same intentions'—Ruin found this phrase particularly offensive.

How could choosing a gift with Yuria's happiness in mind, thinking about how much she would like it, possibly equate to Ricardo’s actions, when Ruin found Ricardo so objectionable?

Struggling to suppress his rising anger, Ruin addressed Yuria again.

"Yuria. Do you trust him?"


"Think about it. How many times have you been betrayed and hurt by him, and yet you trust him again?"


"I'm right, aren't I?"

"No. Ricardo and I made up and started over…"

"Start over? Do you really think he has changed? Don't you remember? How he and Olivia ostracized you at the academy?"

"Stop it."

"That’s not all, is it? The tacks in your shoe locker and the insults on your desk were his doing, too."

"I know, so stop."

Yuria clenched her fists and bowed her head, unaccustomed to outright anger. And because Ruin spoke nothing but the truth, it was difficult for her to look up.

Ruin wasn’t wrong.

She had forgotten, but Ricardo was the aggressor, and she the victim, a relationship as inseparable as oil and water.


"I know. Just stop, okay?"

Ruin was no different.

When she was being bullied, Ruin ignored her and seemed more interested in watching from the sidelines. Now, acting as if he were righteous, Ruin's attitude didn’t sit well with Yuria.

Maybe Ruin's bystander behavior was even worse.

Horrific memories flooded Yuria's mind.

The day she walked into the classroom, and waste poured over her head from above.

Ruin sat at his desk that day, chin propped on his hands. He could have easily stopped it, could have said a word.

But Ruin had just watched, as if entertained by an intriguing toy.


"What right do you have to judge?"

Had it not been for their joint assignments, had she not had a talent for healing, Ruin wouldn’t have approached her.

Yuria, overwhelmed by these swirling past memories, clenched her fist and spoke with a trembling voice.

"So what were you doing then?"


"When I was being bullied, what were you doing?"

"I helped you."

"No! Not now, when Ricardo was around! Before you and I became close, you did the same as them."

"I never did."

"Liar. You just watched."

A rift started to form in their relationship.

A well-intentioned gift became meaningless because of criticism, and a single statement born from a sense of superiority became an arrow, reopening deep-seated wounds.

Yuria hadn’t wanted to bring this up. Despite harboring resentment towards Ruin, they were close friends now.

They had relied on each other in tough times, talked through hardships together, and Yuria had tried to bury these feelings deep inside.


"You were just watching…. How do you have the right to criticize Ricardo?"


"Even if you hate Ricardo…! It's you who hates him, not me!"


"Ruin. You…! You have no right!"

Ruin's expression turned icy as he addressed Yuria.

"I'm different."


"I see you for who you really are."


"I didn't approach you for your appearance or your magic, like he did."

"How is that different? To me, it all looks the same! Your inaction, too…!"

"That was because we weren't close. I thought if someone as insignificant as me suddenly helped you, it would be like that. And…!"

Ruin, feeling a surge of heat from deep within, continued,

"It's different now."


"I'm watching you. Maybe at first, it was out of curiosity that we became friends, but now it's different. Even if you change into someone I don't know…"


"Even if you become someone unknown to me, I can still recognize you because I'm your closest friend. Maybe I hurt you in the past, but now it's different."

Ruin tapped his chest with conviction as he spoke,

"I'm not like him."

Ruin's words were an unattainable lie.


On her way back to the dormitory,

Yuria walked with heavy steps, feeling pathetic for having engaged in a meaningless fight.

Ruin had given the gift with good intentions, and she wondered if she had been too harsh in her response. With the dress Ruin had given her in hand,

-The choice is yours. But I'd like it if you wore the dress I gave you.

Ruin's face, as he handed her the paper bag with his head bowed, flickered in her mind.

Though they had argued, Ruin likely had no ill intentions. Besides, Yuria couldn't claim to be unaware of Ruin's situation.

She had been utterly defeated by Ricardo.

Honestly, she couldn't deny finding Ricardo annoying, so she wondered if she had overreacted.

With complex thoughts, Yuria walked on.

And upon arriving at the dormitory,


The group she disliked approached her, holding a purple beverage.

They were the ones she detested.

Who bullied her,

Verbally abused her in front,

And treated her like an invisible person.

Yuria greeted them with a strained smile,

And they smiled back, opening the conversation.

"We've been sorry for a long time."


"We've thought a lot about it, and we've been too harsh on you."

The conversation started with the words Yuria had longed to hear.

"Why don't you come to our room and chat?"

Yuria accepted their dangerous invitation.

Yuria talked and laughed,

Foolish for trusting, but she grabbed onto that rope, hoping that clinging to this lifeline in a desperate situation might open up a happier future.

And when morning came,


Yuria's face was grotesquely disfigured.

Her skin was distorted,

Her clear eyes clouded,

And her lips dried out, making her look like a hideous witch lurking in the shadows.

The only thing left of Yuria was her pink hair.

Facing the mirror, Yuria stood still, unable to do anything.




Rules of the ball:

-All students must participate in the ball.


At the peaceful Desmond family estate,

Olivia, sucking on a giant lollipop, asked Ricardo, who was dressed in a suit,

"Where are you going, Ricardo?"


"You're dressed up so nicely."

"Ah… I'm off to become a prince."


Ricardo smiled and walked towards the ball.

"Do they accept dropouts?"

If not, I'll have to break it.

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