The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 60: Betrayal

Chapter 60: Betrayal

Translated by XianPiete

Doreen's breathy voice sounded soothing as she whispered in the dark room, "Don't worry, I will take responsibility."

Madeline's voice sounded anxious as she whispered back, "What if he finds out?"

Doreen pressed a finger against her lips, "Shh, I think I hear someone coming." Madeline's heart started to beat fast, she closed her eyes hoping they weren't discovered.


Prince Albert was called to meet with his father, he felt annoyed at being distracted from his own plans. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his own people were already in the room waiting for him with his father. He felt an arrogant smile curl up the corner of his lip, but he was smart enough to hide it in front of his father. The King sat on his throne, on either side of him stood two people dressed all in black wearing gold masks. In front of the king were several other people also dressed in black with gold masks. Off to the side were the officials and ministers. As soon as Prince Albert was announced the ministers were escorted out by the people dressed all in black with gold masks. After which they immediately returned to ranks, down on one knee.

Prince Albert walked up until he was just at the bottom of the steps leading to his father's throne. He took a knee himself and said, "Your Majesty, you have summoned me?"

The King looked very annoyed as he tapped his fingers on the arm of his throne, "I understand that you didn't listen to my orders and decided to try for one of the Council of Magic. Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

Prince Albert looked amused as he met his father's eyes, "Actually, it was I who allowed you to have that information, father."

The King laughed and then asked, "You allowed me?"

Prince Albert looked at his father with a smug expression and then asked, "You heard it from her own mouth, father, why should you be so surprised?"

The King looked slightly angry, "Heard? What did I hear from who's mouth?"

The shorter one of the two gold mask wearing figures by his side suddenly struck out driving a knife into the King's heart, "From my mouth." She pulled off the mask covering her face, "I said, 'I love you.' To your son."

Prince Albert clapped and smiled, "Well done Cecil. Start the operation now. I want total control of the country within the hour. Remember, our allies are anyone even remotely tied to the Council of Magic. Make sure no one even indirectly related to them is touched."

The figures in black disappeared in a flash. The still dying King slowly slid down from his throne gasping for breath. Prince Albert walked slowly over and said, "I know you are thinking, how could this idiot have.." He smiled and then shrugged, "I'll admit, I had to adjust my schedule in large part thanks to Guy de Montfort and Olivier, but you managed to solve that issue for me. I won't make the colossal mistake you were thinking of making by provoking those two. Let me tell you how the future of Pays Des Abrutis will go, I plan to partner with Mage Montfort and my brother and lead our Kingdom into a future the likes of you could never have imagined with your small mind and petty ambitions." He sat down on the throne and gave his father a kick, "My plan for the future of the Kingdom is not less of the Council of Magic, but more. I also want to support the Ito Conglomerate and help them stay number one in the world. You may not have understood what kind of people those geniuses on the Council of Magic are, but I fully understand. They are not fueled by a desire to rule, but by a desire to explore and to grow."

Cecil returned immediately and said, "It is done, your Majesty. No one will be alarmed. We can release the news just how you wanted."

Prince Albert smiled and said, "The Patsy?"

Cecil smiled and said, "Already set to be found."

Prince Albert chuckled, "Won't Emperor Wolter will be surprised?" He laughed and then said, "Very well, stage the room."

The men in black with gold masks came flying around the room, setting a scene that would pass even the most advanced scrutiny including killing the Patsy in the throne room itself. Prince Albert picked up his father's dead body and began to weep as the ministers were allowed back in the room, members of the Prince's inner circle among them lead the charge over to see what had happened and to validate the Prince's claim to the throne.

Before the sun went down, King Albert the fourth of Pays Des Abrutis was crowned and a new direction for the country would be coming.


Guy walked into the room, he thought something was wrong, there was a strange scent in the room and his senses were telling him that something was wrong so he called out, "Light."

Doreen and Madeline called out, "Surprise!"

Behind them, all of Guy's friends popped out of hiding as well, someone lit the candles on a birthday cake. Several Dukes, even a few Counts were in the room as well as Guy's best friends on the Council of Magic and a few friends and classmates from the Academy. Guy's face melted into a genuine smile, "How did you guys find out?"

The Duchess de Montfort cleared her throat and said, "You might have become a bigshot here, but your mother still remembers when she had her son!"

Duke Montfort smiled and said, "Happy birthday son." He saw Duke Aumont and said, "Hello, Vermin, I'm so, happy, you could make it."

"Ferrrrrrmin FERMIN!" Duke Aumont started to hop around angrily pointing at Duke Montfort.

Duchess d'Aumont chuckled and said, "Calm down Vermin.." Her eyes got big and she covered her mouth, "I mean Fermin, goodness."

Madeline hugged Guy and smiled up at him, "I hope we didn't expose ourselves too early?"

Guy smiled and said, "Not at all. I was genuinely surprised."

Doreen came over and gave him a hug as well and said, "Happy birthday, now come, blow out the candles on the cake so we can serve the guests and get to the gifts!" she giggled.

Olivier came over and gave Guy a hug next and said, "My good brother, happy birthday."

Everyone started to call for Guy to blow out the candles and to make a wish so Guy walked up and said, "I wish that tomorrow will be a better day for all of us." He leaned over and blew out the candles.

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