The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 220 Rin’s First Mission

Chapter 220 Rin's First Mission

As the radiant energy subsided, the group found themselves standing in the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by towering stone formations.

The air was thick with an otherworldly stillness, and the sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting an ethereal glow on the surroundings. The innkeeper stood before them, his eyes scanning the area with a mix of confusion and concern.

"It seems they haven't arrived yet," the innkeeper murmured. "We should wait here for the others to arrive. Once they do, we can proceed with the next phase of the challenge."

As they stood there, a hushed whisper reached Fray's ears, as a mysterious voice resonated within his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

"This is the place where you're supposed to die, Sir," Nahl whispered.

Fray's heart raced, his mind flooded with confusion. Why would this place be associated with his death? Questions swirled within him, but he kept his thoughts to himself, as he just waited for what will come next.

Just as the tension reached its peak in Fray's mind, a blinding light erupted from a nearby clearing, drawing their attention.

From within the light emerged three women, each possessing an aura of mystique and power.

A middle aged woman that had vibrant green hair, intertwined with living plants, making her appear as if she were a part of the forest itself.

A young woman with brown hair an air of icy beauty, her features ethereal and distant. And a young woman with silver hair and dark skin.

"..." Suddenly the green-haired woman's eyes narrowed as she locked her gaze onto Fray, her expression a mix of anger and suspicion.

"..." Fray looked at the women's look with confusion, unsure of what had caused her reaction. Before he could gather his thoughts, the innkeeper stepped forward, his voice calm and soothing.

"Greetings, Veridia," the innkeeper said respectfully. "can we talk in private."

Lady Veridia's turned her attention to the innkeeper. "Alright."

( She's not human ) As Fray looked at the woman that was moving away with the innkeeper, He thought with cold eyes.

" This is a fairy!!.." Aslan standing behind Fray, couldn't help but mumble in surprise as she looked at the women.

" Wow, this is the first time I see a fairy, I can feel that she's very strong " Lysander mumbled, looking at the green haired woman.

Lisa couldn't help but notice the woman's unsatisfied gaze as she conversed with the innkeeper. "She must be one of the leaders that the innkeeper mentioned," Lisa whispered to Fray. "Do you know her, Fray?"

"..." Fray, without answering he also looked at the woman, as he start to feel annoyed from her look.

Suddenly, the two girls who had emerged from the blinding light approached Fray and the group.

Fray looked at the two girls recognizing them, the girl with brown hair was a daughter from the Ayrum Family, her name being Mina, had an air of elegance and grace about her.

Her eyes held a glimmer of curiosity as she studied Fray, but she remained composed, not revealing any hint of the hostility that existed between their families.

The other girl, whose name was Lyla, belonged to one of the six ancient families. She had long, flowing silver hair that shimmered in the sunlight, and her eyes sparkled with wisdom. She was the first to extend her hand towards Fray, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"Greetings, Master Parada," she said, her voice melodic. "I am Lyla, from the esteemed family of Luminara. It is a pleasure to meet you."


As the small portal opened at the top of the cliff, Casper and Rin peered through, their eyes widening in awe.

In the horizon before them lay a sprawling city, its tall walls and towering buildings standing proudly amidst the dense forest that surrounded it.

The city seemed to blend seamlessly with nature, as if it had grown organically from the earth itself.

Known as Verilian, this city was Renowned for its architectural marvels and its strong economy and it's powerful amry.

Verilian had earned its place among the top five cities in the continent. Cities that could be compared even with the six ancient families.

Casper, always dressed in formal attire and perpetually wearing a smile, couldn't contain his excitement. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he turned to Rin, who stood beside him with his usual cold expression.

Rin, who had recently turned 18, was on his first mission without the need to hide his true identity. He was determined to prove himself and not let the family down.

With a nod of agreement, Rin and Casper began their descent down the cliff, making their way through the dense forest towards the city.

However, their journey was not without its challenges. As they ventured deeper into the forest, a rustling sound caught their attention. Casper's smile widned suddenly while Rin's expression remained unchanged.

" Grr!!"

Suddenly, a group of creatures emerged from the shadows. Mosnters known as Shadowstalkers, creatures with sleek, ebony bodies and glowing red eyes. Their sharp claws and fangs glistened in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above.

Casper's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Looks like we've got some company, Rin! Time to put our skills to the test."

Rin nodded, his cold demeanor giving way to a steely determination. His aura flared to life, surrounding him in a golden glow.

Thin wires, shimmering with energy, extended from his fingertips, ready to ensnare their foes.

Casper, on the other hand, summoned a sword crackling with black energy, its dark power pulsating with each swing.

With a swift motion, Rin sent his wires flying towards the Shadowstalkers, entangling them and restricting their movements.


The creatures hissed and thrashed, but Rin's control over his aura was unwavering. He maneuvered the wires with precision, immobilizing the monsters one by one.

Casper, leaped into action. He swung his sword with fluid grace, each strike cutting through the air with a deadly precision.

The black energy emanating from the blade left trails of darkness in its wake, disintegrating any creature unfortunate enough to be struck.

Together, Rin and Casper fought off the Shadowstalkers, their combined powers overwhelming the creatures.

But amidst the chaos, one of the monsters who was scared and surprise at the sight if its comrades dying, managed to find an opining and escape into the depths of the forest.

Casper's smile shrinked momentarily as he watched the creature disappear. "We let one slip away, Rin. This monsters don't move without a leader, let's follow it and kill its leader."

Rin's expression remained stoic, "Altight. Let's track it down."

Rin and Casper stealthily followed the escaped Shadowstalker through the dense forest. As they neared the creature's location, they noticed a faint glow emanating from a clearing up ahead.

Carefully, they approached the clearing and peered through the foliage. Their eyes widened in shock as they beheld a scene that chilled them to the core.

The escaped Shadowstalker knelt before a group of humans, its red eyes filled with an eerie intensity.

In the center of the clearing, a set of cages stood, each one containing a frightened human captive.

The captives huddled together, their faces etched with fear and desperation. Rin's heart sank at the sight, his cold expression giving way to a mix of anger and concern.

Casper, his smile replaced by an angry expression, whispered, " Slaves traffickers!..."

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