The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 140 The Dungeon Evolution (3)

"So, sir, do you have a plan to deal with this situation?" Norman, who like the rest, found himself unable to think of a way out of this dilemma, asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"..." Elisa, Montaser, Adam, and Anas all looked at Fray simultaneously after hearing Norman's question, in this critical situation they could only hope that the head of the family could have a miraculous solution to this problem.

Seeing their expressions and the hopeful looks they bore as they looked at him, Fray found himself unable to believe what he was seeing. Just a few weeks ago, except for Montaser, all these people were looking at Fray with heavy looks, not even trying to hide their hate and resentment. Fray is sure that they even tried to remove him from the position of head of the family

And now they are trusting him with the faith of the family, it really is amazing how much a few simple changes can achieve.

Noticing this, Fray was satisfied, As the head of the family, he needed to gain the trust and support of his subordinates. However, this also made him feel a lot of pressure. Actually even he found himself unable to find an insured way to deal with this difficult situation, so after he sighed inwardly, Fray said calmly, "I have a plan, but the chance of its success does not exceed thirty percent."

Thirty percent may seem to some gambling geeks to be decent odds, but to make the fate of an entire family depend on a thirty percent chance for Fray, who always counts ten steps ahead before making a move, was low, very low.

"If my guess is correct, I believe that the law that the monster controls, has the power to summon an army…" Fray.


-----Meanwhile, elsewhere

There was a lightning stork, famous for its speed that surpassed even winked horses and its incredible stamina, struggling to fly straight in defiance of the strong, gusty wind that was blowing from everywhere.

Because of the heavy fog and the strong wind, the bird could not see clearly in front of him, except for the gloomy sky with the thick gray clouds and the chunks of snow that the fierce wind was manipulating, the stork could not see anything in the path ahead.

scratch scratch

Suddenly, the lightning stork heard a scratching sound coming from below.

Because of the harsh weather, the stork had not eaten anything for days, so after hearing the sound, the bird could only reduce its speed to check the source of the sound, after all, there is a decent possibility that there is food there.

Thus, heading towards the source of the sound, the bird gradually lowered its altitude until it began to see the floor, which was just frozen water, from first glance it looked like the stork was flying over a frozen lake.

At a height close to the frozen ground, while looking ahead with great concentration, the bird moved forward until it reached the source of the noise.

As soon as the bird got close enough to the place where it had previously heard the sound, it could see a shadowy figure that looked like a creature about the height of a human standing on two feet, but because of the fog, the futures of the figure were not clear, so the bird advanced steadily towards the figure, until the shadow became clear enough to see.

A monster with a human-like body, pale yellow skin, a deformed head with dense veins protruding under the skin, a face without any eyes or ears, containing a huge deformed mouth that occupies half the area of ​​its face, and behind its back a thick and long tail. This is the creature that the bird found standing still there, near a deep hole in the frozen water. As soon as the stork saw this creature, all the bird's instincts cried out in fear, asking it to escape from this danger as soon as possible.

But before the bird could act on his instincts, the creature suddenly turned in the direction of the bird without making any sound, seeing that the lightning stork with eyes full of fear, flapped its wings as hard as it could while turning in the opposite direction of the creature.

While the stork was still trying to get away, the beast bent a little and with explosive force jumped towards the stork with a terrifying speed.

"kghkkkk…" the stirk shouted as he watched the sharp claws of the monster approaching him.

Only at the last moment, when the monster's claws were a few centimeters away from the bird, using its instinct and all the remaining energy in its body, the bird was able to slip aside from the claws' path, surviving death at the last moment, but due to the strong wind pressure caused by the monster's rush, the stork has pushed away with great force.


With great force, the bird crashed onto the frozen water, causing a loud sound, completely losing consciousness.

Several minutes passed before the bird that was in excruciating pain was able to open its eyes, but as soon as it opened its eyes, it found in front of its face the pale, eyeless face of the beast it had encountered before.

"kghkk!!!" Involuntarily after seeing the terrifying face of the beast, the bird quickly retreated to try to get away from that creature as fast as it could.

But as soon as the bird moved away, he found that the creature was nowhere to be found now. Only after he checked the place where it was before, the bird discovered that the monster was in fact trapped under the frozen water, but it wasn't just him there...

The bird looked around, examining the frozen water that was not observable to him from the sky, and found countless hundreds or perhaps even thousands of inconspicuous figures under the ice, but all of these figures have approximately similar shapes.

They all looked like the Monster that the stork had faced before.

Seeing this scene that made its feathers stand up in terror, the bird defied the pain that was attacking its body and soared into the sky, desperately trying to get as far away from this dreadful place as he can.

After enduring several hours of flight, the bird still did not come out of the thick fog and icy wind, but finally, the bird was able to see a huge shadow of what seemed like a distant high mountain. At this point, the bird's endurance had reached its end, so it had no choice but to head towards the huge mountain hoping to get some rest.

Thus, as fast as he could, the lightning stork advanced towards the mountain, trying very hard not to come down again to the terrifying ground.

"..." But just after getting close enough to the huge shadow suddenly, without feeling anything, the bird's consciousness disappeared completely.

The lightning stork died without even knowing how...


"Even the issue of Emore wouldn't be easy to deal with, that woman is vicious and she will surely try to take revenge on the family," Anas muttered again, putting a light on the second threat that the family must prepare for.


at the same time in the same place

"How dare he!? How dare that brat to banish me from the family. I'll make him regret it. I'll make them all regret it!" In her room, Emore yelled in a fierce voice, eyes red with anger, before picking up the antique vase that was lying on the table and angrily throwing it against the wall.

Liam who was sitting at the side watching his mom's rampage without daring to intervene thought to himself (I've never seen her so angry before, things are going to become intense from now on)


(Sigh, I just hope there isn't another hidden threat we don't know about) Fray thought with a serious expression as he leaned back in his chair.


At the same time elsewhere

There was a six-member team, three women and three men, cutting their way through the bush at great speed, leaving only afterimages behind. The aura that the team members gave off was so powerful and terrifying that all the nearby monsters retreated and opened the way for them to pass, unwilling to approach this fearsome team.

(Fray Parada, just wait I'm coming...) With a cold look in his eyes thought the grey-haired man at the front of the group


Hi guys, do you remember when I told you the novel hasn't started yet, and that I will make you know when it has

-----well, it has started-----

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