The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 38:

Chapter 38:

The Children of Meiliu Jienu

(Tn: 美琉姬奴" (mèi liú jǐ nu) is a transliteration of the French name "Melusine". It is the name of a legendary figure who is half-woman and half-serpent. In some stories, she is a benevolent fairy who helps humans, while in others she is a malevolent creature who brings misfortune.)

(For now i Will use Meiliu Jienu than melusine)

"Meiliu Jienu children?" Veronica's face showed some surprise.

"Yes, Meiliu Jienu, an S-class wanted criminal, codenamed 'Ant Queen' by the Inquisition bureau. Meiliu Jienu is her alias in the underworld, and she's been active under this name for nearly twenty years. On the surface, she acts as a middleman for the assassin guilds.

But in reality, all the assassins under her employ are ones she has personally trained since childhood. She considers herself their mother, and they are collectively known as 'Meiliu Jienu children'. Evangeline, the 'Tainted Blood Reaper', is one of them."

Aiden recounted the information related to Evangeline and her connection to the Inquisition bureau from the knowledge he inherited.

"So, this Meiliu Jienu, she adopts orphans and turns them into assassins?" Veronica asked.

"The origin of the children isn't entirely clear. It's possible she adopted them through some channels, or they might have been abducted. There are even rumors suggesting that some of them might be her own offspring.

In any case, she indoctrinates these children from a young age, conducting human experiments to enhance them, personally teaching them the art of killing, and using them as pawns to establish her foothold in the underworld," Aiden explained.

"Are the other children all like Inmate 3201?"

"No, Meiliu Jienu has trained many assassins, but Evangeline is her masterpiece. While the other 'Meiliu Jienu children' who have been apprehended are competent assassins, none come close to Evangeline level of excellence.

According to the alchemists and doctors' estimates, the overall survival rate of the human experiments Evangeline underwent is unlikely to exceed five percent.

It's safe to assume that significant resources were invested in this endeavor. Additionally, by logical deduction, if there were another 'Tainted Blood Reaper', they would have already made a name for themselves in the underworld after Evangeline arrest."

"And such person is still on loose?" Veronica struggled to contain her anger.

"Yes, unfortunately, she's still alive and well. The Inquisition bureau has been unable to gather detailed information about her personally. They can only collect peripheral intelligence through informants," Aiden sighed.

"How is it possible that there's no information at all? If she regards those children as her own and personally raised them, they should know a lot about her," Veronica pondered. "Could it be that Inmate 3201 herself refuses to divulge anything?"

Aiden shook his head. "It's not that she doesn't want to speak, but rather, she can't."

"What do you mean?" Veronica didn't quite understand.

"The Inquisition bureau employs a secret method involving demon contracts. After voluntarily signing such a contract, if the person attempts to disclose classified information to unauthorized individuals, they will immediately suffer harm.

If they try to speak, their tongue will split on the spot. If they attempt to write, their fingers will break. In the most severe cases, it could lead to the signer's heart rupturing. Meiru Princess possesses a similar method, and her techniques are even more sophisticated."

"What kind of technique is that?"

"She uses black magic to block the assassin's memories. If an assassin attempts to confess information related to her, their impression of her will be forgotten— not completely erased, just temporarily forgotten. Have you ever experienced putting something aside, only to completely forget it the next moment?"

"Of course," Veronica admitted without hesitation.

Most people have had similar experiences. Something that just happened becomes a vague memory, and no matter how hard you try, you can't recall it.

"It's similar to that feeling. This black magic erases the impression the caster has in the minds of others. If the person tries to reveal information about the caster, the spell takes effect.

Once it does, the affected person will develop specific memory barriers. They might have a vague impression of the caster, but they simply can't remember it.

Even if the caster stands in front of them again, they wouldn't be able to identify her, unless the caster voluntarily lifts the spell," Aiden explained.

"In that case, the child... she's completely a victim, isn't she?" Veronica lowered her gaze.

Evangeline background was even more tragic than she had imagined.

"A victim... yes, that's an accurate way to put it," Aiden agreed.

Raised as a tool by the assassin organization from birth, forced to undergo human experiments, her body riddled with scars, her emotions and identity had been erased.

Her hands stained with blood, she became the queen of assassins in the underworld only to end up imprisoned. While she still had a life, it had been utterly ruined.

"How was the child's sentence determined?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"The Judgment Hall gave her an indeterminate sentence," Aiden said slowly.

"Indeterminate sentence?"

"That means the Judgment Hall assigned a range of punishment, and then, based on regular observations and reports from the prison, they adjust the convict's sentence within that range when appropriate," Aiden explained to her. "The range given to her by the Judgment Hall starts at eight years, but there's no upper limit."

"So, after eight years, if she behaves well, she might have a chance at parole?"

Aiden remained silent for a long time before speaking again, "Literally, yes, that's what it implies for an ordinary convict.

In reality, it's just a semantic game played by the Judgment Hall. The true intention of the Judgment Hall is to sentence her to life imprisonment."

"What!?" Veronica's eyes widened.

"When she was sentenced, she was too young for the Judgment Hall to directly give her a severe sentence, so they chose this way. In truth, even if she behaves like a model prisoner for eight years without a single mistake, if I were to submit a report proposing her release, it would undoubtedly be rejected,"

Aiden looked into Veronica's eyes and said, "It's almost impossible for her to be released from this prison."

"Why would they do this? She's clearly a victim too..."

"But her level of danger is objectively real. She's a highly skilled assassin, and killing is as natural to her as breathing. Give her a makeshift weapon, and she could potentially take out half of the inmates in the core area.

And she's not even fourteen yet. She still has room to grow, which means her level of danger will only increase," Aiden explained, spreading his hands.

"For someone like her, why would the Judgment Hall be willing to easily release her? She's kept in prison not primarily because she's guilty, but because she's too dangerous."

Veronica was at a loss for a moment.

"I heard you said about being an orphan before, and how you were treated differently because of your lycanthropic bloodline" Aiden continued, folding his arms. "Did you sympathize with her because you thought of your own experiences?"

Veronica didn't respond, she simply lowered her head. Aiden had indeed hit the mark. When she saw Evangeline huddled alone in the corner at noon, it reminded her of herself playing alone in the orphanage, isolated.

"That child is different from you. Despite your difficult upbringing, you still have a chance," Aiden said slowly. "But that child, from the moment she was born, she never had that kind of opportunity."

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