The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Vol 2 – 15: A Hero Arrives

Vol 2 – Chapter 15: A Hero Arrives

Translated by XianPiete

Renée broke away from Doreen after she had cried it out of her system. She took a bath and then went to change her clothes. After looking through her new closet she realized that the previous Renée Baux didn't have very good taste in fashion. She had plenty of expensive outfits but the colors and the fashions were wrong somehow. Like someone who was trying to fit in and not sure of a singular style that defined her. One thing Yuuki had always been good at was putting together an outfit. From Renée's memories, she knew of a pretty affordable shop in town that had things that would suit her frame and hairstyle more. She checked her purse and found that she still had plenty of money. She considered asking a friend to tag along, but really the only friend she had right now aside from her brother was the woman, Doreen who hardly knew Renée Baux previously so she felt bad about asking for her help. With a deep sigh, she just decided it would be good to get to know her new home anyway and left for the shop alone.

As she was walking through town she recognized the wide alley that led to the shop that had the clothes she wanted. As she was about halfway to the shop a group of men slowly started to encircle her one of them whistled and then another said, "Well, wots this, yer ladyship comin' to do some shoppin' today, 're ye?"

Another man walked behind her and said, "Scuse us, m'lady but ye see, we're in need o' a few coppers t' feed's 're families ye see."

Yet another of the men walked up close to her and asked, "Yer ladyship, perhaps ye need a guide fer findin' the right shop, me 'n ma mates 'ere, we could be yer guides. Say fer a silver an' maybe ye spend a night wif us?"

Renée smirked, she drew her sword and stepped back away from the men, the ones at her back started to approach so she sidestepped to show that she knew they were coming. She had practiced kendo her whole life and Renée herself had been training the sword, so her body was able to react the way she wanted. When one of the men made a grab for her, she gave him a slash on the wrist causing him to curse loudly, the other men laughed and started to draw their own weapons.

The man who was obviously the leader smirked and said, "Look 'ere luv, ye ain't walkin' out 'ere. Why don't ye just put down that there pig sticker an just let us 'ave a bit of fun and some coin and then ye can go back to yer rich life like nothin' 'appened 'ere?"

At just that moment a man on a horse was walking past the alley, he looked down and then seemed to debate whether getting involved was worth it. he started to walk past and then stopped and turned his horse down the alley, He called out, "What's this, a dozen men fighting a single woman?"

"Stay out of it if'n ye want to leave 'ere with that sword and 'orse!" One of the men barked.

Another of the men grinned at the man on the horse and said, "This 'ere bird is just gonna sing fer us a bit is all."

Renée was carefully keeping them at a distance anxiously blurted out, "Just stand back, these men are dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt!"

The man on the horse hopped down and walked forward with the ease of someone taking a stroll to shop. Each man he passed by lost a limb or their head, his sword was fast and strong. The men didn't know who to keep their eye on as a sense of dread came over them. Renée was carving through one side equally devastating the men. Compared to the men they faced, they were at a level these men couldn't dream of reaching. It only took a few breaths of time before all but the few men who managed to run away were lying on the ground dead or screaming at the loss of their limbs. the street was painted red with their blood.

Renée gave him a curtsy and calmly said, "My name is Renée Baux, thank you for helping, you fight well."

He smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "Thank you, m'lady, it seems you really didn't need my help at all, but I was happy to assist." He gave a gentlemanly bow and said, "Claude de Rouvroy, at your service."

She looked at his outfit and said, "I'm sorry, your clothes have been ruined because of me. Would you like to come with me, I am about to purchase some clothing for myself. I would be happy to replace your damaged attire."

He chuckled and said, "M'lady if House Rouvroy has become so poor that I need a lady to purchase a new shirt for me, I'd probably be joining a group like that lot."

Renée blushed and said, "I meant no disrespect Lord Rouvroy, please, let me at least do this much for a brave hero who rescued me." She smiled up at him.

He offered her his arm and said, "Then I shall not argue and accept your good will. If it will allow me to have your company just that much longer than it's a price House Rouvroy will have to bear."

Renée laughed happily and took the offered arm. Claude's horse followed obediently behind them as they walked. She led him to the shop that had the dresses she wanted, first of all, trying on several. Claude gave his opinion on each of the dresses. Then they went down the block and stopped at a men's clothing shop where she bought him a new shirt and some trousers. Claude then offered her a ride back to the Academy which she graciously accepted.

As they rode up to the school Guy de Montfort was walking out of the main entrance. He glared at Claude like he was seeing the deadest man in the world. Renée hopped off the horse and walked up to Guy and spoke in Japanese to him. Guy answered and then spoke back and forth until the two hugged each other tightly. Guy then spoke up to Claude, "Thank you for helping her, this is hard to explain, but Renée here is my sister. If something bad had happened to her, I don't know what I would have done."

Claude smiled and then said, "I was in the area and able to help." He thought for a moment and then asked, "That language you two just spoke, it seemed almost familiar to me, what is that?"

Renée smiled at him and said, "It's not important, it's something only he and I know. A made-up language."

Claude nodded and said, "A secret language between siblings. How interesting." He stepped down off his horse and started to lead her to the stable. He stopped and said, "Lady Baux, I hope we have the chance to speak again." He gave her a gentlemanly bow.

Guy smirked and said, "You'll be seeing her all the time you idiot, she's my sister." He laughed and shook his head. He looked at Renée and said, "Claude is one of our friends. He'll be joining us for our meals."

Renée blushed and watched Claude walking away, "He's very handsome. Oh, wait, Claude de Rouvroy! He's the black swordsman, one of the capture targets from the game!"

Guy nodded and said, "This world, it's just like Noble School. They are all here, you'll be able to meet them again."

"Again?" Renée asked.

Guy nodded and said, "It's going to be hard to explain, you see we have been to Tokyo in another timeline. They all met you once before. Claude there, the original Renée and Sir Charles had all transmigrated to our world, while I had transmigrated to this world. We all met up there. Something happened to this world and we were forced to go back in time to save it."

"What they said then about you spending time with me?" Renée asked.

Guy replied with a sigh, "I thought at first that I should avoid the truck and avoid this world. That by doing so I would save it. I spent ten miserable years in our world and just couldn't be away from her, the woman I married and fell in love with..."

Renée looked at him funny and then said, "Not Alicia I hope?"

Guy laughed, "No, Madeline Celeste d'Aumont."

Renée smiled and said, "I told you she was really the good one, I always thought they treated her terribly."

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