The Walker Of Voids

Chapter 114 Military Academy [4] - Dreamweaver & The Soul Reaper

Lloyd sat down again, unaware of what he had done, but at the same time, it was one of the best-case scenarios.

The introductions continued, yet the attention remained on Lloyd. At this point, Lloyd had already felt many eyes staring at him for prolonged amounts of time, and while it helped that most of them were girls, he also knew that women tended to bring more problems with them than men.

It was the cliche. Woman gets interested in man. Another man is interested in the woman and gets jealous and stupidly angry. He fights the man she likes for her attention, and the cycle goes on unless the man is someone from a powerful family.

'How do I get them off my ass... Can I make myself less noticeable? I'm an assassin; I should know this!' Lloyd thought; however, he quickly sighed in relief after seeing who the next person was.

"My name is Jay Ludwig. I'm a Dreamweaver. My goal is to become the strongest human and surpass the king himself."




The silence was deafening, but the expressions on everyone's faces were clear. Everyone's eyes widened in amazement at seeing a Dreamweaver for the first time. Dreamweavers were extremely rare. No... calling them rare was an understatement. You had a higher chance of putting yourself into a haystack and finding the needle immediately than seeing a Dreamweaver in the flesh.

Dreamweavers were the stuff of legends. Dozens of the heroes known today with their stories written in countless books were Dreamweaver. Why, you might ask? Because of one reason.

They were overpowered as fuck! Their presence alone could change the tide of the war.

While Lloyd knew that many of the stories about Dreamweaver were most likely exaggerated, they were still considered powerful even if you weakened them from their story counterparts.

"A dreamweaver?" A boy asked with excitement to his friend.

"Holy shit. Like, the ones that enter people's dreams?" The other asked.

'If I remember correctly. A Dreamweaver is not only able to enter your dreamscape and force you into it as well, unless the person they are using it on has a particularly weak mind, they can also change your dreamscape to their will, a bit like my Terraign.

They can access your memory, and weaken the real body of the person's mind they are in. The most skilled Dreamweavers could put themselves in hundreds of minds simultaneously.

They weren't immortal, per se. They couldn't enter the minds of people stronger than them mentally, nor could they actually kill enemies from within their minds, or at least not until they reached the higher commandments.

Lloyd knew they had a few more weaknesses, but he had to do more research to find out since he had never taken too much interest in the powers of Dreamweaver. All he knew were the basics; since they were practically impossible to meet, he didn't have to worry about them.

'Ironic, isn't it. Never thought I'd meet a Dreamweaver, yet here I am, seemingly morphed into a race that are considered nigh extinct.' Lloyd chuckled lightly when he thought of his situation, yet he quickly shifted his focus back to Jay.

Jay sat down without saying another word and let his words sink into the brains of everyone in the room.

All the girls that seemed even slightly interested in Lloyd had cast him aside and looked at their new target, yet Lloyd didn't mind. Actually, he was quite relieved that he wouldn't have to worry about the cliches.

'Now, the only problem is that they might approach me hoping to get closer to Jay. It might become a problem in the near future, but I guess that's a problem for tomorrow's me.'

The introductions continued; however, everyone else felt a little lackluster compared to Jay. They couldn't compete even if they tried to, and even as they introduced themselves, everyone's eyes and mutters were pointed toward Jay and not them.

Everyone except Lloyd, their tutor, and a few individuals from the top row.

The introductions carried on, with a few people standing out from the rest, catching the eyes of the tutor and Lloyd the moment they said their classes or goals.

Until, a certain person stood up.

"My name is Luna Night. I'm a soul reaper, and my goal it to take over as the Night family's leader." She spoke with an apathetic tone, but that was more than expected from someone from the Night family.

The Night family was considered a founding family of the Solaris Empire.

Their founder was one of the strongest men in the empire when Earth finally awakened. Several founding families, including the royal family, stood out on top; however, being a founding family was not just a name or a status.

It was a bloodline that shaped their future generations, allowing them to evolve from generation to generation while holding the same characteristics, classes, and talents throughout their lineage.

Some say that their bloodline and genes are so powerful children will not take any characteristics from their non-Night parent, making them fully Night unless they were to procreate with another founding family member.

'Soul reaper, huh.' Lloyd thought without much surprise, since the real surprise was the fact that she was a member of the night family; the rest was common sense from there.

While the Soul Reaper class was considered one of the strongest rouge-type classes humans could awaken, everyone knew that everyone from the Night family had the class.

Her presence alone caught the eyes of everyone in the room, but especially the boys. Lloyd couldn't help but think scornfully of the pubescent teenagers around him, but what did he know? He most likely would have ended up like them if it weren't for him suddenly becoming a void walker.

He had to admit, though, the girl was beautiful in every way. A little like an ice princess cliche, but that was probably something her parents and trainers ingrained into her. She was an assassin, after all. She had to know to control her emotions, and she was probably doing that now.

She was also pretty petite, so despite her charms, she looked like a traumatized child rather than an adult with their own problems.

Her golden eyes were cold and distant, and while her skin was as pale as a ghost, it had a certain charm to it.

Her black raven hair draped down her shoulder, reaching her waist in length, and due to the color of her skin, eyes, and hair, the mostly black uniform fit her nicely, blending in seamlessly as if everything she wore was one with her.

Lune sat down again, acting oblivious to the eyes that watched her like hawks, as if she was some kind of prey.

The introductions continued, yet no one other than the tutor took time out of their day to pay attention to them. No one cared anymore, and for a good reason.

'Wait, so if this is C-group, what kind of monsters is S and X hiding.' Lloyd thought, with a shiver running down his spine.

Everyone in the room was currently in between the early first commandment and the late first commandment, with only one person fitting that category. However, the average commandment in the room remained between early and mid stage first commandment, with an equal amount on either side of the spectrum.

'Wait... Am I the only person in the hall in the initial stage?' Lloyd thought with slight frown.

"If you look at your screens, you should see a few classes you can choose from. Again, I suggest you choose the ones that have been recommended to you." Jack, their tutor, explained, making everyone nod slightly before beginning to choose.

Looking down, Lloyd quickly read the recommended classes-

'Recommended: Rouge combat, Elemental classes: Shadow, Fire.'

'Compulsory: Unarmed basic combat, theory,'

​ Lloyd thought about the choices for a second. Sure, they were good, but after looking at how his schedule would look like, Lloyd decided to add a few more. After all, it's not like he can get tired? Or, at least not physically.

[Would you like to confirm your choices?]

[Yes] [No]


[You have chosen the following classes: Rouge combat, Staff combat, Tactical Taekwondo, Elemental classes: Darkness, Fire, Lightning.]

'Eight hours of learning, 16 hours of cultivating, going to the library, eating and all that other crap.' Lloyd thought before leaning back on his chair to show that he was done.

When everyone in the hall was done, the tutor said a few more words that Lloyd had stopped listening to before he dismissed everyone from the hall before, turning around and leaving through a portal that had appeared out of nowhere.

'Maybe I can do that?'

Everyone left the hall as soon as they could, yet just as Lloyd was about to leave, too, he heard a commotion that stopped everyone in their tracks as they egged on whoever was fighting or simply wanted to watch from the sideline.

"Already?" Lloyd thought, yet when he saw who was fighting, he couldn't help but raise a brow.

"Well well, this should be interesting."

[Author's Note, Going to be changing a few things in the last two chapters because there have been a few inconsistencies. Quick note, powerful families is not the same thing as a higher family. Think of it like this. Middle Class ---> Powerful Family (higher middle class) ---> Higher family ---> Founding Families ---> Royals.

Also, before anyone starts complaining, there is a reason why each person is in the C group despite being from founding families, higher ones, or powerful ones in general. They will be explained, don't worry.]

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