The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

Chapter 59 The Bet And The Game- 2 (Last)

Heaving a deep breath. He looked at the player that was running towards the goal and lob-passed the ball directly to him! 

Alas, he had forgotten one very important rule in soccer. 

As soon as the ball was caught by Chris's team player, a loud siren peeped throughout the arena and the referee quickly ran over… 

He forgot the off-side! 

"Shit! Off-side!" Chris cursed under mocking jeers of Lucky as the referee gave the offense to his team.

The ball went to Lucky's team once again as Lucky's player kicked the ball to another player of his team, rapidly dribbling the ball towards Chris's goalpost.

Lucky's passing, no matter how reckless, Chris must admit that it was really troublesome and overpowered! 

His own dribbling skills in comparison were absolutely shit.

Chris hurriedly intercepted the ball in between, making Lucky give the pass a little behind and break through the defense from the sides. 

Passing the ball to the left wing, Lucky easily dribbled the ball ahead through a single defender, that too which was being played by AI since Chris had already switched with the goalkeeper.

Keeping a close eye on the movements of Lucky's players, Chris swung his head sideways only to see Lucky lobbing the ball towards the center where an already preset character was in a jumping animation. 

His head lashing the ball in front with the aim at the corners of the post. Anyone watching could say that this was a clear header with nearly no chance of getting blocked.

And normally, that would have been the case if… and only if Chris hadn't caught this setting before! He had already caught the sight of Lucky's player running ahead to center. 

He didn't jump as he should have the moment player's head touched the ball.

With the goal net in plain sight, Lucky cheered loudly as the ball began to speed toward the goalpost.

However… suddenly, Chris's hands popped beneath the ball, disturbing its perfect balance and making it narrowly miss the poles, going straight behind the post outside. 


Another whistle of the referee rang and Chris sighed, sucking in a deep breath and looking towards the corner.

As expected, since Chris touched the ball last, Lucky got the corner kick… 

Just like that, the match continued.

And as the match progressed, the huge skill gap between the two participants slowly reduced. And by the time it was half time, Chris had pretty much learned a lot of new cool tricks.

Including some skills that can be pretty helpful when he dribbles the ball alone.

All of Chris's players were a little tired and he himself heaved some deep breaths and closed his eyes to relax his nerves from the continuous and stressful match.

Lucky however, was in a much worse shape. He had used much more of his brain power due to his reckless player switchings and smooth passings.

Which was now taking a toll on his brain. Chris's plan was finally working.

The match resumed after a little drinks break and some light banter where all the classmates cheered for both of them and made some bets on both.

Most of the bets were in favor of Lucky winning… after all, the current score was 3-1. Naturally, Lucky had three points.

Therefore, by the statistics, Lucky had a much better chance to win. 

Layla and Estea had, after a long discussion, ended up betting on Chris's victory, no matter how far-fetched and bullshit it sounded.

Their reason for the bet was simply their hunch and Chris's confidence. 

But, soon, the rest also changed their minds after seeing the match in the second half.

Lucky was no longer capable of shifting his characters as swiftly as earlier and Chris's ever-improving dribbling skills were also beginning to take shape.

And the effect of these changes soon began to show on the points table when Chris made another goal using the same method that was used by Lucky earlier.

Only this time, instead of using the central player to goal, Chris used him as a decoy and ended up taking the shoot from the sides, easily gaining the point since Lucky's full focus was on blocking the central attacker!



Chris's player suddenly stumbled and fell face first as he was dribbling the way through the defenders in central. 


Blinking and slightly muddled from having his vision suddenly experiencing a fall and his controller sticks in his hands vibrated. He heard a loud referee's whistle and laughed loudly hearing that.

"Well played indeed, Lucky, hahahahaha." the time was already running overtime and both the teams were in the dead heat.

And… Lucky ended up doing a foul at such a crucial period! Especially when Chris was already so close to the goal post!

Unluckily, he was a little far from being eligible for taking the penalty kick, but, the free kick when so close to the goal wasn't bad either as he can… 

Chris quickly turned his head to the player who was standing in front of him, deciding to give the short pass to him and then shooting the ball after getting further close to the goal.

Nodding to himself, satisfied by his plan. Chris took a deep breath and focused his gaze towards the player near to him. 

Lucky's body that was currently into the goalkeeper stiffened as he saw Chris taking a small stride to the ball and ready to shoot.

He knew that the logical decision one should do is shoot the ball directly since the gap wasn't a lot and chance of direct goal were lot more than trusting another player to dribble through the defenders and get close before shooting.

But… but… the small and meaningful glance Chris gave to the closer player, with a short nod right now… Lucky couldn't help but doubt the logical reasoning in this situation.

He knew that Chris was good at dribbling, so… 


With a sound of whistle, Chris turned to the player and ran, slowing his player's speed at a later moment to make it easier to pass.

Seeing that, Lucky quickly ditched all the doubts and hurriedly focused onto that little agile player that stood close to the kick taker.

Alas… Chris's plan was obviously just to deceive Lucky! He never planned to take the stupid risk, afterall. Not when a luxurious Horshe was on the line!

His dribbling skills were good, yes. But, he was a human too. He can easily slip or make a mistake too. 

Swinging his body sideways, he quickly kicked the ball directly at the net.

Making it fly towards it over the nervous and astonished gaze of Lucky. He tried to jump and block the unstoppable ball, alas, he had already lost when he fell for Chris's decoy. 

// Peep! Player Christopher Wins! //

The game's screen popped boldly stating Chris's name while the football gently bounced innocently deep into Lucky's goal post.

"Well, well, I guess I won." Chris scoffed loudly as his players did the victory celebration.

However, his mind already too overexerted, he pulled off the helmet instead and took a deep breath while gesturing one of the maids to bring some refreshments.

Lucky was also pulling the helmet off weakly, his face contorted in anger and rage… which only doubled up after seeing Chris's victorious smirk.

"Well played you two! It was an amazing match! Though, why the hell are you two looking so dead? Low stamina, I see." one of the men who had abstained himself from betting at both parties, came and asked with a laugh. 

Lucky and Chris gave each other a look, both looking similarly drained and tired from the stressful match. 

"Why don't you try to play a match, huh?" Lucky glared. 

Seeing the murderous glares of Chris and Lucky, the man quickly stepped back and merged back to the shadows. 

"My car?" after that stupid obstruction was gone, Chris smirked at Lucky. Holding out his hand, while gesturing Lucky to give the car keys. 

"You!!! Bastard, don't get cocky!" Lucky bellowed, his anger and rage clearly apparent on his above-average handsome face.

"I am not getting cocky though. I am just asking for what I won." Chris shrugged carelessly. 

"Ugh, stop it! It was an amazing match, you two!" Layla came in for the save, pushing the two away from tearing each other apart. 

"Yep! Thanks for the free money Chris!" Estea giggled, leaning her seductive hot body on the sofa. 

"Oh? Do I get anything for that?" feeling playful due to the unexpected and awesome victory, Chris playfully leaned his body closer to her and whispered. 

"I-" Estea blushed beet red, having a handsome guy such as Chris flirting openly with her. But before she could flirt back at him, Chris drew back. 

"Just kidding hahaha, you are welcome." Chris chuckled and turned to Layla. "You are welcome too, heh."

"Hehe, you did get us quite a fortune. How about a discount when you buy from my shop?" Layla giggled. 

"Oh~ I can't say no to that one-" Chris smiled and said but then… 

"Play one against me." Sierra suddenly interrupted Chris's words, throwing the whole room into pin-drop silence. 

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