The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Vol 2 – 18: Diggory Berger

Vol 2 – Chapter 18: Diggory Berger

Translated by XianPiete

The girls stepped through a gate back to the campus appearing in Alicia's room. Alicia took charge immediately and organized them as a group, "We have to find the others and not alert Diggory. As a Mage, he could slip through a gate and disappear before we could catch him and then none of us would be comfortable sleeping ever again."

Doreen said, "It's most likely that they would be in the Order's dining room, we should start there." The girls raced out of the dorm and headed for the Order's dining room as a group. As they ran Alicia divided up their duties in case they found Diggory there with the others.

As they approached the dining room, Diggory happened to see them coming and he said, "It seems the ladies have heard about the trouble here and are coming over." He picked up a glass and wiped it off and went on, "I do want to thank you, gentlemen, for always being the first ones to try my potions. Over the years you have helped me perfect some of my favorite potions. The paralysis potion you tried today, for instance, I only created a small batch but it seems to be working splendidly. I know you all have questions right now, but I think it would be better to wait until our other guests arrive before I explain the rest of the details."

Olivier was practically shaking with rage but couldn't move his arms or legs at all. Diggory walked over and posed him, the way he had Guy and the others. All of their eyes were locked on to Diggory who smiled and said, "I'll invite the ladies to have a drink and then I'll be bringing my favorites along with me when I leave. You boys just sit here and watch, alright?" He walked over and spoke next to Wolter's ear, "I'll be taking your Alicia now, I know you don't really care about her anyway. I've always wanted her but she is always so popular I can never find her alone. Thank you for helping her find the strength to get rid of all those pesky fellows." Diggory then danced over to Guy and giggled, "You'll never guess who is my favorite." He took out a little vile of poison and poured it down Guy's throat, "I know how you can be, Montfort, so pardon me for getting rid of your trouble in advance. The last thing I need is you constantly searching for me."

Just then Alicia and the others burst into the room. When the men didn't say anything or move, Alicia yelled out, "Go with the plan!"

Madeline and Doreen both cast ice spells on Diggory and then Alicia yelled out, "Silence!" Diggory's face was one of complete surprise.

Ella looked at the men and said, "Something's wrong, they aren't dead, but they can't move." She went from man to man checking them and then yelled out "Guy's been poisoned."

Doreen ran over and said, "Antidote. Heal."

Guy choked out, "Kill Diggory, kill him quickly."

Alicia smirked and then said, "Gravity." The block of ice that was Diggory shattered into a bloody mess. She sighed and said, "I think we got him in time, he shouldn't have had time to return to the past."

The ladies went around the room and cast antidote and heal on all of the men allowing them to break free of the potion's effects. Once free Wolter grabbed Alicia in a bear hug and kissed her fiercely on the mouth. He didn't say anything just held her as if she would disappear if he released her. Guy similarly held Madeline and said, "He told us why he murdered those women, and what he wanted to do with all of you."

Olivier went over and grabbed Ella in a hug and said to her, "I'm glad you all are alright. I was so afraid."

Algernon walked over to Doreen who said, "It's alright, you can hug me now." He smirked and then pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her even more passionately than Wolter had kissed Alicia.

Claude walked over to Renée, bowed to her and kissed the back of her hand and said, "You arrived just in time to save us, m'lady."

Sir évreux waved and said, "I'm alright too." He raised his hand in the air like he was waiting for a high five. After a while, he just gave himself a high five and said, "Yeah, alright Sir évreux, glad you are alright."


A few nights after the two girls were found murdered, a fire broke out in the women's dorm burning the building to the ground. Later it would be learned that a girl who stayed up late trying to get in some last minute late night studying for a quiz knocked over a candle in her room which started the blaze, due to the loss of the building the girls were forced out of their rooms and into tents.

Olivier decided to take action and personally found housing for the women just off campus and spent his own gold on helping to quickly rebuild their dorm. Thanks to this large expenditure, he finally was able to convince Guy for the need to start a new business to help support the Council of Magic. Olivier smirked at Guy and asked, "Tell me the truth, how much gold do you still have?"

Guy scratched his head, "I mean, in gold? Not much at all."

Olivier glared at him, "Enough to start a company that could support us all?"

Guy rubbed his chin and thought, "Well, I have to have enough for Maddy's airship or she'll kill me."

Olivier frowned and then asked, "How much did you budget for an airship?"

"Well, considering the infrastructure, the land, the materials, and the labor costs, only around 800 million I guess?" Guy nodded as he stated a stupidly high number.

Olivier crushed the glass in his hand, "I just wiped out my personal savings of ten million and you have almost a billion gold... On you?"

Guy nodded and said, "Well, yeah, I mean, in the other world I had fifteen billion in gold that I had to leave behind."

Olivier grabbed Guy by the scruff of his neck and shook him, "Give me my money back you cheap bastard!"

Ella pointed at Olivier and Guy and asked, "Are they going to be alright?"

Madeline looked over and said, "Yes, they are just having fun playing together, you don't need to worry." Madeline looked over at Alicia who was blushing and fanning herself, "Alicia, things going better between you and Wolter?"

Alicia smiled and said, "I don't know what Diggory told that boy, but he has been an animal lately." she giggled. She looked over at Claude and Renée and whispered, "Those two sure are getting along well lately, have you noticed?"

Madeline smiled and nodded she whispered back, "They keep making excuses to be around each other, it's adorable. I don't remember seeing Claude act like that with you, are you jealous?"

Alicia snorted and then whispered back, "That's because he was in love with you, you just couldn't see it because you had your.." She wiggled her pinky, "Man in your eyes the whole time."

Madeline frowned and whispered more aggressively, "He is not a.." She wiggled her pinky, "Just because Claude has a third leg." She pouted and then whispered hard, "We haven't seen Wolter's yet, so maybe he is a.." She wiggled her pinky at Alicia.

The two of them started to pull each other's hair and tumble on the ground. Wolter pointed over at the two of them and asked Sir évreux, "Are they going to be alright?"

Sir évreux looked over and said, "I think they are just playing together."

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