The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 89: The Might of Wütendes Menschenreich

Chapter 89: The Might of Wütendes Menschenreich

Translated by XianPiete

With enemies besieging the new capital of Wütendes Menschenreich, the great warriors from Emperor Wolter von Plettenberg's father's army who had retired once again moved into action. Children who weren't yet ready to join the military but had been training along side of their fathers joined the ranks. Soon the Wütendes Menschenreich army grew to over half a million soldiers. Leading the ranks were the battle-hardened berserkers with five men enhanced by the magic of Bless.

These Wütendes Menschenreich soldiers were no ordinary men. They towered like giants, built like great walking tanks carrying massively thick swords, huge axes or long halberds. A group of hunters joined the ranks of the army carrying the preferred oaken longbows used in the forest. Giving the huge army a group of deadly archers with a range double that of their enemy. Wütendes Menschenreich also had huge catapults and trebuchet arranged on top of their fortress walls ready to rain death on their enemy.

The army of a million men marched themselves into a buzzsaw of death. Halfway through the battle, the attacking forces wanted to run, but they knew that when they reached the borders of Pays Des Abrutis they would not be allowed to enter, they were stuck facing these monsters. They had to fight to the last man. Emperor Wolter stood atop the castle walls watched his soldiers rushed forward slaughtering through the enemies in front of them. He finally understood why his father said to stop his scheming and allow the men of Wütendes Menschenreich to fight with honor and bravery. His soldiers were worth three of the men they faced.

Had he not provoked the Council of Magic with his schemes, his father would still be alive, his army would still be at full strength and not forced to bring back the elderly and children to fight this desperate war. He took a deep breath and swore to make amends with the Council of Magic. He would make friends with the Ito Conglomerate. To be a great Emperor of Wütendes Menschenreich meant to use the strength of its people, not throw them to their deaths fighting an impossible opponent. He closed his eyes and called out, "Men of Wütendes Menschenreich, kill them all, bring me the heads of their generals!" A huge roar sounded in reply from his army and they fought with a strength that seemed beyond human.

Across the battlefield in the general's meeting tent, the group of generals looked at the map in front of them and General Porkins said, "No, we're alright." He pointed at the reserves, "We'll bring this group in now and attack this flank to get relief on the center."

"You idiot, the reserves were already killed by their archers and the catapults. All that's left of that group was used as replacements to our losses in the main forces. All we have left are George's group and Piotr's group because they hid in the forest while our groups took arrows and rocks." The tall gaunt looking general raged.

A bloody soldier came running into the tent and yelled, "General, our forces have broken, the men are starting to desert. The bastards from Wütendes Menschenreich aren't allowing men to surrender. They are killing to the last."

The Generals all drew their own swords and stepped out of the tent. What they saw was a field of blood with fierce angry monsters roaming through it killing anything that moved. The once mighty army of a million soldiers was less than ten thousand men running for their lives while a hundred thousand remorseless monsters roamed in organized hunting packs killing off those who weren't fast enough to flee.

The Generals looked at each other and the General Porkins yelled out, "Men who are left, sound the retreat, let's get the hell out of here and live to warn the world never to come here!"


Guy looked at Olivier like he was crazy, "You didn't get the gold up front?"

"They gave us all they had as a down payment. So we made a little over half a million. I made them sign a contract so I'll go to their countries of origin for the remainder." Olivier smiled.

Guy rubbed the bridge of his nose, "What happens if they lose?"

"It will take them at least a few days to reach the border of Pays Des Abrutis, so I'll worry about that after the wedding." He gave Guy his normal goofy smile.

Guy shook his head and said, "I think I am actually starting to feel sorry for Wütendes Menschenreich, but who knows. They may come out of this intact. They are not pushovers. Those guys brought a huge army, but it may not have been enough."

Olivier nodded, "Alright, enough dodging the question, are you ready for this?"

Guy looked a little jittery, "I am not sure I can go through with this, I think I might be sick." His leg was bouncing and he looked ready to run out of the room at any minute.

Olivier grabbed his shoulders looking super serious and said, "Guy, look at me. This is it. This is your moment. You spent all that time and energy for just this moment. All the sacrificing, all the planning. The hours you toiled away in your lab and spent reading books in the library. All the hours you've trained your body. All of them were leading you to this moment. The woman of your dreams is going to come up that aisle and pledge herself to you and only you."

Guy took a few deep breaths and said, "I can do it, I can do this!"

Olivier nodded and said, "Just go out there and give it your all, if you die on this battlefield, there is no coming back. We'll humiliate you for the rest of your life!"

Guy shook his head, "Wait, that's not right.."

Olivier nodded and said, "If you make a fool of yourself today, you'll be the laughingstock of Pays Des Abrutis."

Guy frowned at Olivier, "That's just the opposite of what you should be saying..."

Olivier nodded and said, "Look at me now, Guy, if you screw this up, I'll win a bet with Diggory and Algernon, so make sure you can't remember your lines."

Guy started to glare at Olivier, "You bastard just what are you trying to do, you're my best man!"

Olivier nodded and said, "It would be best of you tripped as you walked up the aisle, or maybe fainted as you give your vows. That would be hilarious."

Guy growled, "You're pissing me off Olivier, you're supposed to be on my side here!"

Olivier nodded and asked, "Well, are you still nervous?"

Guy barked back at him, "No, I'm pissed at you for betting I would fail at this."

Olivier slapped him on the back and returned to his normal goofy smile, "You're welcome."

Guy glared at him and said, "If I find out you really bet on me to fail today, we'll settle this debt." He pointed at his eyes and then pointed at Olivier. He took a final deep breath to clear the anger from his face and then cracked his neck and jumped up and down. Then he smoothed out his formal mage uniform and looked in a mirror to make sure he looked perfect. "Let's do this. Leeeeeeroy! Jennnnnkins!" He burst out the doors looking like a confident prince.

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