The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 95: Returning Home

Chapter 95: Returning Home

Translated by XianPiete

Everyone boarded the Montfort including the Emperor and Empress of Wütendes Menschenreich. Thanks to the Emperor deciding to go with his wife, the entire Wütendes Menschenreich fleet was mobilized to escort them to the border. The sight of the ten Dreadnaughts which dwarfed the Montfort alone was impressive but the twenty Imperial Cruisers which were slightly larger than the Montfort made up the bulk of the Wütendes Menschenreich fleet every ship bristled with steam-powered weaponry. Guy noticed that the massive airships were built for broadside attacks, the huge airships would need to turn in order to fire the majority of their weapons. Guy de Montfort snorted and said, "I'll show them how to make a proper turret."

Madeline elbowed him and angrily said, "Don't think of improving their war machines. This is a crisis caused by our decisions."

Guy pouted and said, "Yes dear."

Doreen looked at Olivier and whispered to him, "How long has this been going on?"

Olivier leaned closer to Doreen and whispered back, "After their wedding night." They giggled at each other causing Ella to give Olivier a serious stink eye.

Ella leaned and whispered loud enough for the two of them to hear, "If the bof o' ye 're plannin' on foolin' around ye damn well be plannin' fer me to join ye." Olivier blinked as Algernon who was standing nearby looked pale and Doreen raised an eyebrow looking more than interested.

Murphy came over to Guy and said, "Mage Montfort, we are approaching the Aumont-Ito border, the rest of the fleet will stand by here as we cross the demilitarized zone."

Guy smiled and nodded, "The Montfort is armed, but not like your own ships of war, Emperor Wolter. So we look just like a normal transport ship, will they fire on us when we come into their range or is there a normal way to signal nonaggression?"

Wolter nodded and said, "I brought a flagman with us, he is up top with your own crewman. There will be one problem, and that is the shipyards where the Ito Conglomerate board building is located. It's a no-fly zone for most ships. You'll end up causing some aggression when we attempt to land there."

Guy grinned and said, "Oh? My own people will fire on me? That will be interesting to see."

The Montfort traveled across the former Montfort territory, it now was referred to by another name, the North Eastern Region. What used to be beautiful well kept farms now looked like a barren wasteland. They didn't start to see farms until they got closer to the capital. It took around two hours of travel to reach the former Hangar belonging to the Montfort what was once the largest building at the airfield. It was now an outlying tiny shed that was obviously being used as just a storage room now. Wolter point to a large pyramid looking build in the middle of the mass of giant hangar buildings which were constructing airships he growled, " You see that monument to greed, that is the home of the Ito Conglomerate." The skies above the capital that was at one time clear and blue were now covered in a thick smoggy haze has black smoke poured out of chimneys all over the capital. The huge airships that floated around also belched out a continuous black trail of burning coal.

Guy said to Madeline, "Let's circle the pyramid. I'll take Murphy down and straighten out the board of directors. If anyone attacks you, don't hesitate to defend yourselves. That's my god damned company and I will make sure they remember it."

Guy took Murphy to the Gate room, a safe room they had created below the Montfort's hangar that was only accessible by a gate. The public gate which linked the Montfort to it was still safely operating. From there Guy used his own gate and appeared in front of the Ito Conglomerate building. With Murphy by his side, he strode into the building just like he owned it. The security guard at the front desk asked, "Halt, do you have an appointment?"

Guy looked at the man and asked, "Since when does the owner need an appointment to return to his own building?"

The big security guard laughed and pointed to a large portrait of Guy that was hung on the wall behind him and said, "You idiot, Mage Guy de Montfort died in an airship accident twenty years ago, are you an idiot?"

Guy laughed and said, "You should turn around and look at that portrait."

The big security guard thought they were trying to trick him but he couldn't stop from looking. Sure enough the man in the portrait was standing in front of him, as impossible as that was. The guard's laughter slowly trailed off and he asked, "Wait, you would be much older if you were..."

Guy looked at him like he was an idiot, "I am a mage. Do I need to demonstrate? Light." Just as he said, he was a mage. The room was filled by a light so bright it was hard to keep his eyes open and then Guy snapped his fingers and it was gone. Guy looked at the security guard and the asked, "Take me to the board of directors meeting room, how do you summon them? I'll need them to explain some things."

The guard stood up and looked unsure of what to do when Murphy said, "This is the real owner, you need to move."

"Yes Mage Montfort, yes, right this way." He passed by another security guard and said, "Quickly tell the board of directors we have an emergency situation in the board room. Everyone is to assemble no questions asked!" The other guard laughed until he saw the deadly serious expressions on everyone's face. Then he ran around and gave orders to other guards.

Around an hour later a group of older men started to arrive in the great conference room. Guy sat in a high backed leather chair at the head of the table under yet another flattering portrait of himself. He grumbled to Murphy, "I never had any of these portraits made, where did they come from?"

Murphy sighed and said, "They used you as a martyr after they wrote you off as lost in the airship accident. They even have statues of you all over the Empire."

Guy sat at the table drumming his fingers as the old men arrived and were lazily chatting in the hall before entering the room. Guy looked at Murphy who just nodded his head and went out into the hallway and ushered the old men inside. Once inside they saw a young man sitting in the chair normally used by the chairman which originally was only used by the long forgotten owner. One of the men blurted out, "Young man, what's the meaning of this, do you know where you are? This is no place for a child to play power games."

Guy looked at the men and said in an unpassionate voice, "Have a seat. You have some explaining to do."

A few of the men recognized Murphy and one of them said to him, "Mr. Murphy, what is the meaning of this?"

Murphy replied, "The board of directors answers to the owner. It is the very first bylaw of the Ito Conglomerate, have you all become so drunk with your power that you have forgotten?"

The old man looked at Guy and said, "Who is this imposter, Guy de Montfort was lost with his wife on her airship twenty years ago." At just that moment through the giant windows facing away from the man, the Montfort slowly passed by easily identified by its markings.

Guy shouted at the old men, "Get in your damned seats and we'll begin this meeting!"

The old men started to fill the room, an aide brought an uncomfortable chair from the waiting room for the chairman which forced everyone to move down the table on one side. Murphy passed out folders for the men, purposely not having enough for all of the board members. When two of the men didn't get the documents one of them raised his hand and said, "Sir, we are two short."

Guy looked at the two men and asked, "My board of directors only has twelve men, who are you two?"

The first man said, "Sir, I am the director of Magery."

The other man said, "I'm the director of war."

Guy nodded his head and said, "Is that right? Murphy, did I add those positions to the Ito Conglomerate board of directors?"

Murphy stared at the two men, "You did not Mage Montfort. These positions were added by vote of the board after your assumed death."

Guy nodded and then said, "You two men are fired, clean out your desks."

The two men laughed and the director of war said, "I'd like to see you remove me."

Guy pointed at him and said, "Lightning Bolt." A small thin streak of lightning traveled from his finger into the man burning him to a crisp. After seeing this quite a few of the board of directors wet their pants.

The former director of Magery shook in his spot. He stammerd, "M-m-mage Montfort, sir, forgive me. I'll clean out my desk immediately."

Guy said, "Murphy explain things to the security guard outside, he is to be escorted. He is not allowed to take any company property or assets with him."

The board of directors all had deadly serious expressions with sweat visible on most foreheads as they sat at their seats. Guy stood up and asked, "Who owns the Ito Conglomerate?"

One by one they all said a form of 'you do Mage Montfort'.

He stood up, walked over to the window and nodded at their answers. He turned and looked out the window, "Gentlemen, I am very, very disappointed right now."

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