The Wandering Inn

Book 1: Chapter 24

Book 1: Chapter 24

The darkness hides many imperfections. The nether shade conceals those who find the sun taxing and bright light an anathema. The faint light that is not truest blackness but dark shade, where only faint outlines are visible conjures nightmares for humans and those related to their kind.

But some call the shadows home.

Two individuals stood and conversed in the darkness of a room. Exactly where the room was located was unimportant. Rooms had little meaning here, in the catacombs and endless labyrinth of passages.

One of them was female. The other was Klbkch. The female shifted and in the darkness her deep voice rumbled through the air.

Do I understand you correctly, Klbkch? Do you truly call for an Expedition after all the folly that has resulted thus far?

Klbkch shook his head.

No, my lady. I merely request that a few of the Workersperhaps ten or twentymay be allowed to leave the city in my care. They would visit a local inn for several hours before returning.


The word rolled outwards, rich, darkly velvet with hidden connotation and meaning. The female paused.

Is this an idea of yours, dear Klbkch? Dare I hope that my Prognugator has changed so?

Klbkch shook his head.

I remain as always, lady. I regret that this is not my initiative. She the innkeeper of which I spoke she requested it of me.

Surprise flicked through the females deep voice as it echoed in the cavernous chamber.

She did? What species would desire the presence of Workers if not to work?

A Human. And she did not ask for the Workers specifically. Rather, she was inclined to sell a foodstuff to our people. Acid flies. She wishes to earn money by gaining our business.

And this Human is genuine?

To the best of my knowledge and ability, I believe her so.

Again, surprise was the primary emotion in the females voice.

You, Prognugator? You believe? Then you are changed, truly. What is the name of this Human who has changed you so?

Klbkch hesitated. He bowed his head in the direction of the female.

Her name is Erin Solstice, lady. And I believeyes, I believe the experience may help further the Plan. At the very least, it would help increase her trust of our kind.

And why should I entertain her request?

Klbkch spread his hands outward. They were humanoid hands, at least in that they resembled them more than an insects feelers. The same could not be said of the appendages of the female.

Has the Plan changed? Do we no longer seek to improve relations with other species?

The female moved in the darkness. Her voice changed, hissing softly in regret and frustration.

The Plan has not changed, Klbkch. But we have. And not in the ways that we desire. No; the change comes from the Others. They have begun to again question the Plan.

Klbkch looked up. His hands moved unconsciously to the twin swords at his waist.

They question your will, lady?

She waved a languid feeler at him.

Not as of such. Calm yourself, my champion. My authority is undiminished. And yet. The Others move, Klbkch. They speak of sending out envoys, of raising an army.

The male Antinium looked up sharply. The antennae on his head twitched.

Do you mean to say they intend to repeat the First Experiments? If I may offer my counsel, that would beunwise.

She nodded in the blackness.

Yes. But they grow impatient with time. So their foolishness may yet come to pass if something is not done. That is why I will allow this risk. Take twelve Workers. Let them visit this Solstice child.

Klbkch knelt on one segmented knee.

Thank you, my lady. I will not betray your trust in me.

A great sigh echoed through the room, shifting Klbkchs antennas as the air moved.

Of that I have no doubt. But I need more than your loyalty. Klbkchhezeim of the Free. I must have success. Can you promise me that?

He was still as he knelt before her. Then Klbkch looked up and shook his head slowly.

I cannot. But I will try.

Very well. Try, then.

Klbkch nodded. He stood, and began to stride out of the room with quick, light movements.


He turned. In the darkness a large feeler pointed at him and a titanic shape moved.

You must not fail in this task. Too long has the Plan faltered. If the next few generations should fail, I fear more will fall back into the old ways.

Klbkch bowed his head.

I will ensure that all goes well, my lady. Erin Solstice is not hostile to our kind. I believe she will be a positive influence for them.

Then go. But there is one more thing I ask of you.

Yes, my lady?

Ahem. These flieshow do they taste?

I shall bring you a sample, my Queen.



Erin was making a list.

Okay, do I have everything? Lets go over it again. Larder? Stocked. Check! Silverware? Lots of it, even if its not silver. Check!

She turned and bustled over to another table.

Blue fruit juice? Check. Four full pitchers and a basket of blue fruits.

Shed stripped several trees in preparation for tonight. At this point, shed eaten nearly half of the fruit in the orchard. Sooner or later shed run out of blue fruit, which might be a problem. How long did it take for the trees to grow new fruit? Maybe Pisces would know.

Acid flies? Check. Dead? Double check.

It was almost sad how easily she caught them in her floating jar traps. Almost. Erin made sure theyd all exploded before she rolled them onto the grass. She thought the flat fish in the water were helpingthey kept bumping into the jars trying to eat the flies. She supposed that they might one day break the thick glass.

Great. Bathe upstream from the glass jars from now on.

She should also probably put warning signs up. Who they might be warning Erin had no idea. A certain Human necromancer stayed well away from the glass jars, and she wasnt sure if Goblins could read. Either way, her list continued.

Pasta? Wait, I dont need any pasta.

Unless Relc dropped by. But from what the Drake told her, he didnt like Antinium besides Klbkch so that was an outside chance. Erin put a pot on the stove anyways. She could always eat it.

The lovely thing about being near a city was that you didnt have to make your own pasta. Instead, you could just buy it from an odd Gnoll-lady who knew exactly when you were on your period. In other words, there were advantages and disadvantages to living near a city.

Okay. Thats about it. Ive got bread in case Pisces comes by, and I even have cheese. Lovely, smelly cheese. Possibly from cows. And I just bet Klbkch is lactose intolerant too.

Her larder was fully stocked, her plates and cups were clean, and shed even gotten out the chess board and set it up. She thought Klbkch might be up for a game or twothat was if she wasnt busy feeding flies to her customers.

For a moment Erin had to put her head against a wall and wonder how shed gotten to this point in her life. A girl from Michigan should not think it was normal to sell dead fly torsos to walking ant-people for silver coins. She was also probably ripping them off, but Klbkch seemed willing to pay whatever it took for the flies. Hed eaten six bowls before hed walked out.

Now all Erin had to do was wait until Klbkch came by with his promised friends. He said theyd come by as soon as they finished with their work. Were they all guardsmen? Erin had forgotten to ask.

Someone knocked on the inns door. Erin turned and opened the door with a big smile.

Hi Klboh.

The group of Goblins all took a nervous step back as Erin stared down at them. The eightno, nine of them clustered together and shoved at their leader, a small Goblin wearing rags. Erin remembered.

Itsits you. Do you um, want something?

The ragged Goblin awkwardly thrust out a hand at Erin. She blinked down at the pile of dirty copper and silver coins in the small palm.

Oh. Oh! You want to eat, right?

The Goblin nodded stiffly. Erin opened the door and gestured inside.

Right then, come in.

The ragged Goblin hesitated. It thrust the coins at her.

Um. The first meal is free.

The Goblin Erin had decided to name Rags looked blankly at her. Apparently free wasnt too easy to understand to a race that took what they wanted. Everything was free, or nothing was free.

How about I take the money and Ill feed you until it runs out, okay?

Again, Erin received a blank look but Rags seemed relieved when she took the money. Erin gingerly put the filthy pile of coins on the inns bar counter and wished she had hot water to go with the soap.

Okay. Right. This isnt the best time, but why dont you have a seat over here with your friends?

The Goblins meekly wandered over to the table Erin was pointing at and sat down. She hesitated. What next?

Right, food.

All eight heads shot up and the Goblins stared at Erin. The one shed fed before was already drooling onto the table.

Give me fiveten minutes and Ill have all you can eat. I just need to put on another pot. And make some soup. But Ive got bread!

Erin turned. Okay, shed stuff their faces quick. She dashed into the kitchen and reemerged with a loaf of fresh bread shed brought and some cheese and sausage. The Goblins stared hungrily as Erin began dumping plates in front of them. They flinched back from her, though, and when she handed them a fork they ducked down as if they thought she were going to stab them with it.

You can eat this while I get more food, okay?

The Goblins stared at the food. Rags cautiously reached for the bread, and Erin smacked her head. All the Goblins flinched as one.

Oh, duh. Sorry about that. Ill slice it up for you.

Confused, the Goblins watched Erin dart into the kitchen again. They eyed the wonderful-smelling bread, meat and strange yellow thing, and wondered if they could eat it. Then they looked up and screamed as Erin walked back into the room with a kitchen knife.

Oh no, dont run! Im not going to hurt you!

Erin waved her hands frantically and nearly poked herself with the knife. The Goblins halted in their mad rush out the door.

Im just going to cut this food for you. See?

She slowly and carefully went over to the food and sliced it up into smaller pieces. Erin smiled at the Goblins as they suspiciously moved back to the table.

And now Ill put the knife away. No more pointy thing. You dont have to worry; youll be safe here. Okay?

She gave them another reassuring smile. That was the precise moment when a group of Antinium entered the inn, followed closely by Klbkch. Erins smile froze on her lips.

Klbkch froze too and the other tall, identical brown and black insects behind him instantly halted in their tracks. The Goblins were petrified in their seats, but half immediately began edging towards the nearest window.

Erin waved frantically at Klbkch. Then she turned towards the Goblins and gave them another reassuring smile.

Dont worry! Dont worry. These people arent here to hurt you. Theyre guests. Theyre going to eat too, understand?

They hesitated, but Rags seemed to be made of sterner stuff than her larger comrades. She returned to her seat. And it was a she, Erin was sure of it. The other Goblinsall but one of whom were boysdidnt wear anything on their upper torso. They barely wore anything to cover their privates.

She shepherded them back to their seats and tried not to look at Goblin nether regions as their loincloths shifted in unfortunate ways. There was a reason pants were invented.

Go ahead and eat as much as you want.

Again, the Goblins glanced nervously at the Antinium, but now the initial scare was over, the fresh food called to them. There was a moments hesitation, then Rags grabbed a piece of sausage and the Goblins began gobbling all the food on the table with their hands.

She winced at the mess, but at least they were occupied. Erin edged back to Klbkch, who was still waiting with his group of Antinium.

Hi, Klbkch. Sorry about the confusion. I had a few visitors pop by unexpectedly.

There is no problem, Miss Solstice. I have brought others of my kind as you requested.

Klbkch nodded to Erin and gestured to the silent Antinium behind him. Erin eyed her new guests somewhat apprehensively.

They were like Klbkch, and not like him at the same time. They were like each other though. Erin couldnt tell one from the other, and all twelve of these other Antinium stood and moved like one unit.

She noticed that they were a bit slimmer than Klbkch, and shorter too. The color of theircarapace was distinctly browner, and they had shorter antennae. And they also seemed disinclined to talk. Each one of the Antinium stared at Klbkch rather than look at Erin.

Are theyare they your friends? Or other guardsmen?

Klbkch shook his head.

I am afraid you are under a misapprehension. These are Workers, Miss Solstice. They are not fellow guardsmen rather, they perform tasks within the Antinium section of the city. I took them because you wished for more customers, but I have not interacted with them before.


They will behave themselves under my supervision, Miss Solstice.

Klbkch hurried to assure Erin. He turned towards the standing group of Worker Antinium and pointed to one of the tables.

You have entered an inn. The polite protocol is to introduce oneself and then take a seat. I will handle your greetings. Move to those tables.

They obediently walked over to each table. At first they all crowded around one, but Klbkch impatiently directed them so the Antinium stood four to a table.


Klbkch snapped at the other Antinium. They instantly sat in the chairs. Erins smile slipped even further as Klbkch began ordering them about with curt, clipped commands.

He treated the other Antinium likewell, like sheep. Orlike children. Idiotic children you couldnt trust to pick up a fork without stabbing themselves in the eye. Yes, that was it.

Erin watched Klbkch out of the corner of her eyes as he lectured the other Workers. He was telling them how to use a spoon. And how to drink from a cup. And how to request another bowl of flies.

Um, thanks Klbkch. Did you want me to get the food now? Ive got the acid flies of course, but I also have pasta

Erins eyes widened.

Oh no! The pasta!

The Goblins and Antinium watched as Erin dashed into the kitchen to salvage the over boiled noodles. She came out a few minutes later holding plates of pasta with chopped bits of sausage and onion which she placed in front of the Goblins.

Use forks. Got it? Your friend here knows how to use forks.

Erin pointed at the silverware and then started bringing out bowl after bowl of the acid flies shed prepared. She set them down in front of the Antinium Workers awkwardly. They moved out of her way, but didnt say anything.

That was, until Klbkch snapped at them, and then all twelve murmured thank you every time Erin brought out a plate and cups. Awkward? Erin was redefining the word for herself at the moment.

That done, the Antinium finally began to eat on Klbkchs command. At least there they appeared to be somewhat enthusiastic, because they began gobbling the acid flies down with commendable speed. They ate in silence, though, which was also unnerving. But at least they were eating.

Erin breathed a sigh of relief. And the door to the inn swung open.

A familiar Drake poked his head into the room. He immediately launched into what sounded like a prepared speech as he awkwardly held a chess set in front of him.

Good evening, Miss Erin Solstice! I hope you dont mind me dropping by, but I was wondering if youd like to play a game of ch

Olesm paused and stared around the silent room. His jaw dropped as he saw the Goblins. When he saw Klbkch and the other Antinium it dropped further. He slowly put one clawed hand on the door.

Is this a bad time?


Erin had gone to funerals. Well, shed attended a funeral. And while they were solemn, sad occasions, she could rightly say that shed visited funerals that were noisier than her inn at the moment.

At least funerals had coughing people, the occasional sniffling, fidgeting children, and crying babies. In the Wandering Inn, all Erin could hear was the mastication of Goblins as they gobbled their food or the quiet cracking as the Antinium chewed down their acid flies and clicked their mandibles together.

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

Erin stared from the Antinium to the Goblins with a desperately cheerful smile plastered on her face. Neither side looked at the other directly, but she had the distinct impression they were silently sizing each other up. The Goblins to run away, the Antiniumwell, they were just looking.

The atmosphere was so tense you couldwell, Erin was pretty sure pulling a knife out would be a disaster. The Goblins were nervously eying the Antinium, and the Antinium were frighteningly silent and uniform. They ate and moved in almost perfect synchronization.

Erin circulated the room, pitcher of fruit juice in hand. She filled cups, took away plates and filled them with food, and instructed Goblins not to pick their noses. It felt like being a waitress for an entire restaurant by herself, but Erin was up to the challenge. At least, she hoped she was.

She wasnt taking orders or cleaning up plates yet. All she was really doing was making sure there was food in front of her guests. The Goblins were easy. They ate anything she put in front of them. But the Workers? They were hard. Erin had to make sure none of them had empty bowls or cups, or theyd just stop eating. They didnt even ask for refills by themselves.

In a lull between serving, Erin stopped in front of Klbkch and Olesms table. The two were talking quietly together, which made them exceptionally noisy in the dead silence.

Howre you two boys doing?

Both Olesm and Klbkch looked at each other to make sure they were the ones Erin was talking to. Olesm gave her a weak smile.

Im quite well, Miss Solstice. Ormay I call you Erin?

Please. Im getting sick of being called Miss Solstice. I feel like my mom.


Klbkch bowed his head which made Erin feel guilty. She changed the subject fast.

Are you two enjoying your meal? Anything I can get you?

Another glass of the blue juice perhaps?

Olesm raised his glass and Erin topped it off. He smiled at her.

It is quite tasty.


They both paused awkwardly. Olesm glanced around the inn and fidgeted.

Do youdo you always serve Goblins in your inn? I saw the sign, but I must admit, this is the first time Ive ever seen a Goblin not trying to stab someone or running away.

As one, the Goblins stopped eating and stared over at Olesm. He flinched.

Um, no. Theyre new here too.

Oh, I see.

More silence. Erin glanced down at the table. The Drake Tactician had brought along his chess board, and although hed set it aside for the food, she saw him glancing at it now and then.

How about a game of chess? Anyone want to play?

Klbkch and Olesm looked up.

Oh, I would love to play

Olesm caught himself. He glanced around guiltily at the other diners.

But I wouldnt want to take you away from your work. Perhaps another time.

He looked so downcast Erin wanted to pat him on the head. She thought for a second and then smiled.

Oh, dont worry. We can still make it work. Ill play you and serve food.

Both Klbkch and Olesm eyed her incredulously. Erin grinned.

I dont suppose either of you are familiar with chess notation?


Okay, so youve moved your pawn up two spots. Thats E4, so just tell me youre moving a pawn to E4, got it? And when I want to move, Ill let you know by saying, oh, pawn to D5.

Olesm nodded and glanced down at the chess board. He carefully moved the black pawn up two spots and looked up at Erin. She nodded.

Got it?

I believe so, Erin.

Right. Lets play!

Erin spun away from Olesm and grabbed a cup and filled it. Across the room, Klbkch and Olesm bent over the chess board and conferred. Olesm moved a piece.

Pawn, ah, pawn to F3, Erin.

Got it! Knight to C6!

Erin concentrated on the game as she walked around the inn. She wasnt conscious of how the Goblins slowed in their eating and the Antinium Workers paused from their meal to follow her around the room. Erins thoughts focused, and as she mechanically took plates and filled them with food her mind focused on only one thing.

The game. Some called golf the greatest game ever played. They might be right. But Erin loved chess.

She could even play it in her head.


Bishop to D6.

Hm. In that case Ill moveum, I believe thats pawn to D4.

Queen to H4! Check!

Erin said it instantly and grinned to herself. She heard Olesm groan in dismay.

Ah. Thenthen pawn to G3?

Again, Erin replied almost before hed finished speaking.

Bishop takes pawn at G3!

Pawn takes bishop at G3.

And Ill take your rook at H1.

Erin grinned to herself as Olesm hissed in distress. In her minds eye she saw her queen piece sitting in the corner of Olesms side of the board, nestling right up against all of his lovely, undefended pieces.

The game continued, but only as mop-up. Erin happily munched away at Olesms pieces with her queen. He eventually managed to take hers out with his own, but only after hed lost another knight and a bishop.  By then Erin had more pieces than he did on the board and in better positions, too.

I concede.

Olesm tipped over his king and stared despondently at the board. Erin paused serving sliced up sausage to the Goblins long enough to see Klbkch pat Olesm on the shoulder consolingly.

It was a good game.

The Drake shook his head.

You do me too much credit. I made several errors that cost me many pieces. But I believe you had me from the start. Would you do the kindness of showing me where I made mistakes?

Of course.

Erin walked over to the table. She rearranged the board until it was back to normal and then moved Olesms pawn up two spaces.

You started out with a classic: the Kings Pawn Opening. That was a good move.

Olesm looked blankly down at the board.

I just moved my pawn to E4. Was that truly a noteworthy move, to have a strategy named after it?

Erin nodded happily.

Oh, its a classic. Did you know almost a quarter of all chess games start with it? Its great for taking the center spaces, but unfortunately for you I love playing against that move.

Klbkch raised one hand.

Do you mean to say that there are established counters to this opening?

She nodded and pushed a black pawn forwards.

Oh, there are lots of good strategies. I countered with an old favoritethe Sicilian Defense. Its great against the Kings Pawn, but you made a mistake when you moved that pawn up to F3. It doesnt open up your side for many pieces to get out, and you really want a knight to put pressure on my side of the board. Of course, you could try to take my pawn, but that leaves your center open. Most players try to push forwards aggressively but thats why the Sicilian Defense works so well since it means you have to lose a pawn if you want to push into the other side.

Erin paused and looked around the inn. Olesm was wearing a half-glazed, half-delighted expression on his face. The Goblins and all the Antinium including Klbkch were staring at her open-mouthed.

Uh, sorry. I tend to lecture when I get too into chess.

Nodont worry in the slightest Miss Erin.

Olesm shook his head and smiled at her. His eyes were alive with interest and she noticed his tail wagging like a dog on the ground.

You have such a deep understanding of this game! How is it that you know so much about chess? I only heard about it last year, yet you say there are strategies already in place?


Erin crossed her fingers as Olesm sighed happily. She really hoped she wouldnt have to explain being from another world. Erin glanced at Klbkch and wondered if she should play him next. Then she looked at Olesm and Klbkch together and had an idea.

She grinned wickedly.

Yeah, I love playing chess. In fact, Ill play both of you at the same time, if you want.

Olesm and Klbkch shared a glance. Both frowned slightly. Well, Olesm frowned and Erin had the distinct impression that Klbkch was frowning.

Arent you taking us a bit too lightly, Erin?

She blinked innocently at Olesm.

Me? Of course not. But I bet I can play both of you while serving drinks and food and win against at least one. Want to test my theory?

They did. Erin grinned to herself as both Olesm and Klbkch set up their pieces on opposite sides of the room. Each player stared intently at their board. She could practically feel the intensity coming off of each. It reminded her of the adults she used to play as a kid. No one liked being trash-talked by a middle schooler.  It was hard for her to keep a straight face.

Klbkch moved first. Erin stared at his board and then decided to move a piece on Olesms board while she thought. She circulated the room, filling up the glasses with what little fruit juice she had left. When Olesm made his move Erin decided to hit Klbkch with a knight. And then she went back into the kitchen for more pasta. Those Goblins could eat.

The games continued as Erin filled up bowls with the dead flies and handed them out to the Workers. They happily chomped down the flies, but she had the distinct impression they were watching as she travelled back and forth between Klbkch and Olesms boards.

Occasionally, Erin would wait while one of the other two players moved a piece, but when she did move from board to board, she attacked fast, seemingly without pausing to think. She could see Klbkch and Olesm watching her as much as the board, but she effortlessly continued playing both players while serving her guests.

Her audience watched the dual games intently. Erin kept an eye on them as well, and saw both Rags and the Antinium Workers staring hard at Klbkch and Olesms pieces. The Goblins eyes narrowed and the Antinium appeared confused. Erin smiled to herself, but kept sweeping around the room, refilling cups, and swiftly moving pieces on each board.

Eventually, the game ended with a win for Klbkch and a loss for Olesm.

Congratulations, Klbkch. And to you, Erin.

Indeed. I am quite impressed by your ability.

Erin smiled at both players and tried not to laugh.

Yeah, it was a good game. Too bad I wasnt playing either of you.


She pointed down to the chess board in front of Olesm. His King was cornered by a queen and a bishop.

Notice anything similar about Klbkchs board, Olesm?

He looked over. On Klbkchs side, hed cornered Erins king with a bishop and a queen. In the exact same spots as the pieces on Olesms board.

What is this?

I played you two against each other. Its the oldest trick in the bookI once heard of a guy who tried it against two Grandmasters and failed. I always wanted to do it just once.

Erin smiled as Klbkch and Olesm exclaimed, and then raised her hands as they immediately demanded another match. She was setting up the boards for a real dual game when something happened.

One of the Workers stood up.

Instantly, Klbkch stopped setting up his pieces and let one of his hands fall down to his side. Erin saw he was holding his sword hilt as he stood up.

What are you doing, Worker?

Klbkchs voice was cold and hostile. The Workers meekly bowed to him.

This one would watch, Prognugator.


Klbkch glanced down at the board and then back to the Worker. He seemed uncertain.

It is impolite to intrude or impede the innkeepers path.

Erin hastily interposed herself between Klbkch and the meek Worker who was already retreating back to his seat. She beckoned him over.

It doesnt bother me, Klbkch. Let him watch. An audience for a chess game is great.

Klbkch hesitated.

I would not wish to impose on your hospitality or patience

Impose away, by all means!

Erin rode over his protests and pulled up another chair. She steered the Worker over to the chair without touching him and made him sit down. Then she noticed the other Workers and Goblins were staring at the chess boards too.

Come on over if you want to watch, all of you.

Instantly, there was a crowd surrounding both chess boards. Olesm and Klbkch blinked at the spectators, but Erin smiled happily.

Okay, now lets do this so itll be fun for me and you. Ill play you both, but we only get fiveokay, ten seconds for each move.

Is this another way of playing chess?

Its how some games are played, yeah. This style is called Lightning Chess, but in tournaments you can have anywhere from an hours time in total to think of all your moves to only three minutes. If we had a clock we couldnever mind, Ill explain it as we play, okay?

Klbkch and Olesm nodded. Erin took a chair and placed it between both tables so she could reach both chess boards.

Ill have to sit down for this. Im no Grandmaster.


The first two rounds of games Erin won handily. But in the third game Olesm scored a draw.

Congratulations Olesm.

Erin covered a yawn and massaged at her back. She gave the elated Drake a weary smile.

Yeah, that was a great game!

Why, thank you.

Olesms scales turned a light shade of red as he shook Klbkchs hand. His tail thrashed around wildly on the floor, but Klbkch and Erin pretended not to notice.

I must say, its quite amazingI feel relieved to have finally tied a match against you, Erin. I was beginning to think it was impossible.

She blushed and waved a hand at him. It felt extremely embarrassing to be treated like some kind of chess genius, especially since she knew she wasnt. Erin was about to suggest a rematch with different rules when she looked over at the watching Worker Antinium.

Do you want to play?

The Antinium she was addressing sat up in his seat and bowed to her.

This unworthy one would not presume to act in such a way.

Erin frowned. Did that mean he wanted to play but he was afraid to?

Why not give it a shot? Ill teach you how to play, and we can always make more chess boards. All we need is a few pieces of paper and a pen.

She went into the kitchen and pulled out a few pieces of paper and a quill and ink. It had made her feel like a wizard when shed first bought the quill, and then shed wished for a computer and a printer five seconds after shed had to actually dip the quill every few words when she wrote.

As her guests watched, Erin drew a rough chess board on a piece of parchment, and then tore up other pieces. She carefully drew symbols on them to show which were pawns and which were other pieces, and put the makeshift chess board on the table. She put two of the Antinium Workers in chairs, facing each other across the board.

It was the most low-key chess board Erin had ever seen, but the Antinium stared at the scraps of paper with total concentration.

Okay, so how much did you guys see when I played chess with Klbkch and Olesm? Do you know how to set up the board?

Instantly both Antinium moved. Erin recoiled for a second, but they merely rearranged the pieces on the chess board with mechanical precision. In seconds each side was set up. Erin blinked at them.

Good. Good. And uh, show me how this piece moves?

Obediently, the Antinium Worker moved the piece forwards.

And can you move it from left to right?

This one does not believe so.

Klbkch hovered over the board. As always he had few features Erin could read, but he appeared distressed for some reason.

Address her by her title.

The Antinium instantly bowed his head at Erin.

Apologies, Innkeeper Solstice. This one does not believe the pawn piece moves left and right.

Erin gave Klbkch a half annoyed glance, but turned back to the Worker.

Right, thats true! Very good. And show me how it takes a piece?

He showed her.

Good. But did you know theres one more move the pawn can do?

Instantly, the other Antinium and the Goblins watching the game were filled with attention. They stared as Erin showed them how to take a piece en passant and explained the unique rules around that action. The Antinium she was coaching immediately bowed its head to her.

This one was unaware of this fact. This one apologizes to Innkeeper Solstice for its failure.

What? Dont apologize. Not many players know about that move. How could you? Now, lets have you play a game with your friend.

Erin stepped back as the two Antinium Workers stared at each other in silence. For a moment she was afraid theyd do nothing, but then the first Worker moved his pawn up to E5. After a moment the other Workers replied with the Sicilian Defense, and then the game was on.

Piece after piece moved with minimal pausing in between. At first Erin was afraid they were recreating her games with Klbkch and Olesm, but the two players were playing their own game. It took her a while to realize they were still playing by Lightning rules. Once shed explained they could take their time, the game slowed.

Erin stared at the two Workers playing each other in complete silence and then looked around at her audience.

Anyone else want to play?


Silence. It was the sound of funerals, and churches, except that it wasnt. Rather, it was the sound you thought should be in such places, but really was more like an ideal goal than the truth.

It was the sound of chess tournaments, though. Erin circulated around the inn, filling plates with dead flies and pouring water (shed run out of blue juice) and felt like she was home as she listened to the click of chess pieces moving, or, more often, the shuffling of dry paper.

Oh. Hows the game going? Anyone want more flies? How about pasta? A cup of juiwater?

Erin passed by each board and watched as Antinium and even Goblins played each other. There were eight boards set up, and the players rotated with each other once someone lost.

Her natural instincts as a chess player warred with her desire to give the new players advice. She compromised by letting Olesm and Klbkch offer commentary, and then dissected games after theyd been played out by recreating them and pointing out good or bad moves.

The Antinium Workers watched Erins every move and listened to her words with frightening attention. Shed heard the word rapt used to describe people, but never had she met a group so completely focused as the Workers. It was frankly unnerving, but her love of explaining chess moves and strategies more than made up for the awkwardness.

That was one thing. But what really amazed Erin and even Olesm and Klbkch were the Goblins. They were playing chess.

Okay, not well, and not quickly, but the Goblins were sitting down and giving each other spirited, if not particularly well thought out games. The exception was the smallest Goblin, Rags, who had actually beaten two of the Antinium Workers back-to-back.

Erin stopped in front of one of the real chess boards as Rags slid into the seat opposite. It was technically Klbkchs turn to play, but the Goblin stared at her. It was an obvious challenge.

Ill play you, if you want. Youre white, so go ahead.

Rags eyed Erin defiantly and moved her knight first. Erin hid a smile.

Oh, the Baltic Opening, huh? Well

She moved a pawn two squares up directly in front of the knight. It was her favorite way to deal with that opening move. Rags frowned, and then moved another piece. And then another. For a while the Goblin looked like a strange, green kid playing chess. That was, until she opened her mouth and Erin saw the sharp teeth. But Rags still looked a lot less threatening than before.

Erin crushed her while she served the last of her pasta to the Goblins and had a bite to eat herself.


The Goblin challenged her three more times while Erin played Olesm and then two of the Workers. Each time she handily lost, but Erin was impressed by the way the small Goblin was willing to try new strategies. She said so.

You guys could learn a lot from her. Most of these moves are actually established patterns. Okay, moving the rook right away wasnt a good choice, but youre better than most beginners.

She smiled at Rags. The Goblin fidgeted in her chair and looked away.

Klbkch nodded, and Olesm expressed an interest playing the Goblin. Erin looked over at the Workers. They were eying her surreptitiously. She had the impression they wanted to play her too.

She clapped her hands together and smiled.

Now then. Anyone else want to play another game?


And thats checkmate.

Olesm looked up from his king and shook his head despairingly.

Another fine game, Erin. I wasnt aware of your trap until you moved your bishop up.

Erin yawned and grinned sleepily at him. Around her the Goblins sat or lay on the tables, sleepily watching the game.

You keep giving away too many pawns. Theyre more valuable than you think.

Olesm bowed his head and nearly toppled over. He jerked upright and nodded at her.

I shall keep it in mind, Erin.

She nodded and yawned again.

Anyone want to play another game? Klbkch?

The ant man shook his head. He glanced towards the door, and at the Workers still playing chess. They were still intensely staring at the paper chess boards without any sign of fatigue.

It is late. I am afraid we must take our leave, MissErin. If I may address you in that way.

Erin blinked at Klbkch and then looked out the window.

Oh, of course you can call me that, Klbkch. And wow, it is late!

She stood up. Immediately, the Workers stopped playing chess and stood too. They bowed to her.

Allow me to thank you and pay you in their place, Erin.

Klbkch handed her a bag of silver and gold coins. Erin blinked down at it.

Oh. Thats a lot.

It is only fair payment for what we have consumed. And, might I trouble you to ask for a container of acid flies? I wish to bring some back to Liscor.

What? Oh, sure. Ive actually got a huge glass jar. Do you want it?


Erin ended up giving Klbkch a huge jar full of acid flies for a gold coin. She felt guilty about it, but the Antinium insisted it was a fair price. He left with Olesm and the Workers in tow, and Erin saw the Goblins off as they slowly streamed out of her inn.

Come again! Ill feed you lot another meal if you come by. You dont need to pay you paid me enough this time. Okay?

The Goblins grunted or waved their hands awkwardly at her. They clutched the paper chess board and pieces to themselves silently. Erin had wanted to give them to the Antinium Workers as well, but Klbkch told her it wasnt a good idea.

The last Goblin, Rags, paused as she walked by Erin. The small Goblin held her hands tightly at her side.


Erin tapped Rags on the head. She held out her hand. Silently, the small Goblin handed her the pawn back as the other Goblins glared at her.

No stealing. Besides, a chess board isnt complete without all the pieces.

Rags eyes lit up. Erin narrowed hers.

That doesnt mean you can steal them either. If you want to play a game, come back any time. Okay?

For a while the little Goblin hesitated, and then nodded. Erin smiled.

Have a good night.

She closed the door. Then she bolted it, and made sure all the windows were fastened tight. She didnt mind the small Goblin, but she was damned if she was going to let it walk off with her chess set.


Um, Senior Guardsman Klbkch? May I have a word?

Klbkch paused as he walked swiftly back to Liscor. He was setting a fast pace, and Olesm was struggling to keep up.

My apologies, Olesm Swifttail. I had forgotten you were with us.

No, its nothing.

Olesm gasped and wheezed as Klbkch slowed. The Workers behind him silently adjusted their pace to give the two room.

I just wanted to talk to youif I may.

Certainly. May I ask if you are addressing your comment to the liaison of the Antinium or Senior Guardsmen Klbkch?

Both, I believe. Um, how shall I put this?

Olesm paused as the two strode through the night. Klbkch waited patiently until the Drake began.

As the [Tactician] who liaisons with the council and other guilds and the guard, I am privy to some confidential information. I am uh, aware of the situation with the Workers within the Antinium.


Olesm glanced nervously behind him at the Workers. They silently stared back at him.

Willwill this be a problem, do you think?

Klbkch hesitated. He looked back and the Workers instantly looked down at the ground.

We shall see. They will be observed as usual and I will personally supervise them.

Ah, good, good. I wouldnt ask, but I know that these kind of things have uh, dire consequences. This isnt an Expedition, but

I understand your concerns. If it helps, I will address this topic in my monthly report to inform you of any significant changes.

Thank you.

I trust you have enjoyed yourself tonight?

Oh, yes. Very. Erinthat is, Miss Erin Solstice is quite a remarkable Human, isnt she?


Quite remarkable.

Her mastery of the game of chess may be unmatched within the continent.



Would you like to play a game after this, by any chance?

It would be my pleasure.


That night Erin slept well. She did not wake up to hear a strange voice telling her shed achieved [Tactician Level 1!]. She did not level up that night. Several Antinium and one Goblin however


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