The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 62: Meeting with the new King

Chapter 62: Meeting with the new King

Translated by XianPiete

After the public and private royal funerals were held, King Albert was coronated in another grand public ceremony. He immediately made several sweeping changes to how the government was run that were very popular with the populace. Then behind closed doors, the power he had taken from the nobility was quietly replaced with new revenue sources that were better for all involved. King Albert also met with the public leadership of the Ito Conglomerate and increased royal support in the way of lands and lowered taxes. He made sure to emphasize that he felt a strong Iton Conglomerate meant a stronger Pays Des Abrutis and promised to stay out of the way of their business ventures.

The time came that King Albert then requested an audience with the Council of Magic, unlike his father he understood that the Council was not a tool to be used, but rather a Heavy Axe hanging over the neck of the King that could also be won over as a friend to that King. Olivier who had previously acted as the liaison with his father chose to keep the role and spoke first with his brother. Olivier gave his normal goofy smile and asked, "So, Albert, how can we help you?"

Once behind closed doors, Albert took off the crown and rubbed his head, "I'm sorry for asking for you so so0n, Oli, but I just wanted to know what arrangements you had with father and how we might repair those into something a little more favorable to you."

Olivier looked a little confused, "You mean, you thought we weren't being treated right by father?"

Albert leaned forward and looked serious, "Oli, you and I both know that the Council of Magic has the power to change the Kingdom in the snap of your fingers. I just want to be clear on our relationship. I want you happy. No matter what it takes. Father, he had this insane idea that all of us, you, me, our sisters, the people, we're all here to serve him. That's not the way I see things. I want to do right for us all. Not just me and my children. A healthy strong Kingdom means more for everyone from the guy who shovels the horse crap, to the four Dukes. I want this Kingdom to have better roads, clean, safe streets. I know it can be done, but the first thing I want to be sure of is that we have the Council of Magic, here and happy in Pays Des Abrutis."

Olivier looked at his brother with his own serious face and then said, "The contract we signed with father entitled us to the lands around the Academy in exchange for a mutual defense pact. If another country attacks the sovereignty of Pays Des Abrutis, the Council of Magic will put a stop to it." He tapped his finger on the table and said, "Our line will be drawn at defense. If you attack another nation and lose, and that nation wins lands and territory once belonging to the nation of Pays Des Abrutis, we won't act."

Albert rubbed his chin and nodded, he then asked, "Does this pact cover rebellion against the crown?"

"In the event of civil war, the Council reserves the right to side with the people," Olivier said as he sat back.

Albert smiled and nodded, "Very well, I too agree to these terms." He held out his hand to Olivier who returned the handshake. Albert then slumped down in his chair and said, "Oli, this should have been your crown, I don't think I am cut out for this."

Olivier gave his normal goofy smile, "Oh cut the crap, Albert, you and I both know you did everything in your power to get that crown. I just happen to think you are a better fit for it than father was so I turned my cheek to some of your schemes." He tapped his finger on the desk and said, "Your little schemes to get me and Andre to fight were fun, but a close friend of mine was hurt by it. If that ever happens again, we'll be holding another grand royal funeral."

Albert smiled aggressively and put the crown on his head proudly, "So that was it. Father's Black Knights killed a few women at the school, and one of them was close to you. That was a mistake on his part. I had ordered that no one close to you is to be killed, but Father gave them different instructions."

Olivier smiled and said, "The Black Knights are very good, but not perfect."

Albert tilted his head, that same smile on his face, "Oh? What do you mean?"

Olivier said, "Gravity."

Cecil and Norris came crashing down out of the ceiling onto the heavy oak table. They appeared to be struggling to move. Albert's eyes grew big as he asked in a shaky voice, "What is the meaning of this, Olivier?"

Olivier gave Albert his normal goofy smile and asked, "Which one of them did it? Which one of them killed Renée Baux?"

Norris answered through the heavy weight of gravity crushing him down, "I did, it was me."

Olivier snapped his fingers and Norris was crushed to death. He looked at Cecil and then Albert and said, "I look forward to an amicable future between us. Let this be the end of the cycle of retribution."

Albert began to sweat, he feared that Cecil would attack his brother causing his death, he said to her, "I agree, brother. No more bloodshed, from now forward we will be allies at all times."

Olivier walked out the door and said, "That's all we ask, brother."

A minute later the weight holding Cecil to the table returned to normal, she crawled to Norris and cried, "Why, why would you say it was you?"


Olivier found Doreen later that day, they found a secluded spot in the garden and sat together. Olivier looked out over the garden and said, "I met with Albert today. The incident at the Academy was discussed."

Doreen nodded knowing what he meant. She asked in her soft voice, "Then?"

"I killed the butler that was with her, it was probably her directly, but he took the blame," Olivier replied in a soft voice.

Doreen looked up at the sky, a tear rolled down her cheek, "Thank you for finding justice for her, Olivier. I know that it meant fighting against your own family."

Olivier nodded and chuckled, "My family is less like a family to me than our Council." He took her hand in his and said, "I consider you family, Doreen, your problems are my problems, alright?"

Doreen laid her head on Olivier's shoulder, "Thank you, Olivier." Olivier put his arm around her shoulder and held her as they stared out over the garden.

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