The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 92: Tokyo Drift

Chapter 92: Tokyo Drift

Translated by XianPiete

The gate opened in front of Ito Aoi's father's house. Guy thought about it and said, "We won't be able to say who we are, so let me do the talking. You won't understand us, but don't worry I won't hide anything from you."

Guy cracked his neck and then knocked on the door. A few moments later a strange man opened the door. When he looked at Guy and Madeline he screamed and then slammed the door shut. Madeline looked at Guy and asked, "Are we that strange looking?"

Guy frowned and said, "No, I am not sure what's going on." He knocked again and this time a different taller man opened the door, his eyes bugged out of his head. He also slammed the door shut. Guy was angry now so he knocked even harder.

This time his sister Yuuki opened the door and asked in Japanese, "Hello, can I help you?"

Guy frowned and asked in Japanese, "Yuuki, who are those two guys?"

She made a face and then screamed and slammed the door shut.

Madeline looked worried and then asked, "Maybe we appear to be demons?"

Guy frowned and said, "I don't think that's it."

He knocked on the door again and this time the first man who opened the door came and opened it and spoke in the language from Madeline's world, "Hello Guy, I guess I mean Aoi, long time no see? Hello Madeline, you're looking more beautiful than ever." He smiled and gave a gentlemanly bow.

Guy frowned and said through his teeth, "Claude you son of a bitch, what have you been doing with my sister?"

Behind him Touma laughed and said in the same language, "Oh man, he really did guess who you were just by that. Hello Guy, Madeline, great to see you again, I'm Charles but you can call me Abe Touma now. Claude there is Yura Gorou now."


Onboard the Montfort, the passengers, and crew watched from above as police officers with bullhorns had entered the graveyard and were shouting at the airships in different languages trying to get a response from the crew. The mages were curious as they listened to the many languages until they heard French. Diggory got excited and yelled back in their own language, "I'm sorry, that didn't make sense, are you asking us where we keep our bread?"

The Japanese police officers yelled in French again, "We need you to come down from the airship, you are illegally flying over our airspace."

Diggory called down again, "I'm sorry did you ask if you could borrow our allspice?"

The police officers talked amongst themselves and asked, "Do you understand us?"

Diggory called back, "Yes!"

The police officers talked amongst themselves and then asked, "Can you come down?"

Diggory yelled back, "No!"

The police officers talked again and then yelled, "Why not?"

Diggory yelled back, "Cause I'm ****ing your mother up here!"

The police officers looked at each other in anger.


Guy just sat on the couch glaring at Yura Gorou who was doing his best to meet the eyes of Guy. Madeline happily chatted with Yuuki using Touma as an interpreter when Saito Ami came bursting in and said in the language of Madeline's world, "They really came here?!" She saw Guy de Montfort and Madeline and burst into tears. She ran over and hugged them both before saying, "I'm sorry, you probably won't even remember me, but I used to be lady Renée Baux."

Guy and Madeline's eyes opened wide and then Guy said, "I'm sorry, I'll be right back. Gate." A silvery gate opened and then Guy disappeared for two minutes. He entered the room dragging Doreen.

Ami and Touma looked like they had seen a ghost as they cried out at the same time, "Doreen!"

She looked around at all the unfamiliar faces and replied with a smile and a soft laugh, "Uh, hello?"

Ami grabbed her in a bear hug and said, "Doreen, it's me, it's Renée."

Touma smiled and gave a gentlemanly bow and said, "Sir Charles de évreux."

Gorou waved and said, "It's me, Claude."

Yuuki giggled and said, "Hi, I'm Aoi, uh, Guy's sister. Nice to meet you."

Doreen looked at Ami and asked, "Is it really you?"

Ami hugged her tight and said, "Mhm, although I am Saito Ami now."

Doreen grabbed her and kissed her hard and the mouth and said, "I never got to tell you, I love you."

Ami blushed bright red, she bit her lower lip and said shyly, "I know."


Diggory called out, "Hey!"

The Police officers talked amongst themselves and then they answered, "What?"

Diggory flipped them off and yelled, "**** you!" A few minutes later Diggory called down again, "Guess what?"

The Police officers unenthusiastically responded, "What?"

Diggory called out, "You know what we did?"

The Police officer on the bullhorn called back, "This better not be about my mother again."

Diggory yelled, "It's not about your mother."

The Police officer asked, "Then what did you do?"

Diggory yelled back in reply, "I did your mother!"

The Police officer tossed the bullhorn away and yelled out, "Snipers, shoot that god damned blimp down."

A police sharpshooter aimed carefully at what looked like the balloon section of a blimp and pulled the trigger. The bullet stopped before it hit the airship causing yellow rings to spread over the area around the strike. The bullet then fell harmlessly to the ground. Diggory laughed and flipped off the police officers some more.


Doreen looked over at Guy and said, "We need to get back to the ship, there is trouble."

Guy asked, "What kind of trouble?"

"Diggory." Doreen said.

Guy nodded and said, "Alright, we need to get to the ship, you guys want to come to see?" Everyone nodded including Yuuki. Guy opened a gate and then they all walked through on to the bridge of the Montfort.

Once onboard another round of introductions was made and Guy walked over to Diggory and asked, "I thought I told you to..."

"Ah, but I didn't leave the ship. You didn't say we couldn't talk to them." Diggory replied before he finished.

Guy rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Alright, well we should move the ship or something before the start shooting."

Diggory thought for a moment and then asked, "Is shooting what the loud long cylinders do?" Guy nodded. Diggory said, "Ah, then they have been shooting at us. The defensive magic is working to stop the little rocks it sends."

A crewmember called out, "Captain! The black cloud is forming again!"

They all raced over to the window and looked out and Guy yelled out, "Everyone not going back to Pays Des Abrutis needs to get the hell off the ship, I think we are about to travel again!" He opened a gate to his father's house and tossed Yuuki through it. Gorou gave a little salute and then followed her. Touma and Ami followed shortly after. Doreen stared hard at the gate but stayed put. Just like before static rushed through the ship the once clear day suddenly turned into dense fog and then everything went silent and turned pitch black.

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