The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 30 Chapter For Explaining

First of all, I want to talk about the protagonist

The protagonist has a complicated and sad past, and because of his past, he has deep psychological problems. These problems are the reason for him to become cold-hearted.

In most cases, he only acts according to his thoughts and does not depend on his feelings, but since he is a human being too, he has feelings, of course, he just suppresses them, but when those pent-up feelings explode, he loses control of himself, as happened in The second phase chapter.

Fray has specific ideas and goals and will act in the future based on these ideas:

- As explained in the chapter * evil? * Fray wants to eliminate all races inside and outside the barrier, although Fray knows that his goal is almost impossible, but he believes that this is the only solution to protect humans, and the reason for this will be clarified in the future

- Fray has a strong sense of responsibility. Anyone who approaches something under his responsibility with bad intentions will be considered an enemy

When Fray considers someone to be his enemy, only one thought comes to his mind... Kill

- Fray respects loyalty

- He has no desire to have as many women as Luke does, in fact at this moment he has no desire for women at all, although he still has toxic feelings for his childhood sweetheart Aslan he is working to get over her

Fray believed in the idea of ​​sacrificing the minority for the benefit of the majority, unless that minority were among the persons under his responsibility, as the citizens of Iskar or the Prada family members, in which case they would be considered by Fray to be the majority and anything else a minority.

This is only a drop in the sea from the ​​thoughts of a person with a complicated past and ninety years of memories of a scientist from another world, but this is Fray's way of thinking in general.

[If you want to dedicate a similar chapter to another character, please leave a comment]

human continent

Its name is Milesiva, it consists of three human kingdoms that have a strong influence on the continent, and in addition to that, there are some cities, such as the Iskar city, which do not fall under the authority of any kingdom, there is also a forest called the kingdom of monsters, but the human kingdoms are not acknowledged it as an independent country,

The human continent is larger than the two continents of the Americas combined

Iskar City

Its history will soon be revealed, but in general, it falls under the control of the Prada family it is located in the northwest of the continent and is a coastal city of a large area that is larger even than some of the small countries in our world

The balance of power in this world

I know that the numbers I mention in the novel are a little big, like an ax weighing twenty thousand tons (noting that the weight of a train is eight thousand tons).

or an attack that caused a hole two kilometers (2km=1.2 miles) in diameter wide

But this is the idea that I want to convey

The creatures of this world are very powerful....this information will be useful in the future

Now arranging the powers

According to the information that mankind currently possesses, there are nine ranks, each species names those ranks with a special name, but because of the large number of names, humans use only their own name, which is the kingdoms

And for other races, humans just use the ranking (a monster of the first rank .. a monster of the ninth rank)

The ranks are generally arranged in ascending order from the weaker in the first kingdom to the strongest in the ninth kingdom (a fighter in the ninth kingdom can handle a normal punch from Saitama ...just one punch...I guess)

There are no secondary worlds in the kingdoms.

All creatures, including humans, find it difficult to measure a person's rank because there are so many classes (it will be explained in the future).

But in general, a person's rank is measured by the number of cores he has, the cores are what fighters use to store energy (their way of working is complicated, it will take a long time to explain, if you are interested, I will explain how it works soon just leave a comment) the more cores the higher the fighter's rank

One core = From the First Kingdom

Nine cores = From the Ninth Kingdom

But this method is not very effective. Many factors are not taken into account when using this method, such as the quality of the core, energy, and even fighting methods.

And there are unique classes that need special ways to measure them,

Fray for example doesn't use energy cores (the way to measure his rank will be explained in the future)

But the ranking, as explained earlier, differs from one race to another (a fighter from the first kingdom is not as powerful as a monster of the first rank) for several reasons, but the main reason is the superiority of the original physical body from one race to another

The order of the genders mentioned in the novel now is as follows

Rank one spirit > Rank One monster > A Human Warrior in the First Kingdom

The rest will be explained as the chapters progress

Random notes:

1) The spirits that were mentioned and will be mentioned in the future in the novel are all adopted from ancient creatures and legends... It is difficult to discover its origin, but if one of you knows one of the spirits, please indicate it in the comments

2) I don't control the world of the novel as much as you may think. In fact, at this phase I do not think about the events or characters that should be placed in the novel, I already know what will happen in the future and I will not change it. I do not feel as if I am creating a world, but I feel as if I am talking about A world that I already know its story...hope you understand what I mean

3) Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I actually don't speak English (though my English is not bad but it's not excellent either) which makes it very difficult to deliver the novel to you, but this will change in the immediate future... I will make this novel a masterpiece

4) The novel is much deeper than it seems...

5) (why the monsters are so strong and still hiding in the forest ? Why Yassine wanted to return to his world although he will die soon? why Fray wants to kill all the other races ? Why Fray is still attached to his past ? ) I can't answer these questions yet but you should know until now as the novel is close to 100 chapters there are no mistakes or holes in the novel, the novel is a bit mysterious so you might think that a lot of things don't make sense but trust me, everything in this story happens for a reason, just trust the process...

Thanks for reading

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