The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 42: Sir Charles de Évreux

Chapter 42: Sir Charles de évreux

Translated by XianPiete

Sir évreux rode out on his white charger just ahead of his men, his scouts reported seeing something odd in the area around the swampland at the southern edge of his fief. He thought he saw some strange drag marks leading down from a house that had looked to have been ransacked. He was no stranger to battle and had developed a strong sense of danger, his vision carefully scanning the area for tell tale signs of an ambush. His hearing listening for the sound of approaching danger.

From his rear he heard one of his men cry out, he turned his mount and saw a large number of brutish looking soldiers, tall strong men with great swords, axes and war hammers. A volley of Arrows struck into the main body of his men, he lost five at once. Now left with only a dozen men, Sir évreux cried out, "Retreat! We're in a bad spot here!" He lowered his visor and charged forward through the attacking men his lance killing two at once and then shattering, he drew his sword and cut down another man. He could hear the loud sound of an arrow glancing off his shoulder. He felt the sting of another arrow piercing through his chain-mail.

His men followed behind, his charger attacking as a battering ram to clear space for them to break free. The brutish looking troops quickly surrounded Sir évreux and his men, even with his charge there were just too many for them to get through. Sir évreux attacked with his sword, his charger raising up on its hind legs then rocking forward kicking out to attack those behind it. Sir évreux swung his sword killing men with each stroke. All the while arrows flew into him and his men, the archers standing close enough he could see them.

Sir évreux knew that he could survive if he just abandoned his men, but he thought to himself, 'what would Guy de Montfort do?' He looked to his left and saw a weak point in the surrounding troops, there were more archers there than any other type of troop, he ordered his men, "Retreat to the left flank!" He pointed with his sword and then urged his charger through, his horse was starting to weaken from the hits it was taking, his own vision was starting to blur from the blood loss. He just needed to see his men to safety.

He turned to look back and see if his men were following and saw the last of them take a heavy blow from a war hammer and fall to the ground. Sir évreux swung his sword taking the head off an archer his horse kicked another, but then a line of spearmen came roaring out and started to attack his horse causing it to finally rear up and fall back dead, Sir évreux felt the weight of the horse crush his legs as spears came in stabbing through his armor. He coughed up blood, he spit blood while crying out, "évreux!"

His vision went black.


Doreen Leon walked with Countess Baux after visiting the graveside of her best friend. She still hadn't really dealt with her friend's death even so many months later. Things had been so up and down since that day that she got lost in other things like her schoolwork. Sitting by the grave and seeing the heavy stone left her in tears, the months of holding back her grief all came crashing down like a huge wave. The Countess hugged her tight and gave her a kiss on the forehead, as if she were her own daughter she whispered, "She can rest in peace knowing you cared so much for her, just let it out."

Doreen rested her head on the Countess's shoulder as she cried. Doreen wiped her eyes and said, "I miss her so much." The Countess hugged her tight again.

"We live in a cruel world of life and death. We can only live on to keep our loved ones alive in our hearts." The Countess said, she went on, "She wrote about you often, and how the two of you made powerful friends who would someday change the world for us. It didn't take long before we started to receive investments from outside in her name. Even the King saw fit to bestow our territory with his favor. Our County has never thrived so much. She might have passed on, but the life she lived had meaning and brought prosperity to us here."

Doreen smiled up at the countess and nodded, she wiped her eyes and said, "You're right. I need to continue living, and carry her memory as long as I can."

The Countess smiled and asked, "So, do you have a young man you like?" They continued their walk back.

Doreen smiled and thought about it, "Like? I don't know, I have been spending time with Sir Charles de évreux, the Baron of évreux. I danced with him at the Spring Ball, but I am not even sure that he is my type." She thought for a while and then said, "I'm sure my father will select a house for an alliance, so I have never thought to look on my own for a man."

The Countess chuckled and said, "I was the same, my father selected Count Baux's son. I hadn't even met him before the marriage, but I trusted my father and wanted what was best for my own house."

Doreen nodded and then said, "I suppose my marriage has always been the last thing on my mind, I just want to live a life of meaning. Its why I try hard at my studies and practice my sword."

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