The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 79 The Room 34

[35m away]

"Fray, why did we come here?" Luke asked with a curious expression, unable to understand why Fray would come directly to this building without even looking in any other places




Fray, who was looking at the window shown by the eye of the unknown, did not answer Luke's question, he just kept moving forward into the empty corridor that was filled with small room doors on both sides of the hallway while watching the distance that was gradually decreasing until he arrived in front of one of the many doors that had the number 34 written on it before stopping and reconsidering the window for the last time.

[3m ahead]

(Why did he stop here? He didn't even visit any other rooms) Aslan thought with a doubting expression.

Since he started moving, Fray did not look in any rooms in the way but went straight to this one without stopping, as if he already knew that this room is containing something important and this strange behavior made the group unable to predict Fray's intention

Thus, due to the curiosity that Aslan and the others felt because of Fray's incomprehensible activities, they all rushed to stand behind Fray with serious expressions while Fray slowly opened the room door.

But as Luke and the others had expected, the room was normal, with nothing out of the ordinary. Except for four beds and a small table in the middle, there was nothing else to be seen.

But Fray ignoring the group's dissatisfaction, entered the room and began to scan it very carefully as if he was looking for something.

"Well, there might be some evidence hidden around the room let's help him search," Luke said after seeing Fray's actions and determination.

Thus, after hearing Luke's statement, the group split up and began to examine the room for anything that might be considered useful in this case.

Casper and the siblings on the other side also entered the room but they just stood there without moving, after all, they know that they have no right to interfere with Fray's work unless he directly orders them to do so, plus Casper knows that they can't find what Fray was looking for even if they try.

"We didn't find anything," Leo

"There is nothing in the closet either," Aslan

"Yes, There's nothing suspicious in this room, we're just wasting our time here," Noelle.

In fact, the room was so small that the group only spent a minute searching before they complete scanning the room.

(But why didn't he stop yet? didn't he search all over the room already?) Lisa thought with a suspecting expression as she looked at Fray who was still trying to examine every inch of the room with great concentration. Lisa couldn't understand why Fray was behaving so strangely so she had no choice but to ask him directly, "Fray, there's nothing in this room. Don't you think we should try something else?"

"Yes Fray, this is just a waste of time. There's nothing in this room," Luke said, feeling tired of Fray's unhelpful antics.

(Finally, I found it) Fray thought, ignoring the complaints of Luke and the others, as he looked at a strange crack of blue color in one corner of the room.

This crack was very small and unclear, without Fray's developed senses he would not have found it so quickly.

Thus, once Fray found the crack he had been searching for all this time without wasting any more time, he used all his strength to punch the place where the tiny crack was.


Fray's punch made a loud crashing sound as it collided with the crack, but apart from this sound, there was no significant impact on the slit except that it became a little wider than before.

And so, after seeing that the effect was smaller than expected, Fray again raised his hands and formed a punch, then…




Fray unleashed a flurry of precise punches at great speed, while Luke and his group looked at him with surprised expressions.

"What is he doing? Why is he punching the wall?" Noelle said with a surprised expression

"This is weird!..." Lisa mumbled absentmindedly as she looked at the wall that Fray was punching.

"did you notice that too?" Aslan asked while looking at the same place Lisa was looking at

"What? What do you mean?" Noelle asked in a surprised voice.

"Look at the wall. Do you notice anything strange in it?" Aslan said, pointing at the wall

"No, I can't see anything," Noelle said with an incomprehensible expression.

"Exactly, the wall hasn't suffered even a single scratch despite being objected to dozens of consecutive punches. Even though Fray's strength is restricted to the First Kingdom as well, he definitely won't have trouble smashing through a wall with a single punch...But there is something strange about this wall," Luke said with a serious voice and complex expression.



And finally, after tens of fierce punches, suddenly a strange sound was heard, like the sound of something breaking. As soon as this sound was heard, the reality that surrounded the room suddenly began to shatter gradually, as if it was composed of glass. And in the blink of an eye, the room completely disappeared, and in its place appeared an alternative space of black color and small lights scattered all over the place, as if it was a spot in the middle of outer space, and in the middle of this space, there was a scene that attracted the attention of everyone, without exception...

(So ​​this is the sacrifice) thought Fray as he looked into the middle of the space where two men in long cloaks were kneeling strangely in the middle of a strange circle and in front of them was the body of a middle-aged unconscious man floating in the air, and outside the circle were standing two men with strong physiques and big heavy armors

But despite this strange sight, Lisa, Aslan, Luke Loe, and even Noelle looked at Fray with complicated expressions, unable to understand the mystery of this person standing in front of them.

"Who are you?…" Suddenly, one of the two men guarding the ritual shouted in a fierce voice after seeing the appearance of Fray and the others.

"Why do you ask such a stupid question? They are obviously intruders, let's catch them" The other guard said in a loud voice before starting to move toward the group.

Before Fray could act, something suddenly passed from his side and charged toward the guards.

Luke, who finally felt some hope after making this breakthrough in a case that seemed impossible to solve, rushed towards the guards without saying anything, trying to end this disaster as quickly as possible.


Luke arrived in front of one of the guards at a high speed, then without wasting any time, he used all his strength and punched with terrifying force towards the opponent, but unexpectedly the guard was not affected by Luke's attack. Luke felt as if he had hit an indestructible wall.

"His power is unrestrained…" Luke mumbled in a low voice, but unfortunately, he realized this fact too late and without even being able to react, the guard sent him flying backward with a single punch.

[30 power stones = 2 golden tickets = 1 extra chapter]

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