The Walker Of Voids

Chapter 56 Fourth Void Walk [3] - Void Channel

As lightning formed in the cloud above the three-eyed goat, it shot down and into the goat's third eye, powering it to its maximum while changing the goat's lightning from a beautiful blue to a deep crimson.

"Whatever suits you, man." Lloyd shrugged before disappearing from where he stood and appearing above the goat in a flash of violet light.

[Flame Control]

"No hard feelings. I'm just here for the orbs." Lloyd smiled while pointing a finger gun toward the goat.

[Flaming Bullet Barrage]

Hundreds of bullets created out of blue flames formed in a dome-like shape around the two of them before they all shot towards the goat simultaneously while homing towards his third eye.

While Lloyd didn't know much about the third eye, he remembered reading about it a few years before. After recollecting some of what he read, Lloyd knew that the biggest obstacle would be the third eye as it not only made its host extremely intelligent but also made it see through most deception while allowing someone to completely analyze a situation and find a way out.

Anyone of a race can awaken the third eye, but usually, awakenings wouldn't happen naturally. Instead, not only would someone have to find a powerful source of energy that can trigger the third eye gene within someone, but they would also have to be compatible with the energy source.

The chances were one in a trillion, yet those who awaken the third eye would either immediately die or become creatures with talent, intelligence, and capabilities beyond mortal understanding.

"Extinguish." A primordial voice echoed throughout the skies, and in the same instant, the flame bullets simply disappeared like they had never been there in the first place.

"Oh no, you don't." The corners of Lloyd's lips turned upwards before-

[Shadow Clone]

Creating 5 other shadow clones, each having 10% of his current mana; he made all of them use flames to rocket themselves toward the goat.



A lightning bolt shot toward one of the clones, yet before it could hit, the clone used [Void Step] to appear behind the monster with a shadow claw covering the clone's hand.




Within an instant, a lightning bolt shot down from the clouds above, shooting through the clone's heart and forcing it to turn into shadows.

Yet instead of simply dissipating like they would have done before, the shadow slowly moved towards the shadow of another shadow clone before merging with it and making it a little stronger.


Shooting toward the goat, the ground below the clone's feet shattered before it moved so fast that it eventually broke several sound barriers in a matter of seconds.

"Explode." A primordial voice spoke before the shadow clone stopped in place.

In the next instance, the shadow clone began to bloat before it eventually exploded as lightning shot out of its center while its pieces scattered all around the mountain before turning into shadows and moving towards the remaining 3.


The clone was instantly flattened as the gravity increased by several folds.


Another clone began to erupt in lightning, and despite its [Heat Resistance], the bonds between the atoms that made the clones began to break, causing it to instantly become a pule of dark mush that eventually sunk into the ground.


Several boulders suddenly rose into the air while exuding with large electrical currents, and the clone was crushed in the blink of an eye.

It all happened in less than 3 seconds, yet that was all the time in the world for someone with a third eye.

Without skipping a beat, Lloyd threw his staff towards the goat's third eyes before muttering-

[Density: Increase]

"Repulse." The goat spoke, causing the staff to shoot back at Lloyd and miss him by a hair's breadth, yet narrowly cut his cheek in the process.

"How the fu-"

​ "Attract." The primordial voice spoke again before a powerful pulling force cut Lloyd's cursing short and yanked him towards the goat.

It took less than a second for Lloyd to appear before the third eyes, yet before he could protest the current arrangement, he heard the voice speak again, causing several shudders to go down his spine before-




Like a bullet, Lloyd shot into the forest below the mountain before crashing through hundreds of blue-leaved trees.


Crashing into the mountain on the other side of the forest, Lloyd could barely open his eyes to see lightning bolts strike the trail he left behind as they slowly got closer and closer to his position.

He knew that he would be turned into nothing but ashes if he didn't move in time, yet when he tried to move, he felt a mind-rattling amount of pain that would have made any other person drop into unconsciousness.

He could barely see his body, but he knew that he was shirtless and that his body was covered in cracks that felt like they could turn into a million pieces with a single wrong move.




Lloyd could hear the lightning bolts come closer.

His breathing began to quicken, and his imaginary heart rate accelerated beyond what was humanely possible.

The desperation had begun to kick in.

He felt scared... No. He was terrified.

He couldn't see through one of his eyes, and that only served scared him more.

His mind tried to think of everything he could do to survive, but he couldn't think of anything.

His mind was blank for the first time since he became a Void Walker.

Even when he tried to activate [4-Dimensional Thought], it was as if there was a mental barrier there stopping him from doing so.

Maybe he used it too much?

Maybe he was just too scared.

Maybe it was both.

Maybe it was none of those options, but what did he know?

He was just a child, after all, and he was more than aware.

Even when he tried to grunt of roar out, yet he couldn't

Every cell in Lloyd's body screamed at him to move, yet despite his greatest efforts...


He couldn't...

He couldn't move a single muscle in his entire body.

His eyes were listless, yet somehow still filled with fear.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of death.




He could feel the tremors. Hell, he could even see the rubble next to his shake with every explosion.

Yet, despite all that, it was the cold touch of the ground below him that caught his attention.

A sinking feeling with no return...

'Is this what they call death?'

'Is this the end?' Lloyd asked himself as his consciousness began to slip.

'You know... I always thought that my death would be a little more dramatic.' He chuckled to himself, yet it was a mask that fooled no one... Not even him.



'Zack... You've been with me my whole life... You have helped me every step of the way, but it looks like I'll never be able to repay... You... You or your parents.'

The dread began to kick in.



Lloyd could feel lightning shoot through the ground itself just to zap his body, but despite the pain, he should have felt from it, he didn't flinch, scream or move.

He was numb.

'Mom... Dad... I'm sorry I couldn't make you guys proud... The same way Ana and Elana did. I'm sorry I couldn't a normal son... With normal problems, and normal hobbies.'

A tear threatened to trickle down Lloyd's face, but he forced himself to suck it up and blink it out like a real man.

'Josh, Richard, Elana, Ana and Alice... I wish I could have spent more time with you, but maybe in the next life... Hahaha... Probably not, but who knows.'

He knew he would die. He felt it in his core.

'Well, if I'm going to die... Why not take a few bastards with me...'

Using the last embers of strength within him, Lloyd aimed his index and middle finger toward the goat's general direction as his life replayed before his eyes.

Space felt like it was bending around his fingers, but he didn't know if that effect was caused by his power or all the damage he had gotten over the last few minutes.

"If I'm going to die..." A croaky voice spoke while a single violet eye shone with more determination than an entire army combined.

"Why not use everything?"

[Void Channel]

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