The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

Chapter 70 Note! Beep! And Alerts!

"You are quite talented, how about working for me? I will make you my right hand." 

"..." Chris didn't reject the offer immediately, as he adopted a thinking look, "What about my sister?" 

"She… will as planned, be sold." Vincent smiled.

"Ah, I see."

Chris smiled back as his hands around the gun tightened. After what seemed like an eternity of deathlock between his and Vincent's eyes, he finally raised his gun and shot at Vincent's temple.

"Then… you can die." 

Everyone in the vicinity was caught off guard by this sudden assault and a mass panic spread in the room.

Everyone was caught off guard… everyone but Vincent. He tilted his head sideways as the bullet whizzed by his face narrowly.

Well, the dodge itself was no big deal since it was shot by a pistol from such a far distance. Therefore, Chris wasn't shocked or bewildered by the dodge as he raised his assault rifle and shot again.

But, by now the moment of surprise was gone as the rest guards who still weren't immobilized, began to shoot at Chris, disturbing his assault on Vincent.

'So annoying! Fuck that stupid mission!' Chris cursed in his mind as he reloaded his assault rifle. It was getting harder and harder to immobilize these guards while also holding himself back from killing them.

Also, while the fight Chris also realized one more thing. The guilt. He used to wonder that if he will kill, he will get overwhelmed by the guilt of killing, however, he used many people as his shields and caused many indirectly direct deaths.

Why wasn't he feeling remorse, guilt, or many other weak mortal feelings?

The answer, however, was simple. The memories. 

As it turns out, Alfred's memories had successfully changed Chris in a whole different way than usual.

His thousands of kills had nulled any remorse or guilt that Chris was supposedly bound to feel for any killings.

But, the fight progressed and Chris was soon able to immobilize and knockout many guards while also killing some with his old shielding methods.

During the whole fight, Vincent kept sitting on his throne as he looked at the fight with a look of… amusement. This bastard was feeling amused about several losses of his guards?!

What a crack-head.


"Where is Cathy?" Chris asked for the umpteenth time as he kicked off another guard and kept climbing up the stairs toward Vincent. But as usual, he just got an annoying sweet smile from that despicable bastard. 

"Congratulations on reaching here! You are really worthy to be my right-hand man!" Vincent clapped as he smiled brightly at Chris, making him stop in his tracks sensing an immense aura pressing over him.

"Oh? You are just C-Grade? From your battle, I expected a B-Grade. Well… still much better than Caster." Vincent looked at Chris's staggering feet and sighed, "So, welcome to the group, young man!"

"Bastard… I will join you only if you release Cathy." Chris gritted his teeth as he said.

"What's the guarantee that you will keep your word after I fulfill your wish?"

"Nothing." Chris looked into Vincent's eyes, his own eyes blazing in a fire as he stated simply.

Vincent still kept looking into Chris's eyes, searching for even an ounce of malice, but, he wasn't able to find any as he facepalmed and began to laugh.

"Hahahaha, you are funny, very funny. What's your name."

"Christopher. So, what do you say? Friend or Foe?"

"Friend, of course, hahaha." Vincent laughed, patting Chris on his shoulders as he gestured to one of the relatively healthy guards and whispered something in his hair.

"I told him to bring her." Vincent smiled.

"But… I didn't even tell you what she looks like." Chris flinched as his face swung sideways and a sharp object flew from his sleeves, hitting the running guard in the legs.

"..." Vincent looked at the falling guard as he sighed, "She was brought by Caster. I know what she looks like. This… is your last warning."

Chris gulped down his saliva and nodded.


After what seemed like an eternity, a huge gate opened by the side as a middle-aged man walked out of the door, his hands holding a chain as he pulled along a beautiful young woman.

Her smooth black hairs were messy as her cuffed feet dragged on the floor without any footwear her bloody feet pressing against the floor. Her beautiful red colored dress was covered in mud while her gorgeous face was covered in sweat, grime, and… many tears.

The guard who had dragged Cathy here tugged one last time on the chains as Cathy's thin figure was jerked forward and she fell to her knees.

'Cath…' Chris witnessed the scene standing next to the gloating Vincent who seemed to be enjoying Cathy's sufferings. Just that fact was enough for Chris to burst into anger as his hands suddenly shot sideways and a dagger slipped from his sleeves, stabbing Vincent in the neck.

"Kill her if something happens to me." Vincent didn't even try to defend as he spoke in an even tone, making several guards aim at Cathy simultaneously while Chris's hands froze on the spot, refusing to kill this bastard on the spot.

"Oh? Are you angry? Do you want to kill me?" Vincent in his annoyingly mellow voice, asked as he giggled playfully.

But… Chris just stood helpless as he saw Cathy being kept at gunpoint, completely at Vincent's mercy as all Chris can do was watch.

[ Note: Unstable state of mind detected!

Beep! The host is in an unstable state of mind! 

Malicious intents overloading!

Alert! Calm down your mind host!

Trying to stable the mind!


Beep… all the safety locks are broken… 

Malicious Intents, Checked. 

Bloodlust, Checked. 

Alert! Host's brain is being overtaken by @$#$@# ]

Chris fell on his knees as his mind began to go into a haze, his surroundings felt blurry while the continuous sounds of his system beeped in his mind.

He blinked and tried to massage his eyelids… but, when he opened his eyes… 

Chris lay flat on the shallow waters of his White Haven… which didn't look so White anymore… the White, blue-ish suns were now being colored in a deep red-crimson color as Chris lay helplessly.

The suns began to bleed, shrouding the whole white haven in blood red… as if… it was the Crimson Dawn instead. 

His body was gently embraced by the crimson waters, while his eyes were closed shut. He had no idea what underwent his peaceful domain as he lay in the waters, dreaming of his future life with his sisters, friends, and Aria… 

"Christopher, do you take Arianne as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

"Christopher, do you take Arianne as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

"Christopher, do you take Arianne as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

A dream in his mind kept repeating as he began to submerge into the crimson waters.

His White Haven was nearly completely overtaken while his dream still kept repeating like a broken tape.

"Christopher, do you take Arianne as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

"Christopher, do you take Catherine as your wife?"

"Yes, I- what…?" 

His eyes shot open… Catherine? Who is Catherine? Wasn't he marrying Arianne…? Who is Arianne?

Who is he?


Some bubbles escaped his lips as he choked on his breath, his hands flailing, trying their hardest to pull him out of these murky thick waters… or rather, liquid.

His eyes burned from these suspicious waters while he tried to push himself out of the crimson waters, which were now as thick as blood.

His mind was in disarray as he flailed his hands to pull himself out.

Who was he…? What was going on? Why was he drowning? Why was he here? 

He didn't have any answer to these questions while he swam upwards hurriedly. The shallow waters that barely reached his knees now were a bottomless ocean as no matter how up he swam, he wasn't able to escape.

His lungs began to burn, lack of oxygen suffocating his mind as he desperately tried to swim up against the clutching grasp of the sea.

His eyes which he had barely opened were now beginning to die as he tried to swim as fast as possible. Feeling his thin strand of life snapping.

However when all hope seemed lost… he did it. His hand cut through the viscous surface of bloody water and pushed his body up, finally heaving a breath to relieve his burning chest. 

But… when his eyes opened, his jaws dropped as his body froze in shock.

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