The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

Chapter 50 The Icy Bitc- Higher-Up

"Cath! Cass!" he hurriedly wrapped his arms around his sisters, enveloping them in a tight protective embrace as the car upfront collided with their sleek Marcedes.

His resilient body hovered above his sister as a deafening crash reverberated through the air. Filling Chris's ears with screeching sounds of metal against metal.

Time seemed to have slowed down as the impact propelled his body forward, jolting him violently. Shards of glass exploded like a crystal rainstorm, shimmering in the sunlight. 

Some of the jagged sharp shards found their way to his defenseless and wide back, piercing him mercilessly and throwing him in the pits of agony as the searing pain in his back reminded him of his mortal vulnerabilities.

His ears rang with a piercing resonance, temporarily disorienting him as his body was briefly suspended in mid-air, defying gravity for a fleeting moment. The world spun around him, a blur of chaos and confusion eating away at him.

Finally the impact settled, gravity doing its wonder and planting Chris's disoriented body on the car's floorings.

Sizzling sounds of engines filled the air as smoke billowed from the engine. His vision blurred by a haze of smoke and dust, as he fought to regain his bearing and picked his body up from the floor, trying to assess the situation.

Cathy and Cassie were the first he turned his head to, sitting on the cushioned seats of the car they had a look of dread and fear painted on their face. They both looked at Chris's hurting and damaged body with a glum and sorrowful look in their eyes.

"Ugh," with a groan of pain, Chris moved his hands, placing it on the seat as he picked his body up from the ground, finally looking through the broken windshield to see the cause of this accident.

The once pristine and sleek Marcedes of theirs was now mangled and contorted in ugly, nearly u

irrepairable angles.

In the front seat of the car, both Max and the driver sat with their faces planted on the plush airbags of the car. Luckily both were alive, with driver in rather bad shape with many small shards of glass sticking to his body.

However, contrary to his expectations of seeing similar view on other side, he was met with mind-boggling and unbelievable scene.

The other car was nearly fine, the cold metallic framework beneath the chasis not allowing any damage to the engine while the tinted bullet proof windshield left intact with not even a crack over its glossy and smooth surface.

This...was the level of car manufactured in C-Grade city...

Chris shook his head, turning to his frightened sisters and smiled, "It's alright, I am fine. Don't worry."

Cathy's eyes leaked some tears, looking at Chris's handsome and dusty face as he gave her a compassionate smile. Cassie had nearly same reaction, however, before they had time to relax and take a breather, a sound pulled their attention.


A loud sound of car's door slamming broke the silent sobs, as Chris turned his head back towards the front to look at the cause of this sound.

He saw a graceful lady, dressed in a long white furry coat that nearly touched the ground. Her long silky silver hairs fell down her shoulders upto her waist like a beautiful waterfall.

Her white skin and the cute porcelain face cuts gave her very cute vibes as she slammed the door shut. Her cute face contorted in rage while her heels scraped against the asphalt road, moving towards Chris's rented car.

"How dare you come into my way?! Get out! You wasted so much time of mine!" contrary to her cute face, her words were rather...bitchy as she kicked at the hissing car, which was already damaged beyond repairs.

'This bitch!' Chris scowled, hearing her bitchy claims and shout was just what he needed after this devastating and dangerous crash. How lovely.

Rolling his eyes, he moved to open the door of his car, alas, the crash took a heavy toll on the Marcedes whose locking systems were no longer functional.

"Hello?? Did you die!? I don't want any useless trouble on my head!" Chris heard her annoying shout again, accompanied by some more clangs and scrapping of metal.

Chris with an annoyed grunt, kicked at the door beside him. Making the door blast open, flying in an arc and landing metres away with the company of sparks and more clanging noises.

Many of residents and civilians around were forming a crowd, their smartphones taken out as they recorded the epic...or rather, tragic accident with full clarity.

Chris ignored the loathsome civilians, focusing on the snow white beauty who looked much prettier in person than looking from afar through the broken windshield.

"You are blaming us? You were driving wrong-side, missy." Chris was not swayed by her beauty, and he glared into her ashen grey eyes with a scoff.

"Hah! Aren't you a cute ignorant peasant. Don't you know the rule, 'Move out of the way when an higher-up passes through'?" the snow white beauty asked with a scoff, looking at Chris's handsome face and his branded decent clothes.

"What rule pfft-" Chris chortled, however his laugh was interrupted by a loud bang that resounded as this time the front gate of Marcedes was blasted away.

Chris and lady turned towards the now open gate, only to find another lean and handsome man climb out of the car. His beautiful and attractive blonde hairs sullened by some patches of crimson blood that dripped from his head.

"Argh that fucking hurts! Who the fuck was that incompetent and dumb driver who don't even know the right side to drive on!" Max grunted in pain, limping his way towards Chris and taking some support to stand.

As obvious, since Max was sitting at front seat, the injuries he suffered were much worse than Chris, even though there was an airbag to reduce the momentum and for protection.

The lady grimaced and glared at Max hatefully, "I was the one driving, bastard!"

Max's eares twitched in delight after hearing a sweet voice filling them up, even though the words were anything but sweet.

"Ah so you were driving," Max smiled at the lady who arrogantly puffed her chest after hearing the change in his tone, "But...does that change anything?" Max tilted his head in confusion.

Still, no matter how horny and playboy. Max was not a simp.

"Pfft hahahhaah, as expected hahahaha," Chris couldn't hold it anymore as he witnessed the change in lady's facial expressions.

"Oh esteemed lady higher-up, please teach that rule to this ignorant friend of mine as well." Chris chuckled sarcastically, patting Max on his shoulders.

"You!!!" the lady shouted in rage, an icy blue, misty aura erupting from her body. Considering that aura was visible, it was plainly obvious that the girl in front of them was a B-Grade awakened...

Chris's arrogant chuckle froze, a pressing feeling developing on his chest as he began to have difficulty in breathing. He felt as if a huge boulder was pressed on his chest, suffocating him without holding back.

He the one who used to show off his aura was now on the recieving end of it. Oh the irony.

Feeling the dire circumstances dawning upon the two, Chris had to take rather extreme measures.

He stretched his hand to the side, using his telekinetic abilities to levitate a sharp shard of glass and then manipulating it to move to the raging icy bitch.

"Wit..hdraw your au..ra..." Chris warned with having trouble speaking, as if to prove his words by actions, the shard of glass moved further. Scratching the smooth neck of icy bitch, drawing little amounts of blood.

Still, the icy bitch ignored his warning. Keeping the pressure still maintained on the two...or rather, she increased the pressure even further!

'Ugh, fuck!' Chris struggled, his control over the shard dwindling, but. He couldn't give up here. Steeling his resolve, he pulled the shard a little behind, changing its aim towards her shoulders.

Then, with a cold glance, Chris accelerated the floating shard. Piercing her shoulder with the big shard of glass, her crimson blood flowing in

However, the pressure still didn't lessen.

The icy bitch yelped in pain that originated from her shoulders, the aura still ever increasing in intensity and suffocating the two without any remorse. Max exerted more force on Chris's shoulders, having trouble standing straight.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pressure was suddenly lifted, freeing Chris from the suffocating feeling.

With hazy eyes and ragged breaths, Chris looked at the icy bitch, whose name he still didn't know of. Her snow white, furry robe was sullen in shades of grey- ahem, I meant crimson- as she glared hatefully at Chris. A big shard of glass sticking out of her shoulder which she unceremoniously and easily plucked away.

"Bastard... don't let me meet you again. I swear you won't like the outcome of it." she glared hatefully and turned around, her hand pressing on her wound as she opened the door to her exotic and still fully functional lambo.

"Pay the damages first, lady higher-up!" Chris shouted loudly, but without even sparing him a glance, she opened the door. 

Her face who Chris never wanted to see again, was hidden by the sturdy and tinted windshield.

' money...'

Chris looked at her zooming racecar in regret...

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