The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 59:

Chapter 59:

Kill Him

"a wise choice you say..." Aiden stared intensely into Dailey eyes, "are you referring to this kind of betrayal?"

"Of course, when there are benefits, I see no reason to refuse it," Dailey elegantly smiled.

"Fool, do you think you still control the situation? The demonic contract you placed on them has been lifted!" Ophelia couldn't hold back any longer and mocking Aiden loudly.

"Lifted?" Aiden pondered for a moment, then widened his eyes as if realizing something.

As he turned slightly, he saw Arsena holding a staff with a long handle pointed at his back.

"That's precisely it," Arsena pushed her glasses.

"I've done a lot of research on non-summoning demonic contracts. You shouldn't be unaware, right?" Meirujinu followed with a smile, "I'm taking my daughter with me, so there's no way I'd allow her life to be held in your hands."

Demonic contracts, as the name suggests, are pacts signed between spellcasters and demons from another world. Sacrificing to gain rewards, it's a convenient method to obtain power, with the only drawback being the hefty cost.

Dailey excelled in summoning contracts, after offering sacrifice, she gains the qualification for summoning and commanding demons.

While Meirujinu specialized in power contracts. after sacrificing, the demons will directly bestowed their powers upon the caster. Abilities like the petrifying claws of the Twin Killer and the shape-shifting prowess of Evangeline were acquired through this method.

Aiden also employed the latter type of contract used against Dailey and the others, but his purpose wasn't to gain power after the contract's completion; rather it was the contract itself.

He set himself as the dominant figure in the contract, with the sacrificed hearts being those of the three prisoners.

Once he activated the contract, Dailey and the others would die instantly due to heart rupture. What Aiden valued was the contract's deterrent effect on the prisoners.

However, now this contract had been lifted by Meirujinu.

"Seems like you've hit a dead end, Warden." Ophelia grinned widely, "Today, I'll personally send you on your way and enjoy the taste of your blood!"

She was ecstatic. she had waited for this day for too long.

She was captured and interrogated by this man, even when she switched prisons, he still haunted her, thwarting her escape plans and relentlessly humiliating her.

What made it worse was that this man was ice-cold and disdainful during her initial capture and interrogation. Yet, after becoming the warden, he transformed as if into a different person, mocking her to the extremeclearly targeting her.

This guy was her jinx, the biggest stain in her eternal life. Not a day went by without her imagining how to sever his throat and drain every drop of his blood.

Aiden leaned on his staff, gazing at Ophelia, "Vampires like you really do linger, huh? Don't you understand the principle that a trapped beast will bite? Even if I can't defeat all of you, I can at least try to send one person on the way. Do you really want to leave with me that badly?"

Despite saying so, Aiden was well aware that with his current strength, forcibly engaging in one-on-one combat or even exchanging blows under siege from several people was nearly impossible.

The previous owner of this body was undeniably an exceptionally talented and powerful individual, proficient in marksmanship, swordsmanship, and black magic. Supported with the cutting-edge equipment from the Inquisition Bureau, he could defeat monsters like Ophelia.

In contrast, Aiden, despite inheriting memories and skills from the previous Aiden, he still lagged far behind in proficiency and experience, even with some practice.

Moreover, having transitioned to the role of a prison warden, his equipment wasn't as advanced, and his combat capability was at most sixty percent of the previous Aiden's.

Dealing with somewhat combat-capable individuals like the bandit Catherine or the pirate Anna was still manageable, but facing criminals of Ophelia's caliber from the Red Alert level was beyond he could handle.

After arriving in this world without any cheat codes or fortuitous encounters, from the perspective of a transmigrator, he indeed fell into the category of being less ambitious.

But even so, he was quite adept at bluffing.

It was a professional habit of hisestablishing authority in front of prisoners, ensuring that at least in terms of presence, he never appeared weak.

As an elite of the Inquisition Bureau, the reputation of the previous Aiden was quite formidable among the inmates. Aiden didn't mind using this reputation to intimidate the prisoners; he wouldn't let go any resources that can be used in the prison.

This time, Ophelia was also somewhat daunted by him.

Seeing Aiden's calm and composed demeanor, his face radiating a "if you want to fight, let's fight" attitude, she couldn't help but tone down her arrogance.

Cautiously, she said to the others, "Just to be safe, let's go together. After killing him, I'll drink his blood!"

However, at that moment, Meirujinu raised her hand. "Let me handle this."

She then gently pushed Evangeline, who had been staring blankly at Aiden in front of her and saying, "Go, Evangeline, kill him."

Her tone was remarkably calm, as if asking for help with cooking, while peeling onions or chopping vegetables.

"Kill..." Evangeline repeated before suddenly realizing, turning to Meirujinu, "Kill him?"

"Let me see if your skills have deteriorated over the years." Meirujinu placed her hand on Evangeline head, repeating the command, "Kill that man, and then we'll go home."

Evangeline looked at Aiden, who maintained a calm expression. "You made a pact with me; you can't randomly kill people. It's a rule, whether it's here or outside."

Evangeline displayed a bewildered expression, vividly recalling the rules Aiden had taught her. In this prison, she survived by adhering to these rules, adapting to them with considerable effort.

However, now her "mother" had suddenly appeared, commanding her to break these rules.

She was trained by Meirujinu since childhood as a killing machine, her thinking had been conditioned to be singular and mechanical.

The machines operate according to set patterns, and she, like a machine, had lived following the rules. In the past, she followed the "mother's" commands, and now she adhered to Aiden's teachings. With conflicting rules to obey, she stopped operating like a machine encountering a logic error.

Seeing Evangeline hesitating, Meirujinu expression darkened.

She had noticed a change in Evangeline from the moment they reunited.

During the two years spent in the prison, it seemed the influence she had imposed on Evangeline mind had significantly diminished.

This was intolerable for Meirujinu. Evangeline was her masterpiece, meticulously crafted by her own hands. She wouldn't allow anyone else to interfere.

Thus, Meirujinu decided to command Evangeline to personally kill Aiden here. It was the best way to wash away the "negative influence" Aiden had left on her.

After all, the Evangeline she had nurtured was born to kill!

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