The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 15: Hot spring

Chapter 15: Hot spring

(Ryoto's pov)

All Sainan High students were ready for this trip. Class 1-A was sitting together in one of the buses. I was sitting by the window, looking outside as we neared our destination. Everyone was excited about this trip as it was almost canceled because of the typhoon.

I was pretending to be asleep the whole way, which was easy considering my eyes were always closed.

We soon arrived at the inn where we'd be staying for the next three days. Inside we were welcomed by a landlady named Takumi. The principal seemed to know her. He rushed towards her with open arms, but he only got a fist to the face. Even though he was punched and bled from the nose, his glasses were still intact, truly impressive.

After a short speech from the principal about seaside summer school making memories etc., he announced that 'dare' would be held tonight.


In the room, our group consisting of Rito, Kenichi Seruyama, Ageru Matome, and myself were discussing what we should do.

Kenichi: " Now, why don't we take a bath?"

Rito: "Good idea."

Kenichi: "The girls are probably taking a bath now, too~."

Rito: "W-what are you talking about?"

Kenichi: "I'm talking about man's dreams, Rito, man's dreams."

Kenichi was holding Rito by his shoulders as he was saying that.

Rito: "Why did you repeat the last part?"

Kenichi: "To empathize it."

Kenichi tried to convince Rito to peek at the girls with him, but I couldn't allow this time.

As I was sitting near the table drinking my tea, I said calmly.

Ryoto: "I advise against it, Kenichi."

Kenichi: "You won't understand the struggle of a single man!"

He retorted back.

Ryoto: "Trust me, I understand, and normally I wouldn't bat an eye at your shenanigans, but Lala will be together with other girls, and I can't let you see her naked. Call me possessive or overprotective, but that's how I feel. And if you don't stop your little plan, I'll stop it."

I tried to stare at him, but it looked strange with my eyes closed.

It became a little awkward, and no one said a word for a while. Rito was the one to break the silence.

Rito: "How about we just go to the hot spring."

Ryoto: "...Sure."


We were walking towards changing room in complete silence. The awkwardness was caused by me. I was never good with human interactions. It was the same in the past but for a different reason. In middle school, it was by choice. Right now, it's unintentional. It can be because I can't deal with perverted people or because they lust over Lala.

As I was deep in my thoughts, I decided to ask Karen something.

'Hey Karen, I always wanted to ask, but who am I really? Am I Ryoto Yuuki with the memories of some guy, or am I some guy with the memories of Ryoto Yuuki?'

Karen: "Is it important?"

'Not really. I'm just curious. It won't change who I am today.'

Karen: "Good, but you're both and neither at the same time."


Karen: "*Sigh* You could say you're a combination of the two with more control of your emotion."

'I see. It's good that you filter my emotion because I would have an existential crisis right now.'

Karen: "Always at your service."


After a while, we finally were in the changing room. We started undressing, and I took off my shirt, revealing my upper body. My roommates looked at me with open mouths.

Kenichi: "Dude, how did you get abs like that?"

Ryoto: "Sit-ups, push-ups, and plenty of juice."

They looked at me strangely, not getting the reference. I shook my head at the witnessed unculture.

(3rd pov)

While the boys were changing on their side, the girls were already in the hot spring. Lala Risa, Mio, and Haruna enjoyed their time in the water.

Mio: "Eh~, you don't know dare is Lala-chii!? Oh yeah, you were born in a foreign country."

Lala: "Yep! What is 'dare' anyway?"

Mio: "Dare is... well, in a nutshell, it's a game where a girl and a boy pair up and walk to the goal on a dark road at night."

Lala: "Eh? Walking at night is so easy."

Mio: "But it doesn't work that way! There will be ghosts that block your way and put-"

Risa: "Curses on you!"

She said as she put her hands before her chest to mimic a ghost.

Risa: "Of course, that will be done by people who play ghosts."

Lala: "I see!"

Mio: "By the way, did you hear about the 'dare' jinx?"

Risa: "Jinx?"

Mio: "Whichever courageous pair makes it to the goal in this seaside summer school's 'dare' will surely become a couple!!"

Risa: "Eh? No way~~~. But in the case of Lala-chii, she already has a boyfriend."

Mio: "That's right, Lala-chii is the one with the most experienced in the relationships department."

The three girls looked at Lala, who started to play with the water flowing out of bamboo with a curious gaze. Mio and Risa shook their heads, seeing that she had the most experience.

Mio: "At what stage do you think they are?"

Risa: "I bet they didn't even kiss."

Mio: "Bold assumption even though we are seeing every day how close Ryoto and Lala-chii are."

Risa: "True, but that's just how Lala is, very clingy but innocent like a child."

Mio: "Ryoto, on the other hand, is a carnivore, and I wouldn't be surprised if they already did it."

Risa: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naive naive, Lala-chii isn't emitting that mature aura that she would if they've already done that."

Mio: "How about bet then. If she didn't kiss Ryoto, then I'll take over your cleaning duties for a week, but if they've done more, you'll take over mine. sounds good?"

Risa: "Deal!"

They shook their hands in agreement and called out for Lala to get their answers.

Haruna: "Maybe we shouldn't do this. It's a private matter after all."

Risa: "Don't worry, Haruna, if she doesn't want to answer, we'll give up."

Mio: "Hey Lala-chii, Ryoto is your boyfriend, right. We were just wondering at what stage are you two at?"

Lala: "Stage?"

Risa: "You know, like, did you kiss. did he see you naked or-"

Before she could finish, Haruna interrupted her. She was too embarrassed by this whole conversation.

Lala: "Ah, so that's what you meant. We did the most intimate thing lovers could do."

She was holding both of her cheeks as she was saying that. Lala wasn't particularly embarrassed by it but remembering that day made her happy and warm.

Risa: "No-"

Mio: "-way."

Haruna was blushing hard when she heard Lala. The other two, on the other hand, wanted to know more. Risa practically forgot about the bet and that she would need to clean the classroom in place of Mio, but before they could get any info from Lala, everyone heard a horrifying scream.

Principal: "AAAAHHH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

He screamed in horror as he ran around. If someone perceptive were to look at him, he would see two small blue circles before his eyes. In the end, he runs into the wall fainting the process.

Mio: "So... what should we do with him?"



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