The Walker Of Voids

Chapter 132 Monster Hunter [3] - Overcharged


Like a hungry beast, the flames swallowed the mana Lloyd gave them and made up for the rest by swallowing the ambient mana around them.

However, due to the fact that the main element in the area being the darkness element, the flames turned a little darker, losing their pale blue charm and becoming a darker deep ocean blue.

Lloyd fed it a little bit of his own shadow element, too, and infused it with the shadows of the monster, so when it finally blew up, it didn't look like a massive explosion, but rather like an energy orb expanding outwards.

However, before it could full expand, a sucking force caused all their orbs to funnel toward the center and create a pillar of blue flames that expanded until the flames reached the last of them.

The entire team was left gobsmacked, even Lloyd. He had never expected that adding the darkness and shadow element would have such an effect.

Still, even though he was gaining enormous amounts of void energy, he was a little worried that the corpses would be destroyed beyond recognition.

When the pillar finally disappeared, everyone looked on with worry, and their worst wishes came true... Well, at least half of them did.

Lloyd would have estimated that about 50 of those monsters were in their little battle royal; now, only 29 corpses remained, 18 of them being scorched beyond recognition.

However, what Lloyd didn't expect was that there would be one survivor.

'Shit! Two topaz seals?!' Lloyd thought with worry, and from the way, it was looking at his teammates...

'Mana vision!' Lloyd thought, contemplating whether he should just kill it on his own.

The army was well aware of power since he was more than certain that they monitored his fights against the dummy and were probably trying to get his parents to sign a reevaluation test on his talent and class with a better scanner than the one used in awakening festivals.

Lloyd was sure that they wouldn't find anything. He didn't remember Eris's talk about evolution and how void walkers had evolved to hide in plain sight since they'd been hunted for the last few hundred years.

What he did remember was that a purple runic inscription appeared on his watch and podium that day, so he assumed his sense of calm came from the fact that his instincts told him that his secret would be kept safe.

The point is, while the army knows about his monstrous power, the people around him did not, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to show Jay and Haley that side of him yet. He didn't want to be treated any more special than the average commoner since such a thing only brought trouble.

Lloyd narrowed his eyes at the creature and decided not to fight it alone.

"Haley, support Jay and me. We're going to attack that thing on our own, just make sure you don't hit us." Lloyd asked while looking Haley in the eye with a stern expression.

"What do you think I am, of course I won't hit you." She said, but instead of saying it with a sneer, his voice was more playful, as if she was speaking to an equal and a friend rather than a commoner that she despised.

"Good. You two, don't do anything. You won't be of any help in this fight." Lloyd nodded at the D ranks, and while John was a little pissed that Lloyd, a commoner, would treat him like this, Elliot understood his weakness and stepped back.

'If he does anything, I'll let the monster kill him.' Lloyd looked at John with narrowed eyes. Since he was the swordsman, it meant he would have to get close to the monster to actually attack it, giving Lloyd enough time to move himself and Jay out of the way so the monster could get rid of him.

Of course, losing a teammate would most likely drop their points, and even though it wasn't said directly, it must have been some kind of unspoken rule.

"Go. I'll attack in quick speed while you grab its attention. Whenever it gets close, just attack it with everything you've got." Lloyd commanded Jay.

"Sir, yes sir!" Jay chuckled before shooting ahead of Lloyd.

"Okay... Let's get this over with." Lloyd thought while using a style he had developed over the last month.

It was still a demo of what the real thing would look like, but it was still good enough for the current situation. Plus, what's a better time to try a technique out than when you're fighting a weak enemy like the creature before him?

[Elemental Fusion Series]

[Lightning Fusion]

Blue runes appeared on Lloyd's skin and under his clothes, while lightning crackled off his body and scorched the ground around him.

What he was doing was essentially the same as using [aspect of void] on his body, the only difference being that the temporary runes themselves were both very simple compared to aspect of void's runes, and made out of the lightning element.

This meant that unlike when he used [aspect of void] on his arm when fighting Veronica, his body wouldn't turn to ashes the moment he stopped channeling the energy, since the lightning element wasn't nearly as harmful to his body as the void element. This was something he made sure of by trying to cultivate with it in the past just to end up in failure.

However, now each rune on his body didn't have the function of cultivating, but rather worked as pseudo cores.

They absorbed mana and instantly turned them in mana imbued with the lightning element, Lloyd's mana signature, and Lloyd's will, before channeling it through his body while also coating him with it. It became a lot easier to use when he used that lightning orb to cultivate his body since the lightning in the orb was already imbued with tiny bits of the void element before being further tainted in Lloyd's core.

His body cultivation's talent for the lightning element skyrocketed in a single session, and if that wasn't enough, his body's attunement with the lightning element also increased, making it much easier to cast spells through his body, an example of this being lightning fusion.

It might have been a prototype, but it was still incredibly strong and complicated, especially for someone of his caliber who was considered a baby in the eyes of the ancients like Ruben.

However, while it was incredible, due to it not being void of energy, it made Lloyd a glowing light bulb in infinite darkness in the monster's senses. It instantly looked at him, almost completely ignoring Jay's incoming assault, and such a mistake was about to prove fatal.

[Sun Wukong's Demon Style]

[Three Stances of Misery]

Jay's hazel eyes turned golden before an aura of the same color exploded out of him and coated his entire body with a shroud of what looked like divinity.

Of course, that was their eyes and senses playing with them, but for a moment, they almost believed it.

Turning into a blur, Jay left behind 14 after images, each one hitting a pressure point with enough force that it would have knocked any late first commandment unconscious.

Yet, even after hitting the monster with 14 of those hits, it simply roared at the sky and created a shockwave strong enough to push Jay out of his attacking range.

However, Lloyd was much faster, and much stronger than Jay.

Time seemed to slow as he partially became one with the lightning. Of course, it was impossible for him to do such a thing due to his void nature, but what he had accomplished so far was more than enough for the weakling.

Lloyd's body turned into a lightning bolt that appeared before the monster in the blink of an eye. Of course, he wasn't nearly as fast as a lightning bolt. He estimated that he was only moving at 1/100th of the speed of a lightning bolt, but it was fast enough to reach the monster in less than a second.

While it was only for short distances, Lloyd moved faster than supersonic speeds. It was nothing compared to his [Void Step], was instantaneous without any chance of the teleport being stopped mid-way, but it didn't give Lloyd the same reaction time and power output as [lightning fusion] did.

Appearing before the monster, Lloyd slammed his knee into the creature's chin, causing its head to whip back and for it to lose its balance.

Hovering his hand over the creature's chest, Lloyd extended his finger before-

[Celestial Kung-Fu]

[One Inch Annialation]

As the punch landed, the creature's chest caved in. Lloyd had made sure to hold back a little to ensure that it didn't die straight away, but due to him having reached the early first commandment recently, it was hard for him not to control his strength.

However, from Alex's perspective, Lloyd didn't have the power of anything more than a one-topaz seal second commandment. Sure, his power was monstrous, but Alex had an amethyst seal.

Even Lloyd didn't know if he could fight an amethyst seal head-on without any of his void walker abilities.

Every time he tried it with the dummies, he would have to run the whole time or get his ass handed to him, which was with the average amethyst seal dummy.

He had tried fighting against some of the amethyst seal dummies with higher masteries over their martial arts and combat techniques. He usually didn't last a second even though he hadn't even touched the [talent] button yet.

"The higher-ups should know about this." Alex muttered to himself, yet everyone was far too busy to listen to whatever he was saying to understand why he was muttering to himself.

[Sun Wukong Demon Style]

Jay shot into the air and covered himself in the same golden aura before shooting toward the caved chest like a golden flaming meteor. Haley also assisted him, covering him from head to toe with flames that increased his body's strength and added a little fire to his power output.

[Final Sunset]


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